"(Alte)rnative Realities in Ghana; An Africanfuturist Travelogue into t" by AgasaroKeza Natasha Naomi

Home Institution

Claremont McKenna College

Publication Date

Fall 2023

Program Name

Ghana: Globalization, Cultural Legacies, and the Afro-Chic


In this research paper, I will use Africanfuturism as a lens through which I explore Ghanaian female alte musicians’ contributions to the growing Africanfuturistic imaginaries. Overall, this research aims to contribute to the growing body of knowledge on Ghanaian female Alte musicians and highlight their significance in shaping alternative realities. I will employ a qualitative research methodology, including interviews with two Ghanaian female alte musicians, and content analysis of their music videos, lyrics, and musical productions. By delving into their personal experiences and artistic expressions, the paper seeks to uncover how these artists challenge traditional gender roles, explore cultural identities, and address social issues within the context of Ghanaian society through their musicality.


Africana Studies | African Studies | Communication Technology and New Media | Ethnomusicology | Women's Studies


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