"The Material Remains of World War II on Viti Levu: A Historical Archae" by Allison Young

Home Institution

The College of Wooster

Publication Date

Spring 2009

Program Name

Fiji: Multiculturalism and Social Change


World War II was a global conflict that dramatically changed many aspects of society in the late 1940’s. It transformed the landscape of many locations, leaving behind a vast and diverse material record. Although the battles of the conflict never reached Fiji, a British colony in the South Pacific, the war greatly impacted the island group. Fiji was under threat of Japanese invasion for the majority of 1942 and part of 1943, which resulted in a build up of military forces and defensive installations. In the later years, Fiji was used as a forward base for the Allied forces, which resulted in the construction of transportation infrastructure, as well as an influx of Allied troops and supplies coming into the island. This study is a historical archaeological inventory of the significant World War II heritage sites on the main island of Fiji, Viti Levu. The study also discusses how the war impacted Fiji and laid the groundwork for many aspects of modern life in the islands.


Archaeological Anthropology


Article Location
