Home Institution

University of Vermont

Publication Date

Fall 2019

Program Name

Nepal: Development, Gender, and Social Change in the Himalaya


This case study outlines women’s involvement in climate-smart agriculture and key climate adaptation strategies which are being implemented in the town of Kalchebeshi, Nepal. Kalchebeshi is considered a Resilient Mountain Village because of the town’s integrated approach to addressing climate change and building resilience for farmers. Key findings examined gender differences in farming responsibilities and the significance of farmers’ groups in women’s overall decision making and community involvement. Additionally, changes in water management and pesticide use have been shown to have a positive impact on the lives of women farmers in Kalchebeshi. This paper reinforces the importance of involving vulnerable groups of people in the process of implementing climate adaptation and resilience building programs. The case study suggests that climate-smart agriculture can be an effective way of addressing women’s’ vulnerability to climate-change. Data was collected through interviews with women farmers and detailed participant observation.


Agriculture | Asian Studies | Climate | Environmental Studies | Food Security | Human Ecology | Place and Environment | Social and Cultural Anthropology | Sustainability | Women's Studies


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