"A Model of the Process of Change: Model Development and Exploration an" by Tana Ebaugh

Publication Date


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)

First Advisor

Marti Anderson


Change is an intricate and complex process. This paper explores a non-content, non-outcome driven model of the process of change that can be expressed mathematically. It explores the process of change as a means to help raise awareness of change that may lead to intentionality of change, more effective process of change and changer agency over their process. The preeminent component of the process of change is motivation; subsequently the changer’s and teacher’s understandings of those motivations is paramount, for both teaching and curriculum development. Motivation consists of components that interact with each other in quantitative and qualitative ways. The act of making a decision does not equal change, nor does practice of the change; these are only the initial two stages of the process of change. Events that impose sudden or unexpected external change are the equivalent of a moment of change that is disorienting and produces ‘change shock’.



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