"Reading Program for the Third Year Medical Undergraduates" by Gabriela Breazu

Publication Date


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)

First Advisor

Elizabeth Tannenbaum


The paper provides an examination of the reading program that was devised for the third year medical undergraduates, at the Department of Modern Languages, at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Luilu Hatieganu", Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The reading program, using authentic medical texts and authentic literary texts, is intended for Romanian medical students in order to develop efficient reading skills. At the same time the program aims at pushing learners into experiencing pleasure and joy in reading interactively, inside and outside the English class and classroom. The chapters of the paper analyze in details the different parts of the program from the teacher's perspective as an observer of the program, which was partially piloted during the previous academic year. Moreover the paper gives the criteria used in the selection of texts. The paper presents the implementation of the Reader Response Theory, using medical and literary texts within the English (EFL) classed for the same group of Romanian students. Furthermore it gives details on the attempt at improving reading speed within the learning/teaching process. The presentation of the Self-Access Center implemented at the department is also dealt with within the present paper. The results are substantiated by classroom observation.


Curriculum and Instruction | Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research
