Home Institution

Elon University

Publication Date

Fall 2018

Program Name

Morocco: Multiculturalism and Human Rights


The purpose of this ISP is to investigate Moroccan perceptions of sub-Saharan members of the Tijaniyya during the completion of their religious pilgrimage to Fes. The relationship between Moroccans andTijani pilgrims is particularly complex as it occurs at an intersection of various identities, most prominently including race, religion, class and nationality. This project focuses on Moroccans who work in the area surrounding the shrine of Ahmed al-Tijani and either market their business towards Tijani pilgrims or frequently serve Tijani pilgrims as customers. In the course of interviews with five Moroccans, three major themes emerged: 1. Condemnation of Tijani religious practice. 2. Warm economic relationships with the Tijaniyya and 3. Racism towards the Tijani manifestedas assumptions about their socio-economic status. This project will also demonstrate the ways in which these themes represent larger discourses within Morocco, especially in regards to race and racism. Finally, this project will offer speculation regarding the reasons why racism does not openly operate in interactions between Moroccans and sub-SaharanTijanis by offering explanations based on their religious and economic connections.


African Languages and Societies | African Studies | Inequality and Stratification | Islamic Studies | Politics and Social Change | Race and Ethnicity | Race, Ethnicity and Post-Colonial Studies | Religion | Social and Cultural Anthropology | Sociology of Religion


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