Home Institution

Colgate University

Publication Date

Spring 2018

Program Name

Morocco: Multiculturalism and Human Rights


In order to meet the needs of the rising migrant and refugee population that have made their way to Morocco, numerous associations and non-governmental organizations have filled the gaps left by incomplete legislation and state infrastructure. These organizations provide what is traditionally viewed as humanitarian aid, including emergency medical assistance and shelter, as well as long-term support and advocacy in navigating the legal, education, and healthcare systems of Morocco. My research seeks to understand the ways in which these organizations facilitate the connection between migrants and refugees and the services they themselves provide. I look at the ethical, legislative, and physical barriers Fondation Orient-Occident and Caritas Rabat face in serving the migrant and refugee communities and the ways in which they seek to overcome, or fail to overcome these barriers. I also explore the barriers migrants face in accessing the services provided by these organizations. My research consisted of a thorough review of the pertinent literature and UN reports and interview with employees at each organization.


African Studies | Migration Studies


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