Home Institution

Yale-NUS College

Publication Date

Spring 2023

Program Name

Tanzania-Zanzibar: Coastal Ecology and Natural Resource Management


This study takes a socioecological approach to understanding triggerfish (Balistidae) in Pemba Island, using Misali Island reefs as a sample ecological site. Two reef sites on Misali Island and three of four districts in Pemba were observed during the study. The abundance of Balistipus undulatus at one of two study sites is close to the maximum carrying capacity of the reef. Overall observed biodiversity was low. Behavioural trends point to distinct species specific defence strategies and species aggression taking different forms. Triggerfishes cultural significance was primarily as a food fish, though it is not highly sought after. With polarised responses for both catch and as a food, the fishery pressure on them was assessed to be moderate. Balistidae abundance, especially B. undulatus could be a good reef health and fishery monitoring metric. This study samples triggerfish ecology, finding interactions and samples which produce a holistic idea of triggerfish in Pemba.


African Studies | Biodiversity | Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment | Oceanography | Research Methods in Life Sciences | Zoology


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