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Rollins College

Publication Date

Spring 2006

Program Name

Central Europe: Nationalism, Ethnicity, and Culture


The debate on language education is flourishing in the current state of globalization and immigration. The rising amount of globalization has increased the amount of linguistic diversity present in one’s everyday life. There are between 6,000 and 7,000 languages in the world and half of them are in danger of disappearing. Therefore, it is becoming more common for the presence of many different linguistic groups within one country. For instance, in Indonesia, there are over 700 languages spoken. Although, the distribution of languages is not equal, it is nearly impossible to go through life without being exposed to another language and increasingly harder to do on a daily basis. As a result, it is becoming more of a norm that people are becoming bilingual or multilingual because of technical, political, social, and economic reasons.

In order to be considered bilingual, one must be proficient in two languages. This is usually achieved through education. There are many different types of bilingual education that will be defined and later discussed within the context of current research. The research into the achievement of the students in these programs along with global events has formed the policies of nation-states. As a member of the European Union, along with its location in Central Europe, Germany has become a major country of immigration. Within Germany, the unique case of Berlin, a once divided city now merged into one capital city, presents an interesting case study because of their unique education system and goals. Their bilingual education programs include international schools and innovative experimental programs. Berlin is a multilingual city and is now trying to cope with the changes it will need to make in their education system to incorporate the foreign population and immigrants.


Anthropological Linguistics and Sociolinguistics | Demography, Population, and Ecology


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