Publication Date


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)


Community-Oriented Activities in the Teaching of ESL is a selection of projects developed to expand communicative competence among ESL students. Through such experiential learning, in which the students become involved with the target language outside the classroom, the reinforcement of survival skills and an opportunity for actual communication with native speakers are provided.

Each activity is divided into four parts; a description of the objectives; a section on information to collect; a section which gives the student practice in using the language in situations; and follow-up suggestions upon completion of the activity.

Student participation in a variety of social interactions can serve the following purposes: the teaching of American culture; vocabulary building; developing awareness of and familiarity with institutions in the society; practice of structures taught in the classroom; and preparation for dealing with situations the student will encounter daily as a member of a community.


Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education | Curriculum and Instruction | First and Second Language Acquisition
