Publication Date

Spring 4-18-2016

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)

First Advisor

Dr. Susan Barduhn


The aim of this project was to determine whether language tutors at a community college in the U.S. state of Virginia who play an active role in the design and implementation of new assessment strategies will see an increase in awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses and whether this awareness will drive them to change and adapt their learning and tutoring for the better. The author will show that assessment can be used as an avenue for tutors to share strengths with one another through indirect observation in the form of recorded tutoring sessions, qualitative surveys, and informal interviews. The author will begin by describing the assessment strategy that he determined was most effective for evaluating a language tutor's overall knowledge, skills, and performance in the context of a college tutoring center. Through anonymous observations of tutoring sessions, self-reflective surveys, and peer assessments, the author will show how tutors’ awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses was raised and how assessment strategies can be strengthened and further developed as a result of tutors’ feedback.


Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research
