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Submissions from 2024


An Ecological Analysis of the Elevational Gradient Effect on Mushroom Community Diversity near Andasibe, Madagascar, Zoe Garver, Oberlin College


Assessing the Progress and Effects of Exotic Plant Invasions in a Sustainably Used Littoral Forest Fragment in Southeastern Madagascar, Grant Gerhardt, Kenyon College


Feasibility study of coral farming in southwest Madagascar: In-situ and ex-situ approaches, Raquel Reis, Harvard University

Submissions from 2023


Mycorrhizal Fungi and Reforestation in an Eastern Lowland Rainforest of Madagascar, Sophia Gibby, The University of Virginia


Evaluating the On-Site Impacts of the Ambatovy Project through the Lens of Environmental Justice, Nick Karlik, Macalester College


Community participation and perspectives of Ambondrolava mangrove restoration project, Nadine Shannon, Davidson College

Submissions from 2022


The Role of Frugivorous Birds as Seed Dispersers: Feeding Selection and Preference of Madagascar’s Avian Frugivores in Analamazaotra Forest, Thaddeus Bashaw, Wesleyan University


Creating Sustainable Biofuels Using Essential Oil Distillery Leaf Waste Near Vohimana Reserve, Ashley Cohen, Carleton College


A quantitative study of orchids and their proximate environments over an elevational gradient on the Northern slope of Montagne d’Ambre, Hazel Schrader, Hamilton College

Submissions from 2020


Climate Change and Migration in Madagascar: Investigating the impacts on people, ecosystems, and natural resources, Eloise Parish Mueller, University of Oregon


Innovative Protection and Conservation of Coral Reefs in Madagascar, Meghan Parker, Colby College

Submissions from 2019


The House of the Fish: Collaborative Coral Reef Awareness Project on Nosy Be, Meghan Hurley, Colby College


It's Essential: The Ylang-Ylang Trade on Nosy Be, James Sleigh, The University of Vermont

Submissions from 2018


Ethically Sourced Vanilla: Certifications in the production of vanilla in the SAVA Region of Madagascar, Maisie Campbell, Bowdoin College


Interacting with the Trail: A Comprehensive Approach to Developing an Environmental Education Program for Agnolakely Private Nature Reserve, Claire Hamilton, Luther College

Submissions from 2017


Surveying the Distributions of Melaleuca quinquenervia, Psidium cattleianum, and Litsea glutinosa at Analalava Special Reserve, Hanusia Higgins, Washington University in St. Louis


A Study of Reptile Community Diversity Related to Habitat Characteristics at Marojejy National Park, Julia Kowala, The College of Wooster


Herpetoplogical survey across three distinct habitats in Ankarana National Park: Long-term effects of past land use on species composition in and around the park, Julia Park, Colby College


Survey of Invasive Lantana camara at Makirovana-Tsihomanaomby Forest Complex, Eliza Pessereau, Macalester College


Community Management and Governance of COMATSA-Sud New Protected Area (Ambalamanasy II Commune), Allison Tennant, Amherst College

Submissions from 2016


A Study of the Integration of Artificial Insemination into the Dairy Sector of the Alaotra Mangoro Region of Madagascar, Tara Hammonds, Cornell University


Evaluation Des Impacts Sociaux et Ecologiques de la Gestion Communautaire de la Forêt d’Analabe, Nicole Israel-Meyer, Johns Hopkins University


L’insecte Sage in the Age of Global Climate Crisis: A Biocultural and Ontological Study of Vulnerability and Resilience in the Manakara Beekeeping Network, Tamar Law, Cornell University

Submissions from 2015


Bleaching, disease, and colonization: The ecology of coral health in southeastern Nosy Be, Madagascar, Luella Allen-Waller, Swarthmore College


Assessing the Sustainability of Selective Logging in Ankarabolava-Agnakatrika New Protected Area, Eileen Nakahata, College of William and Mary


La santé maternelle à Antsiranana selon la médicine occidentale et la médicine traditionnelle : Une étude des traitements opposés pour les femmes enceintes, Lauren Nguyen, Bowdoin College


Habitat selection, behavior, and natural history of the newly described leaf chameleon Brookesia micra (Reptilia, Squamata, Chamaeleontidae; Glaw, Köhler, Townsend & Vences, 2012) on Nosy Hara, Madagascar, Andrew Villeneuve, Bowdoin College

Submissions from 2014


Comparison of Coral Reef Health: Lokobe National Park and Tanikely National Park, Northwest Madagascar, Kailani Acosta, Brown University


Palm Reading: Predicting the Future of Four Threatened Palm Species at Pointe À Larrée, Eastern Madagascar, Eva Colberg, College of William and Mary


Demographic Survey of the Sohisika (Schizolaena tampoketsana) at Ankafobe, Madagascar, James Lucas, Colby College


The Mechanical and Social Feasibility of Using Biogas to Fuel an Essential Oil Distillation Unit in the Rural Commune of Ankarimbelo, Madagascar, Hannah Nesser, Yale University


Things that go 'Munch' in the Night: Behavior, Range, and Feeding Ecology of a Mother and Offspring Daubentonia Madagascariensis, Inga Roen, Macalester College


Plant Community Structure over an Elevation Gradient in Manongarivo Special Reserve, Madagascar, Scott Sugden, Washington and Lee University

Submissions from 2013


Mapping the Knowledge Economy of Medicinal Plants in Northern Madagascar: Information and Resource Flow in Traditional Health Practices, Chanelle Adams, Brown University


Traditional Healing in Madagascar: A Study of a Tandroy Ombiasa and his Methods of Healing, Haleemah Jackson, Smith College

