"“Mangra”- Exploring the Organization of an Environmental Education Cur" by Abigail Phillips

Home Institution

University of Puget Sound

Publication Date

Fall 2009

Program Name

India: Sustainable Development and Social Change


The rapid growth of urban centers in the last century has resulted in obvious social stratification and neglect of the natural environment. Not only is the gap between rich and poor increasing, but the resources that supply urban consumption and community development are increasingly depleted without due recognition. These issues are successfully addressed in some communities by drawing example from more traditional practices of ecological management, such as water conservation and local food production. Environmental education could be utilized to aid in the relief of social issues and environmental degradation if the curriculum is specialized for each community’s circumstance. Children understanding environmental ideologies and dealing with environmental issues is an integral step towards the future of sustainable development. An education that provides such awareness will lead to the ecological literacy of future generations. India could be the model country for sustainable development if the education system would adopt a clean perspective and encourage young generations to learn about their social, economic and natural environments and apply innovative perspectives to currently developing processes. There is no reason to follow in the industrial development footsteps of current, global economic powers, especially when these powers are proving to be unsustainable. Rather, India should listen to the traditional ecological knowledge and wisdom of its’ people and let these domestic notions guide the socially, economically and ecologically sustainable growth of this developing nation.


Education | Environmental Health and Protection


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