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Submissions from 2012
“The Invisible Disability:” Perceptions and Potential of Children with Autism in Kisumu, Kenya, Talia Cohen
Assesment of Social and Economic Impacts of Biogas Digesters in Rural Kenya, Alison Hamlin, University of Rochester
Local Perceptions of Population Growth: The Causes and Effects of Local and National Population Changes on the People of Kenya, Taylor Osborne, Gettysburg College
The Social and Economic Impact of MPESA on the Lives of Women in the Fishing Industry on Lake Victoria, Danielle White, Stonehill College
Submissions from 2011
Rising Food Prices in Kenya: How the Government and Its Citizens Are Coping, or Not, Teresa Eilers, Occidental College
Autism in Kenya: A Social, Educational and Political Perspective, Ariana Riccio, Tufts University
Reproductive Health Education in the Kibera Slum: Developing a Slum-Specific Curriculum, Susanna Schneider Banks, Wesleyan University
Faces of Angels: Photography as a Fundraising Tool for AIDS-Affected Children in the Kibera Slums, Sandhira Wijayaratne, Johns Hopkins University
Nairobi Youth Sexual Culture: Gaining Insight on Youth Understandings of Sexuality Through Formal Sexual Health Education and Exposure to Pornography, Amee Wurzburg, Barnard College
Submissions from 2010
Factors That Contribute to the Low Uptake of Skilled Care During Delivery in Malindi, Kenya, Alexandra Carter, Clark University
An Approaching Epidemic: Exploring Diabetes Awareness & Care in Mombasa, Kenya, Benjamin Marhan Dropkin, Hamilton College
Social and Community Media in Poor and Marginalized Urban Communities: A Study of Collective Action in Kiber, John Perkins, Colby College
Cultural Heritage Preservation Meets Modern Port Development: Securing the Integrity and Authenticity of the Lamu Town World Heritage Site in the Face of Current and Future Challenges, Sarah M. Wiggins, Southwestern University
Submissions from 2009
Train Hard, Win Easy: Running on the Periphery in Rural Kenya: The Last Shall Be First, Jordan Apfeld, Brown University
Political Capital and the Project Planning Process: An Action Research Exercise of the Shirazi Community Health Clinic Project, Lindsay Beebe, University of Vermont
Disparities in the System: The Effects of Free Primary Education (FPE) on the Quality of Education in Nairobi’s Public Schools, Adrienne Chuck, Middlebury College
Extending the School Day: The Design, Execution and Steps Towards Sustainability of an After-School Program for Young Girls in Kibera, Rebecca Green, Hamilton College
How to Build a Health Clinic: Disease Burden, Health Seeking Behavior and Clinic Structures in the Kibera Slums, Samuel McGowan, Brown University
Kibera Community Unconscious of the Silent Disease: STI, Sindhya Rajeev, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“But Who Can I Talk to?” Psychological Services for the Parents and Children of APDK, Jessica Steinke, Wesleyan University
Submissions from 2008
Institution Building in the Non-Profit Sector Working as a Fundraising Consultant at a Rehabilitation Center for Children With Disabilities in Lira, Uganda, Crystal Alburger, Beloit College
The Complexity of Re-Evaluating Antiretroviral Therapy Eligibility Guidelines for HIV/AIDS Patients in Uganda, Jennifer Klein, Washington University in St Louis
Submissions from 2006
Loaning Health: The Effectiveness of Microfinance as an HIV/AIDS Intervention Method in Kibera Slums, Lara Berlin, Yale University
The Development of Weaning Practices Among Women of the Mombasa District, Its Effects on Children’s Public Health Issues, and the Proposition of Intervention Plans, Rachael Bryan, Wake Forest University
The Missing Piece: Understanding Nairobi’s Traditional Medical Practitioners, Mufaddal Dahodwala, Swarthmore College
How to Bridge the Gap: An Analysis of the Coverage and Efficacy of Volunteer Counseling and Testing Centers in Suba District, Kenya, Joseph Lippi, Boston University
“Beauty” as a Public Health Concern: An Analysis of the Internalization and Effects of the Western Beauty Ideal in Nairobi, Kenya, Elizabeth Lownik, University of Dayton