Home Institution

Colorado State University

Publication Date

Spring 2015

Program Name

Mongolia: Geopolitics and the Environment


As policy makers transition away from central planning, Mongolia’s natural resource professionals are challenged with cultivating community support for stewardship in a time of escalating ecological disturbance. Nutag Action Research Partners has partnered with community members and government officials in Tunkhel, a small village in north-central Mongolia, to develop local resource management capacity and jointly draft a Conservation Plan for a commonly grazed riparian pasture. This study is a preliminary assessment of the ecological and social factors influencing project implementation. Information was collected using a variety of qualitative methods including meeting observation, surveys, interviews, photographs, and a review of previous studies. Findings indicate that project success is at risk of being hampered by a host of factors including low participation rates, conflicting goals, time constraints, perceptions of resource devaluation, inaccurate ecosystem characterization, and failure of cross-scale collaboration. The case study offers actionable suggestions to mitigate threats to project success.


Asian Studies | Environmental Health and Protection | Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment | Environmental Monitoring | Environmental Sciences | Environmental Studies | Natural Resources and Conservation | Natural Resources Management and Policy | Sustainability


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