"The Afro-Brazilian University Experience: How Racial Quota Policy Bene" by Vivian O. Ekey

Home Institution

University of Maryland Baltimore

Publication Date

Fall 2010

Program Name

Brazil: Social Justice and Sustainable Development


For my project I will explore the experiences of Afro-Brazilian students enrolled in the Universidade Federal da Bahia through the University’s Resolution 01/04.[1] Through interviews with six students admitted through the quotas system at UFBA along with interviews with civic society leaders, and university advisors, I aim to identify the varying attitudes that these students may have in response to criticisms of racial quotas, the implementation of the quota system on their campus, and their own experiences as quota students. The implementation of affirmative action in Brazilian Universities has sparked serious debate and questioning of racial politics and what many see as the importation of American racial models. One possibility that has not been deeply analyzed, however, is the likelihood that quota students themselves might present valuable input to these debates – especially after entering the university setting, where as quota students their place in the university is disputed. Along with interviews, I will perform field observations following a day in the life of one particular student. I aim to answer the question: What are the attitudes of Afro-Brazilian quota students at UFBA towards criticisms of racial quotas, the implementation of the racial quota system on their campus, and their own experiences as quota students?

[1] UFBA 2011 Vestibular Guide. ISP Field Journal


Disability and Equity in Education | Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Educational Sociology | Education Policy | Inequality and Stratification | Race and Ethnicity


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