Publication Date


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)

First Advisor

Bonnie Mennell


This paper describes an experiment to implement a lexical approach in the context of a High-intermediate ESL classroom. The vehicle for building students’ lexical awareness was Sustained Authentic Text (SAT). SATs, a term I coined, refers to texts like newspapers, TV programs, etc. covered for a prolonged period—a month or more, as opposed to one-off lessons, or traditional textbooks. The students were young adults studying in a non-credit Intensive English Program (IEP) in San Francisco and the paper focuses on one two-month period during which time the SAT was the TV sitcom, Two and a Half Men. The paper begins by describing the context and explains the reasons for changing my approach to the teaching of the class. This is followed by a brief overview of a lexical approach and the justification, or why I thought it was important for these students to learn lexical chunks. Chapter Three discusses three specific lesson plans that were taught and the final chapter offers an evaluation of the experiment.


Curriculum and Instruction
