"Quem Ama Não Mata: Brazilian Feminicide and Odara’s Black Feminist Lut" by Jair Oballe

Home Institution

Duke University

Publication Date

Fall 2017

Program Name

Brazil: Social Innovation and Community Development


This Community Development Project paper discusses my work with Odara, a black feminist organization within Salvador, Brazil. There, I spent one month studying different forms of gender-based violence, with a particular focus on feminicide. I also examined state response such as Lei Maria da Penha and Lei do Feminicídio, and how this legislation impacted violence from a qualitative perspective.

My studies are centered around news articles I read on various forms of violence within Bahia, which were then developed into a database that catalogues each incident based on a variety of categories. Additionally, I read a large assortment of books to establish an academic background in black feminist theory and historical violence against women to contextualize my work. I have also included reflections on two interviews of women that have suffered partnerbased violence.

A large portion of my paper contains self-reflections of not just my work within Odara, but living within Salvador as a foreigner from the United States. I assess my privileges within the context of my work and daily life, and how these have shaped and informed my worldviews. Finally, I look towards the future, and how as a man, I can inform and work with other men to end the cycles of violence that have affected our women for far too long.


Community-Based Research | Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence | Family, Life Course, and Society | Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies | Gender and Sexuality | Inequality and Stratification | Latin American Studies | Politics and Social Change | Women's Studies


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