The Capstone Paper is written by students in the SIT Graduate Institute Master of Arts degree programs. Capstones reassess theoretical knowledge in light of professional experience in the form of a final research paper, incorporating both classroom knowledge and practicum based experience.

The full-text of papers written prior to July 2011 in the Capstone Collection are limited to SIT and other World Learning faculty, staff, students, and alumni. If you are not affiliated with SIT or World Learning and want access to these papers contact your local library and ask about requesting the hard copy on interlibrary loan. Full-text papers written after July 2011 are openly accessible to the public.

Due to copyright restrictions some papers are not available full-text electronically. World Learning affiliated students and staff can check these papers out of the library or, if you are off-campus, request them via interlibrary loan


Submissions from 2006

Issues and Process in Change Implementation in Ethiopia: Learning from Two Case Studies, Gezaee Assefa

What are the opportunities and obstacles for commercial human powered transportation in modern Western cities?, Felipe Saes Azenha

Analysis of a Volunteer Program at a Federal Agency: Increasing the Volunteer Capacity on the Cleveland National Forest., Carol Baganzi

Keeping your good name : the effects of scaling up on community attitudes towards Nkhotakota AIDS support organization from 1992 to 2005, David Burrows

Integral Human Development: Assessing the Impact of HIV/AIDS on Livelihoods in Rural Malawi, Emily Burrows

Tax justice in Washington state : perspectives from participants in a tax justice campaign an analysis, Heather Carter

Exploring girls' education and Vodoun in Bopa, Benin, Brett L. Cave-Lewis

The silent epidemic : primary school educators and their impact on the incidence of child sexual abuse in Trinidad and Tobago, Kelli Coombs

Field study abroad staff perceptions of the student experience on an island-style study abroad program in London, England : a case study of the Syracuse University London Program, Michele L. Davern

Interfaith Philanthropy: Giving Across Faith in Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, Evelyn L. Davis

Impact analysis of the global village : changing behavior through experiential education, Christian DeVries


The community arts as a community development strategy : a look into community arts festivals, Arlene D. Eidukas

Organizational Growing Pains in Paradise: A Case Study of the Interaction of Japanese Cultural Norms and Founder’s Syndrome in Hawai‘i, Floren Elman-Singh

Businesses for Environmental Responsibility: Morality, Compliance, or Opportunity?, Sara Emerick

From Lottery to Predictability: Prioritizing Humanitarian Assistance Based on Need, Matthew David Emry

In search of a new model on an educative adolescent's rites of passage : a comparative study of adolescents' rites of passage in Kenya and the Vermont Wilderness School in the United States, Protasia C.N. Gathendoh

From the condors : an investigation into Bolivia's role in the exportation of its Altiplano agricultural products to Japan, the United States and Europe, Christina R. Graves

Is contract farming better for Vietnamese farmers that a free market? : a case study in An Giang province, Viet Nam, Tran Minh Hai

Going for the globe : a case study of a multicultural education curriculum for Ebenzer Lutheran Church preschool, Anya C. Hennig

Factors that influence the sustainability of a development project, the case of a bilateral aid project in Vietnam, Mai Thi Kim Hoang

Coming In From the Outside: How College Students From Outside the United States Integrate United States Perceptions of Race and Color into Their Identities, Jhorna Hochstedler

Engaging more undergraduates from underrepresented fields in study abroad : U.K. universities may be an answer, Kristen Kalbrener

Neo Liberal Economic Theory in Underdevelopment: Trade Liberalization in Uganda, Eve Kyomya

Values integration in the workplace : the office of Hawaiian affairs, Carolina Lam

Competitive success for foreign entrepreneurs in Nicaragua, Melissa B. Lombardo

If rituals go wrong : understanding the female Somali refugee experience in health clinics in Portland, Oregon, Kari Lyons

Employee Engagement and Retention: Practical Lessons for the Public Sector, Nate Martinez-Wayman

Benefits and challenges to small scale farmers in conversion from their chemical and pesticide dependence to organic agriculture in Northeast Thailand, Poonsombat Namla

