Mali: Health, Gender, and Community Empowerment | Retired Program Collection | SIT Graduate Institute/SIT Study Abroad

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Submissions from 2012


An Outline of Contraceptive Use in Mali, Lillie Carlile, Macalester College

Submissions from 2011


Il Faut Manger: A Study of Women’s Body Image and Obesity in Mali, Jennifer Denike, Duke University

Submissions from 2010


The Rice Farmer vs. the Multinational: Mali’s Winding Path Toward Food Sovereignty, Emily Bell, Boston University


Life on the Periphery: The Effects of Urbanization on Health in a Bidonville in Bamako, Mali, Adrienne Epstein dit Raki Bah, Macalester College


Midwives, Rain, and Donkey Carts: Factors Affecting Women’s Decisions to Deliver at Home or at a Clinic in Rural Mali, Jessica Preslar, Emory University


The Kora and Korafolaw: A Treatise on the Musical Instrument and Those Who Play It, William Ridenour, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


75 Hours, 18 Babies, Dozens of Women, and Me: Exploring Gynecological and Obstetrical Care in Bamako, Minnie Yordon, Franklin & Marshall College

Submissions from 2009


Co-Development in Mali: A Case Study of a Development Phenomenon Exploited by Immigration Policy, Diane Galatowitsch, Tulane University


“Voter Sans Voter?”: A Study of Voter Participation in Bamako, Samantha McLean, George Washington University


Mental Health in Mali: An Analysis of the Expression of Major Depressive Disorder Across Different Cultures, Ashley Morris, Emory University


Putting Trees Back in the Hands of Malians: L’Association Malienne Pour La Conservation de la Faune et de L’Environnement and the Balance between Using and Protecting Local Forests, Cara Peterson, niversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Black & Red The Impacts of Development on Culture: A Case study of Dogon People of Sangha, Mali, Kathleen Remington, Middlebury College

Submissions from 2008


Addressing the Crisis of Orphaned and Abandoned Children in Bamako, Jennifer Campbell, Sarah Lawrence College


Reviving Ancient Traditions: A New Approach to the Emancipation of Malian Women, Claire Crowley, University of San Francisco


Obstetric Fistula in Mali, Chandler O’Connell, Harvard University


Urf: Islamic Biomedical Ethics in Rural Mali, Amanda Reider, Pomona College


Factors Related to the Marital Satisfaction of Malian Women in Polygamous Marriages, Lauren E. Troy, Northwestern University