Submissions from 2012


To Huddle or Not to Huddle: That is the Question. A Brief Study of the Basis for Huddling Behavior in Eulemur rubriventer, Tessa Behnke, Colorado State University


A Survey of the Orchid Diversity (Orchidaceae) in Sainte Luce, Petriky, and Mandena (Southeast Madagascar), Anne Kathleen Johnson, Duke University


A Comparison Study of a Bird Population in Lake Alaotra: The Effects of a Protected Area, Sonya R. Kaufman, Oberlin College


Effect of Light Level on Feeding Behavior in a Lemur Species (Eulemur Rubriventer) With a Color Vision Polymorphism., Ainsley Lockhart, Kenyon College


Fourteen Years of Sustainable Charcoal: The Case of Ankitsakalaninaomby, Dan Raudonis, Skidmore College


A Comparison of Qualitative and Quantitative Ecological Assessment Methods of Mangroves in Southwestern Madagascar, Sondra Winders, Gettysburg College

Submissions from 2011


A Habitat and Abundance Study of Octopus cyanea in Southwest Madagascar, Michael Belazis, University of Colorado At Boulder


Adult Female Activity Time Budgets in Red-Bellied Lemurs (Eulemur Rubriventer) and Infant Survival: Ranomafana National Park, Frances Hardy, Columbia University


Examining Trends in Taste Preferences, Market Demand, and Annual Catch in an Indigenous Marine Turtle Fishery in Southwest Madagascar, Kristin Jones, Washington State University

Submissions from 2010


A Case Study of Appendicitis at Antanimalandy Lutheran Hospital, Jennifer Gemmell, Colby College


Formal Education and the Rural Dwelling Vezo of Ankilibe: A Study of the Relationship Between Daily Life of the Vezo and the Public Education System in Madagascar, Katherine McNeil, Bowdoin College

Submissions from 2009


Effects of Re-Grown Forest Habitat on Lemur Catta Behavior, Sophie Ackoff, Wesleyan University


L’adoption de Bracharia par les Éleveurs Mahafaly : Un Étude du Projet de AVSF Dans la Commune de Betioky, Michelle Fisher, Cornell University


Diagnostique sur la Santé des Récifs Coralliens à Nosy Tanikely et la Baie d’Ambanoro, Chelsea Nahill, Colby College


Spiny Forest Heterogeneity: Implications for Regeneration and its Detection, Catherine Reuter, Macalester College


Creating a Category V: Conservation Perceptions and Cultural Changes in the Anjozorobe-Angavo Forest Corridor, Kate Wright, DePauw University

Submissions from 2008


Ejijiky: Une Etude d’une Petite Communauté au Sud de Madagascar et sa Dépendance sur la Mer, Julia Beaty, Smith College


Mangily : La Vie en Mieux Une Exploration des Effets du Développement et le Tourisme Communautaire sur le Village de Mangily, Madagascar, Breanna Draxler, Gustavus Adolphus College


La Cuisine Renouvelable Une Evaluation de l’Utilisation du Foyer Solaire et de l’Epargne de Combustibles Dans la Région d’Ejeda, Andrew March, University of Colorado at Boulder


Walking Amongst the Sacred Spines: Social and Ecological Investigation of the Fenoaivo and Zanavo Sacred Forests in Southern Madagascar, Laura Miller, Macalester College


The Flavor of Money: The Vanilla Industry and the Economy of Antalaha, Elizabeth Packer, University of California - Los Angeles


Behavioral Disparities Between Two Troops Of Lemur Catta That Occupy Different Habitats, Laura Saucier, Duke University


The Influence of Medicinal Plants on the Spiritism, Religion, and Science of Tulear, Madagascar, Meghan Sweet, George Washington University

Submissions from 2007


Evaluating the Medicinal Properties of Mandravasarotra (Cinnamosa sida) Through Chemical and Pharmacological Screening, Henry J. Bowden Jr., Morehouse College


La Musique Malgache : Moyen de Protection de l’Environnement, Geneviève Pearthree, University of Redlands


The Role of Industrial and Traditional Fishing in Sustainable Resource Management, Aime Schwartz, Colby College

Submissions from 2006


Malaria Prevention and Treatment in the Province of Toliara, Madagascar: A Socioeconomic and Cultural Perspective of Supermoustiquaire Use and Healing, Lily Conover, Bates College


Accès aux Médicaments à Madagascar : L’Etat, La Pharmacie, et L’Usager, Peter Olds, Carleton College


Les Forêts, les Charbonniers, et l’Avenir Une Analyse de la Filière Charbon Dans le District de Fianarantsoa, Bronwen Stanford, Stanford University


Embracing the Demons Within: Spiritual Possession and Mental Health Support in Madagascar, Thomas Cody Swift, University of Puget Sound

Submissions from 2005


The Role of Malagasy Women in Community Development: Analyzing the Potential for the Creation of a Women’s Association for Alternative Livelihoods in Ifaty, Amanda Fencl, Tufts University


Transmission of Environmental and Conservation Knowledge in Andohahela National Park, Mika S. Nagasaki, Brown University


The Effect of Human Predation, Rats and Goats on Small Colonies of Wedge-Tailed Shearwaters (Puffinus pacificus) in Southwest Madagascar, Alexis P. Will, Bucknell University


La Flore Qui A Faim : Une Enquête Chimique, Biologique et Culturelle de la Dimorphisme Rouge/Verte et les Applications Médicinales de Nepenthes madagascariensis, Keirnan Willett, Bowdoin College