Publication Date


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)

First Advisor

Jan Gaston


In this project I would like to suggest to the ESL tea­cher some ways of introducing culture into the classroom by discussing holidays. Each holiday is presented with a text followed by a variety of activities designed for students, in or out of the U.S., with a minimum of one hundred and twenty hours of English instruction. Although I have written this project with adult classes in mind, most of the activities can be adapted for children. Judging from my own experience, the size of the class can be anywhere from seven to twenty-two students.

I will cover Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Valentine's Day, with the understanding that the procedures and activi­ ties could be adapted to other holidays the teacher might want to introduce in class.My main hope is that these thoughts and ideas will be useful to other teachers.


Adult and Continuing Education and Teaching | Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education | Curriculum and Instruction
