Home Institution

University of Tulsa

Publication Date

Spring 2008

Program Name

Jordan: Modernization and Social Change


Interfaith dialogue has become widely acknowledged as a means to enhance interreligious and intercultural sensitivity, complement state-based diplomatic efforts, and attain sustainable conflict resolution. This study is aimed at examining the potential of Multi-Track Diplomacy, demonstrated through interreligious discourse, to develop interreligious and intercultural sensitivity within the young adult, nonprofessional demographic. The data and analysis is based upon research acquired through interviews with interreligious organizations, religious and academic scholars, and Jordanian citizens in spring 2008; and three interfaith trialogue sessions held April-May, 2008 with participants from the three Abrahamic faith traditions. The analysis indicates that mild tension exists between Christian and Muslim communities, and hostility toward a monolithic Jewish “other” from Arab individuals within the study’s demographic; however, interfaith trialogue as outlined in this study is an effective means to developing both interreligious and intercultural sensitivity.


International Relations | Religion


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