"Logistic and Structural Considerations for the Use of Psychological Fi" by Taylor Johnson

Home Institution

Johns Hopkins University

Publication Date

Fall 2019

Program Name

Switzerland: Global Health and Development Policy


Following the IASC recommendations for implementation of psychological first aid (PFA) in 2007, providing PFA in humanitarian emergencies as a method of psychosocial support has become one of the standard interventions in the wake of crises. However, the impact of PFA on future mental health outcomes remains largely unstudied and many structural and logistic factors (e.g. training of PFA providers, reviewing evidence to inform practice, and policy considerations) must be managed in order to ensure appropriate, high-quality PFA in humanitarian emergencies. This research aims to synthesize both primary interview data and the existing literature surrounding PFA in humanitarian emergencies to develop practical training, policy, and research recommendations for the global mental health community moving forward.


Community Psychology | Emergency and Disaster Management | International Humanitarian Law | Mental and Social Health | Peace and Conflict Studies | Politics and Social Change | Psychiatry and Psychology | Social and Cultural Anthropology


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