"Independent Study Project: The impact of digitization and payment on C" by Fiona Yohannes

Home Institution

Amherst College

Publication Date

Spring 2024

Program Name

Kenya: Global Health and Human Rights


Community Health Promoters (CHPs) in Kenya are the liaison between the community and higher levels of healthcare. As CHPs’ responsibility in the country has grown, stipends started being distributed, and digitization efforts have begun to support them. This ISP paper aims to investigate how recent digitization and payment of CHPs impact their motivation and effectiveness in a peri-urban community in Kisumu, Kenya. The project includes data analysis on CHP performance data from 2016 to 2021 and analyses of interviews with CHPs and CHAs in April of 2024. It was found that time was positively related to CHP performance. It was also found that CHP motivation and effectiveness were highly impacted by digitization—however, stipends only slightly improved motivation. In regards to digitization, CHPs want more funding to cover smartphone-related expenses (e.g., data bundles and phone repair and replacement) as well as more eCHIS refresher training. In regards to compensation, it was found that CHPs want to be placed on the payroll with a higher salary, but while they are on a stipend, they want a higher stipend that is distributed on time through M-PESA. Furthermore, CHPs want their healthcare insurance paid for and job materials such as gumboots and umbrellas.


African Studies | Community-Based Research | Community Health and Preventive Medicine | Health Economics | Primary Care


Article Location
