Home Institution

Oberlin College

Publication Date

Spring 2009

Program Name

Indonesia: Balinese Arts & Social Change


Introduction - extract

No place on Bali illustrates the promise and heartbreak of development more clearly than the failed development project on Serangan Island, the location of a halted (if not completely aborted) development project in the 1990s that drastically changed the landscapes and livelihoods on the island in a relatively short span of time. Prior to the development project, most Serangan people made a living from fishing in the ocean surrounding the island, as well as from extracting coral and engaging in the turtle trade. These same people were promised jobs in the resorts that were to be built on the island. But, after development faltered in the 1998 Indonesian crisis, the promised jobs evaporated and the environment was so heavily damaged that people could no longer gain as much income from working with the island’s natural resources, ultimately worsening the quality of life on the island.


Economics | Growth and Development | Natural Resources and Conservation | Tourism


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