Home Institution

Davidson College

Publication Date

Fall 2019

Program Name

Tanzania: Wildlife Conservation and Political Ecology


This study examines the e-waste stream in urban Arusha, answer the questions of where electronics go, how people usually dispose of them, if people are aware of the impacts of e-waste, and what next steps are necessary. The study took place in November 2019 in urban Arusha, Tanzania. Through snowball and convenience sampling in 4 quotas (community members, electricians, business members, and a policy maker), the study finds that there is no place for the proper disposal of e-waste in Arusha. Many electronics are disposed of improperly by being put into the landfill or burned. Most participants were unaware of the severity of hazards from e-waste but supported the idea of a facility for its proper disposal if there is financial compensation for bringing devices there. The study concludes that there are gaps in the e-waste stream in Arusha that must be unveiled for the issue to be addressed properly. The study recommends immediate action to raise awareness with education, establish proper facilities for e-waste disposal, and implement policies that prevent the public health hazards posed by e-waste.


African Languages and Societies | African Studies | Environmental Health and Protection | Environmental Policy | Environmental Studies | Place and Environment | Social and Cultural Anthropology | Social Influence and Political Communication | Sustainability | Technology and Innovation


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