Localization of international NGOs : potential advantages and disadvantages, Aly Ndione

Exploring food choice from a resource framework : Vermont community food shelter, Rebecca S. Neubert

Flowers In The Grass: A Snapshot Of Chinese College Students And A Teacher’s Research In China From 2001-2002, Esteban Nicolas Olivares

Effective Internet Enrollment Strategies For Small Holistic Schools, Nathan Patmor

Volunteer engagement : a case study of Peace Corps-Macedonia's recruitment and site placement organizational practices, Maria Elena Perez

The community arts as a community development strategy : a look into community arts festivals, Arlene Davida Reid

Experience to action : a case study of a development education experience in Zambia, Dana Reiter

Factors that promote positive collaborations between faith-based and community-based organizations (a look at rural Franklin County, Massachusetts), Maria Tarajano Rodman

Household Labor: An Essential but Overlooked Livelihood in Sri Lanka, Paul Russell

Reverse transfer trends among international students at North Lake College and their implications for the students and the college, Leena Shrestha

The impact of online volunteer referral services on volunteer recruiting for nonprofit organizations, Yuichi Somemori


The Implications of the Israeli Disengagement Plan on Economic Recovery in the Gaza Strip, Linda Wafi

She Grew Up on a Farm: Southeast Minnesota Farm Women Tell of their Work on the Farm, their Roles in Society and their Thoughts of the Future of Farming in the United States, Heidi Em Wagner

Speaking Power To Power: Maximizing Diversity And Creating Effective Social Justice NGOs In The Era Of Globalization, Ka Hsaw Wa

Learner accountability in adult basic education : Hmong refugee use of database technology, Jennifer Claire Weaverling


Un/safe Sex Practice in Sri Lanka: Level of Knowledge and Awareness in Two Categories of Sex Practices in Sri Lanka, Amila Wijegunaratne

Changes and challenges : the impact of the urban economic transformation on the rural communities in South India (on the example of Bangalore, Karnataka), Olga Zhuykova

Submissions from 2005

Up Against a Wall: Woman Farmers in Jayous, Waleed Alkhalili

The role of civil society in poverty reduction strategies : (case study of Ghana), Maxwell Kofi Amo-Hoyte

NGOs as Amicus Curiae: Can they Influence the Outcome of International Litigation and if so, in What Ways?, Olga Amsheeva

Social Networking Process in Adjusting to Life in the United States: A Case Study on the Journey of the International Students at the University Of Missouri - Kansas City, Ousmane Bah

Teaching intercultural communication in Ukraine : a case study, Jamie Hoag Barnett

Teaching Intercultural Communication in Ukraine: A Case Study, Jamie Hoag Barnett


Cultural adjustment issues of Mauritanian immigrants in Columbus and Cincinnati Ohio, Amadou Birane Baro

An evaluation of the effectiveness of church sponsorship of refugee resettlement programs in Moline, Illinois, Rachel Bationo

Compassionate listening as an educational approach for intercultural understanding : a field test of the application of compassionate listening with US high school and university students in South and Southeast Asia, John Calogero

The design of a service-learning program that incorporates a field research component, Kimberly M. Coyne

Prisoners speak! : exploring theater as a tool for personal and social transformation, Craig C. Cullinane

It's my move : studying the effectiveness of the National Conference for Community and Justice's It's Your Move for Middle School Program, Jessica Daigler

Strategic management of the U.S. Global Food for Education (GFE) Program in Brazzaville, Congo : a case study of an IPHD-sponsored project, Sibiri Marc Dao

The importance of personalized student support services in graduate-level programs : a case study of a managerially-run, international graduate program, Elizabeth Dixon

Socially conscious young adults in the Northeast, social change and opera : harmony or dissonance?, Jessica Doerr

"We're not supposed to know about these things" : South African adolescent boys on gender, sex and violence, Rachel Elfenbein

