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Submissions from 2015
Bringing Flowers back to the Cité des Fleurs: A Geographical Study of the Sôma Beach Development Project in Mahajanga, Elizabeth Isaac-Herzog, Macalester College
This Is Not About Cows: Historic and Contemporary Challenges to South-Central Madagascar’s Cattle Systems, Dan Myers, University of Denver
Exercising Agency in Medical Decision-Making Processes Conventional and Traditional Medicine -A Case Study of 67ha, Antananarivo-, Sakura Oyama, Washington University in St. Louis
Submissions from 2014
Land Rights Among Subsistence Farmers: An Examination of Madagascar’s Land Reform and Prevailing Systems of Land Tenure in Betafo, Taylor Crowl, Vassar College
Disabled: Watching Stories of the Malagasy Deaf, Nadeen Hamza, Swarthmore College
La Gloire ou la Croix: The Fiangonana Loterana Malagasy, Independent Churches, and Nouvelles Fois in Antsirabe, Alexander Koch, Kenyon College
Submissions from 2013
Everyone Counts : Une Enquête sur le Recensement Général de la Population de Madagascar, Charlotte McDonald, Yale University
Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) in Madagascar: A Case Study of a Neglected Tropical Disease, Sarah Grace Sawyer, George Washington University
Submissions from 2012
Régulations de l’Usage et de la Possession de Terre: Exploration de l'Efficacité des Règles Officielles Concernant la Gestion de Terre et Perceptions des Lois par les Habitants d’Andranomena Dans la Région Menabe, Ben Armstrong, University of Puget Sound
Managing the Family and the Market: A Case Study of Subsistence Farmers’ Local Economic Activities, Erika Roos, Northwestern University
Submissions from 2011
The Impact of QMM on Social Relations in Fort-Dauphin, Christopher B. Collier, University of Georgia
Tafasiry: Theater as a Tool for the Conservation of Malagasy Oral Tales, Cassandra Stroud, Barnard College
Submissions from 2010
Guano Exploitation in Madagascar, Christina Buliga, Smith College
Les Impacts de l’Éco-Tourisme sur la Population de Ranohira: Étude de Cas du Parc National de l’Isalo, Benjamin Cook, Colby College
Malagasy Conceptions of Good Governance and Democracy, Molly Fredrickson, University of Evansville
Submissions from 2008
Le Développement de Perceptions: Une Etude sur les Opinions Concernant les Zones Franches à Madagascar, Victoria Mallett, Guilford College
Romancing Dahalo: The Social Environment of Cattle Theft in Ihorombe, Madagascar, John McNair, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Economics, Epidemics & Eradication: A Case Study of Malaria in Madagascar, Kathleen Minton, Colby College
Submissions from 2007
Songs From Imerina: A Creative Study of the Evolving Craft of Merina Hainteny in Madagascar, Elly Bookman, Colby College
Lambahoany: Une Utile de Communication, Joanna Bresee, Carnegie Mellon University
Environment as Social and Literary Constructs: An Exploration of the Relationship between the Environment and Mahafaly Oral Literature, Eugenie Cha, Bard College
To Live With the Sea: Community-Based Management of Marine Resources in Southwest Madagascar, Hannah Pitt, Northwestern University
Helping Women Help Themselves: Sex Work, Health, and Development in Mahajanga, Madagascar, Rachel Pryzby, Smith College
Submissions from 2006
A Separate World: Conflicts Between Malagasy Society and the Mentally Handicapped, Jesse Travis, Austin College