"The Global Anxiety Crisis in Teenagers and a Proposed School-Based Pre" by Lia Darling

Home Institution

University of Vermont

Publication Date

Spring 2023

Program Name

Switzerland: Global Health and Development Policy


The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change have significantly influenced teenagers, creating a global anxiety crisis. This paper discusses why and how the pandemic and climate crisis increased anxiety in teenagers and the ways that prevent anxiety disorders like building resilience in children. While there is much literature on the negative effects on mental well-being, few propose solutions. This paper discusses the urgent need for preventative interventions to decrease the risk of developing an anxiety disorder along with proposing a framework for a school-based intervention focusing on building resilience skills in children. The paper used a mix method approach as it used data gathered through quantitative and qualitative research methods. The study includes information collected through interviews and through the analysis of peer-reviewed research journals found using Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, and PubMed. The findings highlight the importance of building resilience skills in children along with examples of how caregivers, communities, and the outdoors can promote and teach them. These strategies were then combined with ideas from the Inner Development Goals framework to create an idea of a school-based preventative intervention. This intervention hopes to decrease anxiety disorders in teenagers by teaching resilience skills and increasing mental well-being in children.


Child Psychology | Health Communication | Mental and Social Health | Psychiatry and Psychology | Secondary Education | Student Counseling and Personnel Services


Article Location
