"Through the Eyes of Lawyers and Advocates: Navigating the Court System" by Emily Atieh

Home Institution

Brandeis University

Publication Date

Fall 2021

Program Name

Morocco: Multiculturalism and Human Rights


How do Moroccan women impacted by domestic violence navigate criminal legal systems in Morocco? Is the progressive family law present in Morocco due to recent reforms fully implemented in court systems? How can systems be improved to better support women impacted by violence? This study originally sought to answer these questions by surveying lawyers at NGOs in the Rabat area who act as advocates for women impacted by domestic violence. As a result of their expansive knowledge of criminal legal systems and experiences aiding hundreds of women, lawyers are in a unique position to critique the criminal legal system and comment on changes that are needed to make the justice system more accessible to women. This research was cut short as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, so as a result, this paper is limited to a literature review and my intended methodology, which I designed before leaving Morocco. In order to support further reform of family law and criminal legal systems it is imperative that research of this nature continues to be conducted to shed light on how women are affected by these policies in their daily lives.


African Languages and Societies | African Studies | Family Law | Family, Life Course, and Society | Law and Gender | Social Welfare | Women's Studies


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