Kenya: Islam and Swahili Cultural Identity | Retired Program Collection | SIT Graduate Institute/SIT Study Abroad

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Submissions from 2013


The Adjudication of Kenya’s 2013 Election: Public Perception, Judicial Politics, and Institutional Legitimacy, Charles Herman, Pomona College


Not Your Typical Orphanage: A case study of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust’s Contribution to Aid Kenya’s Elephant Crisis, Sophie Minick, Rice University

Submissions from 2012


Goals, Challenges, and Successes of a Girls Development Organization in Kenya : A Case Study of Moving The Goal Post (Kilifi, Kenya), Madeline Boston, Middlebury College


The Interdependence of Gedi Ruins and the Giriama: A Study of Ancestral Spirits, Jinn, and the Impact of Islam, Tucker Deady, Dickinson College


The Management of Residential Solid Waste in Mombasa, Kenya, Yen Joe Tan

Submissions from 2011


The Development, Use and Cultural Context of M-PESA in Costal Kenya, Micah S. Berman, Pomona College


W[h]ater You Afraid Of? Fears, Myths and Barriers to Swahili Aquatic Culture, Charlotte Jacqueline Mailly, Smith College


Conflicting Perspectives, Contentious Problems A Case Study of Kwale International Sugar Co. Ltd. in Msambweni District, Jayme Tsutsuse, University of Southern California

Submissions from 2010


Between the Lines of Hegemony and Subordination: The Mombasa Kadhi’s Court in Contemporary Kenya, Bailey Funderburk, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Kenya’s Post-Election Violence: Using a Kisii-Luo Case Study for a Critique of Common Thought, Josh Gwin, Hofstra University


Finding the Right Fit: Unique Challenges Faced by Health NGOs in the Health System of Lamu District, Lauren Hartel, University of Denver

Submissions from 2009


Herbs, Qur’an, and Mashetani: Practice, Use, Perception, and Integration of Traditional Medicine in Bodo, Elan Ebeling, University of Oregon


Changing Dress and Changing Perceptions: A Look at Traditional Muslim Dress in a Small Coastal Town, Maggie Gilligan, Kenyon College


Street Culture of Mombasa: Are the Survivors Really Surviving?, Danny Low, Pomona College


Lamu Sensitive Aid: Barriers to Distribution, Acceptance, and Use of Malaria Prevention in Lamu District, Kelan Stoy, University of Denver


Doctors and Imams: Investigating the Integrated Schools of Mombasa, Kenya, Beth Ann Williams, Wake Forest University

Submissions from 2007


Kaya Hip-Hop in Coastal Kenya: The Urban Poetry of UKOO FLANI, Divinity LaShelle Barkley, University of Southern California

Submissions from 2005


Hope: An Ethnography of an Alternative Orphan Care System in Mgange Dawida- Taita; A Case Study of the Isuwirio-Tumaini Self-Help Group, Malaika M. DosRemedios, University of Vermont


The Bond and the Beautiful!, Nicole Rearick, University of Pittsburgh


A Small Town Drug Problem: The Socio-Economy of Malindi’s Heroin-Using Population, Greg St. Arnold, Marquette University


Deaf Culture in Mombasa and HIV/AIDS Education, Krystel Viehmann, Mount Holyoke College