"Black Morocco On the Margins: A Societal Manifestation of Xenophobia, " by Sydney Coleman

Home Institution

Vanderbilt University

Publication Date

Fall 2023

Program Name

Morocco: Multiculturalism and Human Rights


The intention of this study is to investigate what factors contribute to the marginalization of and discrimination against black sub-Saharan migrants in Morocco. This study includes an examination of the history of Moroccan slavery, the formation of racial and religious dichotomies in the Maghreb, historical and modern-day perceptions of sub-Saharan migrants, and the political and social factors that have influenced changes in migration policy and migration management approaches. The study goes on to analyze the ways in which these components impact how sub-Saharan migrants are contemporarily viewed and actively contribute to the isolation and prejudice experienced by black African migrants in Morocco.


Africana Studies | African Studies | Inequality and Stratification | Migration Studies | Race, Ethnicity and Post-Colonial Studies


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