Publication Date


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)

First Advisor

Patrick Moran


This is a personal paper in which I address the issue of teacher security in the classroom, specifically, the novice ESL teacher's development of self-confidence in his/her role and skill mastery. The paper is based on my second intern- ship as a teacher of English as a Second Language to Haitian refugees. The paper begins with a discussion of basic assumptions about student security and how teacher security is related to it. It goes on to discuss the process of growth of self­confidence from the first teaching internship to the second, comparing skill mastery in the specific areas of developing a student-centered classroom and working creatively without having a required text to fall back on. The discussion of the creation of a student-centered classroom focuses on theuse of: 1) paired activities, Z)role play, 3) group activities, 4) student self-correction, and 5) student feedback.


Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education | Education
