"The Women of Dho Tarap: Gender Roles, Challenges, and Change in Dolpo," by Luke Testa

Home Institution

Saint Anselm College

Publication Date

Spring 2018

Program Name

Nepal: Tibetan and Himalayan Peoples


By collecting and examining first first-hand accounts of women and men from Dho Tarap, this report illustrates the many challenges that women report facing throughout their lives in Dolpo, offers a conceptual framework for understanding the significance of gender, and highlights women’s thoughts on change. The difficulties that women face appear to be due to cultural concepts that suggest that women are less capable than men, social norms that provide various learning and growth opportunities to men but not to women, and customs that result in women experiencing discriminate treatment in the home and community. Through an analysis of the role of gender, it seems that both women and men internalize concepts regarding female inferiority which resultantly hamper women in various aspects of life. Despite this pattern, it appears that the recent introduction of formal education, both in Dho Tarap and Kathmandu, is facilitating shifts in the perspectives of young people and disrupting the cycle of traditions that have governed gender roles for many generations. Although concepts of women’s empowerment are not currently prevalent within Dho Tarap, both young and elder women are hopeful for change in the future as many wish to see improvements in the status of women.


Asian Studies | Community-Based Research | Family, Life Course, and Society | Inequality and Stratification | Women's Studies


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