"Midwives, Rain, and Donkey Carts: Factors Affecting Women’s Decisions" by Jessica Preslar

Home Institution

Emory University

Publication Date

Fall 2010

Program Name

Mali: Health, Gender, and Community Empowerment


This study focuses on this complex array of factors that affect women’s decisions or abilities to go to a local clinic, a Centre de Santé Communitaire (CSCOM), to give birth. The influence of money, distance from a CSCOM, and beliefs about the CSCOM and modern medicine are all investigated, as well as an open discussion about the decision and ability surrounding place of delivery.Both qualitative and quantitative data is gathered through interviews regarding these factors to allow for a broad range of data analysis; interviews are used to communicate directly with the women, and to obtain a more thorough understanding of the reasons women themselves report for giving birth at a clinic or at home.


Maternal and Child Health | Public Health


Article Location
