Home Institution

Washington University in St. Louis

Publication Date

Spring 2023

Program Name

Jordan: Psychology, Well-being, and Mental Health


This research paper aims to explore the factors that affect the sustainability of psychosocial support (PSS) programs provided by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Jordan. NGOs in Jordan are facing a significant issue when it comes to the sustainability of their programs, and they provide crucial programs for refugees and underserviced populations. So, it is crucial to investigate the factors affecting and solutions to sustainability. It is hypothesized that sustainability is a multi- factorial concept, affected by financial, organizational, and environmental factors. It is predicted that NGO characteristics, program effectiveness, and program type can affect sustainability. To combat sustainability issues, it is hypothesized that increasing community awareness to combat stigma can help. This qualitative study consisted of five interviews of varied ages and sex were conducted over the course of one month. Each interviewee works at a different NGO that provides PSS support in Jordan (IMC, SAMS, RI, IFH, and GIZ). They were each asked six questions about the research topics. Content analysis was used to analyze the data from said interviews. The results found that sustainability is affected by lack of funding, organizational collaboration, and environmental (stigma) factors. Plus, the way in which NGOs provide PSS support (direct vs. indirect) and the type of program (PSS vs other programs) changed the factors affecting sustainability. However, NGO size and program effectiveness did not. Community awareness and organizational collaboration can solve some sustainability issues, while funding is an issue that does not have a clear solution. Overall, the study illuminates more nuances associated with factors affecting sustainability; its findings can encourage NGOs to consider factors affecting sustainability more closely in order to improve it. Plus, it suggests the need for more research into how sustainability issues, most significantly lack of funding, can be solved.


Mental and Social Health | Near and Middle Eastern Studies | Organization Development | Psychology | Social Welfare | Sustainability


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