Home Institution

Swarthmore College

Publication Date

Fall 2022

Program Name

Spain: Policy, Law, and Regional Autonomy in Europe


This research paper looks to find if regions have stronger climate initiatives to reduce more greenhouse gas emissions than their nation states and if so why does this occur. To investigate this, I will use the Basque Country of Spain and Scotland in the United Kingdom (U.K), and study their greenhouse gas emission and renewable energy targets, and their greenhouse gas emission data and renewable energy use. I will then compare the data from the regions to their respective countries and find if they are achieving more or less on these climate initiatives. A majority of this study is based on a review of data, governmental policy and literature review, however interviews from field professionals provided personal accounts on the roles of regions and broader perspectives on climate achievements. This research showed that overall for both regions, they set much more ambitious climate goals and were able to back this up with mostly higher or similar greenhouse gas emission rates and renewable energy use rates.


Climate | Comparative Politics | Energy Policy | Environmental Policy | European Languages and Societies


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