Home Institution

Columbia University

Publication Date

Spring 2020

Program Name

Argentina: Transnationalism and Comparative Development in South America


Esta investigación propone una lectura detallada y comparativa de varias e-performances creadas por el artista visual uruguayo Ernesto Rizzo y la performer argentina Susy Shock, trazando un corpus de trabajo creado durante la crisis de COVID-19 y compartido en Instagram desde finales de marzo a finales de mayo de 2020. Al centrarse en el giro digital del arte de performance debido a las particularidades de la cuarentena, esta investigación busca distinguir este momento de "e-performance", entendiendo cuáles serán sus ramificaciones para el/la artista y el arte de performance en general. Así, a través de una reflexión teórica sobre el terreno digital, se puede comprender este distinto desplazamiento digital de COVID-19 en tiempo real, proporcionando modestamente una perspectiva inicial sobre los paisajes cambiantes del arte presencial en los primeros meses del distanciamiento social.

This research proposes a detailed and comparative reading of several e-performances created by the Uruguayan visual artist Ernesto Rizzo and the Argentinean performer Susy Shock, tracing a body of work created during the COVID-19 crisis and shared on Instagram from late March to late May 2020. By focusing on the digital turn of performance art due to the particularities of the quarantine, this research seeks to distinguish this moment of "e-performance", understanding what its ramifications will be for the artist and performance art in general. Thus, through a theoretical reflection on the digital terrain, it is possible to understand this digital shift of COVID-19 in real-time, modestly offering an initial perspective on the changing landscapes of presential art in the first months of social distancing.


Art and Design | Communication Technology and New Media | Digital Communications and Networking | Latin American Languages and Societies | Latin American Studies | Performance Studies | Social Media | Virus Diseases


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