Home Institution

Denison University

Publication Date

Spring 2023

Program Name

Ghana: Globalization, Cultural Legacies, and the Afro-Chic


This research investigates the perceptions held by Ghanaian Chrsitians from Pentecostal/Charismatic churches about mental illnesses. The data collected was done through a qualitative method of acquiring information. Interviews were conducted alongside intensive research of existing scholarship that addressed religion and mental health within Ghanaian culture. A total of 5 in depth interviews were carried out with participants ranging from the ages of 20-35. Three participants were current university students at the University of Ghana while the other two were non-students but held degrees. The objective was to make comparisons between the student and non-student groups about their knowledge about mental illnesses within Ghana. However, all participants shared similar ideas regarding mental health perceptions.


African Studies | Christianity | Community Psychology | Mental and Social Health | Psychiatry and Psychology | Secondary Education


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