Reparations for Victims of Political Violence: The Case of Peru, Carla Fajardo

Perceptions of a proposed land exchange between a national wildlife refuge and an Alaska Native corporation : interviews with Alaska natives and non-natives, Aurora M. Fernandez

Member driven organizations : growth and retention, Kathleen E. Goodspeed

Vermont Reparative Probation: An Evaluative Case Study of a Restorative Justice Model, Lana Gorman

Making a Difference while Making Money: Building a Balanced Social Enterprise at World Learning For Business, Karin Yixuan Guan

"Feasibility of service-learning in Azerbaijan" case study : the service-learning garden project by the Mingachevir community, Venera Gurbanova

Spirituality and service learning in US higher education : three exploratory portraits and questions for future research, Marcie M. Haeg

Volunteerism Redefined: Ethno-cultural Perspectives of Ethiopian, Oromo and Russian-Speaking Individuals on Community-Building and Volunteerism in Portland, Oregon, U.S.A., Parisa Haj-Ali-Akbari

Motivation, values, & influence : the study abroad dilemma, Ann Marie Harr

Participatory Pedagogy & Practice in Adult ESOL Literacy: A Needs Assessment of the Somali Bantu Refugees Resettled in Boston 2003-2005, Jason David Hatfield

Music piracy in Africa and its implications for economic development, Richard Y. Homawoo

Authority to Broadcast: A Case Study of how the Members of Radio Free Brattleboro Managed the Crisis of a FCC Intervention, Daryl Edward Horney

Creating successful volunteer partnerships between business and nonprofit organizations, Kelly Megan Huber

Intercultural marriage : influences on traditions, customs and celebrations, Julie Burke Ide

Toward implementation of multicultural education : a case study on multicultural competencies of university students in Northern Japan, Sonoyo Ishikawa

Converting to Islam : the effects on Hispanic/Latino cultural identity, Taneeza Shirin Islam

The role of corporate social responsibility reporting initiatives in mission driven organizations, Rebecca J. Jestice

Business-social sector collaboration : motivations and patterns shaping corporate social initiatives in Latvia, Tija Laura Karklis

African immigrant children in America's heartland : the role of identity development in academic achievement, Corin Kaye

The Relationship between International Students’ Stereotypes of Americans and Cultural Adjustment, Beth Eda Korman

A collective case study of Central American ICT handicraft organizations, Melanie Lansing

What characteristics make up an effective board of a grassroots organization?, Maria Laura Larquier

A model of aftercare for female juveniles, Vivian Y. Lee

Expert advice : a study on the role of foreign development practitioners who work in Cambodian government institutions, Peter T. Leth

Literacy for poverty alleviation and social change : an assessment of Proliteracy Worldwide's program in China, He Lianggang

Belize post-independence : a study of decolonization, Kristina Ljungberg

The use of theater-based training to promote change in a diverse workforce : a case study, Charmaign Lomastro

Shifting concepts and experiences of power of undocumented migrant women domestic workers, Anna Liza Magno

Experiential learning at sea, Orville E. Mooney

Acquiring Land and Sense of Self for Campesinos in the Context of the 1996 Guatemalan Peace Accords, Mark Morton

How can Social Entrepreneurs Effectively Employ Performance Measurement Strategies to Achieve Both Greater Programmatic Impact and Organizational Success?, Debra Brodsky Natenshon

Return Migration and Brain Drain: The Ghanaian Student’s Experience, Akosua Akuffo Nyako

Human resource management of foreign service nationals, Scott Alan Paul

The benefits and challenges of self-assessment at Friends World program : a case study, Desha Peacock

Sustained problems : impact of returnees on public services in Basrah, Iraq, Josef Pfattner

Stakeholder relations in serving children with HIV/AIDS in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Trang Thi Thu Pham

Strengthening the Collective Voice: Palestinian Woman NGO Leaders, Sandra Rasheed

Personal Narratives as a Peacebuilding Tool: A Study of Djerbien Jewish and Muslim Co-existence, Aida Robana

Forest certification of non-industrial private forest landowners : perceptions in the forest products industry, John Nicholas Safay