The Capstone Paper is written by students in the SIT Graduate Institute Master of Arts degree programs. Capstones reassess theoretical knowledge in light of professional experience in the form of a final research paper, incorporating both classroom knowledge and practicum based experience.

The full-text of papers written prior to July 2011 in the Capstone Collection are limited to SIT and other World Learning faculty, staff, students, and alumni. If you are not affiliated with SIT or World Learning and want access to these papers contact your local library and ask about requesting the hard copy on interlibrary loan. Full-text papers written after July 2011 are openly accessible to the public.

Due to copyright restrictions some papers are not available full-text electronically. World Learning affiliated students and staff can check these papers out of the library or, if you are off-campus, request them via interlibrary loan


Submissions from 2003

The Causes of Entrepreneurial Success in BRAC Micro – finance Program, Ahmed Khalid Hyder

The impact of IES students on Japanese host families : Japanese host families' intercultural development, Yumiko Ikeda

How do artists relate to emotional stress and what relevance does that have for those using art in the intercultural field?, Quinton L. Jackson

Bilingual first-generation Chinese immigrants' use of ethnic Chinese media in the United Sates, Joy Yi Jia

Using relations between Japanese and Korean international students in U.S. universities as a model for international peace building, Manami Kaneko

Vipassana meditation : its role in prison reform and reintegration of prisoners in society, Akanksa Kela

Intercultural learning in the liberal arts : the role of multicultural and international educators, Kathleen S. Knaul

The Somaliland Experiment: Issues of Identity and Recognition for a Nation, Erica Krug

A study of the affect of tax policies towards environmental NGOs in China, Hanying Li

Mindful mediation : a comparative study on the stages of mindfulness and the role of the mediator, Katherine Limon

How to effectively develop the market for Chinese films in the U.S., Hangyu Liu

Subsidizing peace : a study of funders and CR success, Brooke Elizabeth Loder

Some obstacles to the implementation of effective curriculum for the instruction and practice of commercialization for the Mayan Kekchi´ of rural Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, Imani Lucas

A review of current research on the health risks and safety of genetically engineered foods, Kathryn Madigan

Egoistic, Altruistic, or Pacifistic: Volunteers' Motivations to Serve, Jennifer McGowan

The Relationship Between Activism and Collective Living at the Colibri Urban Housing Collective, Inc., Carrie Miller

Identifying the Resistance to Counseling Problem Gamblers in the State of Vermont, Joy K. Mitchell

Effects of the Maquila Industry on Nogales, Sonora, Andrea Muilenburg

Orphans in Cambodia: A Case Study of Families of Children in a Public Orphanage, Misaka Nakajima

Assessing Institutional Capacity: The Case of Fundacion Cristo Redentor, Robert B. Natiello


The Role of the Project Diacom in Reconciliation in Bosnia, Vahidin Omanovic

Youth Employment A Model of Sustainable Development, Kim Outten

The Effects of Culture on Virtual Teams, Elizabeth Persico

Women Students of Color in Higher Education: The Journey of Racial and Ethnic Identity, Sheila Placido

Pedagogy for the Oppressed: A Preliminary Study of Education Programs for Incarcerated Youth, Lotta Rao

An Exploration of Factors Influencing the Success of International Students’ Practicum/Job Searches in the United States, Aya Saiki

The Reconciliation Process Between Japan and the Republic of Korea, Akiko Sakaedani

Multiculturism in Elementary Schools: Making the case for introducing multicultural education to the youngest of our youth, Mitzi Sanchez

Improving the Hiring of National Staff in High Management Positions in Humanitarian Operations, John Sauer

Is Spiritual Development Acceptable Development: A Case Study of the Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement in Sri Lanka, Nathan Shulkin

Public Statements Following 9/11: Making the Case for an NGO Mission in a Politically Divisive Context, Shannon Simrell

The role of emigrants in Cabo Verde's development process, Ana Lisa S. Sliva

Institutionalizing and financing global public goods : practice and possibilities, Bridget Leigh Snell

Fair trade : a better model for north-south economic cooperation, Douglas L. Snyder

The perception of the first-generation and new-generation Amerasians on the factors that help and hinder their integration into mainstream Korean society, Gae Hee Song

Evaluating Indigenous Resource Use in the Kanuku Mountains, Susan Stone

Class in the classroom : high school student discourse in the context of a six-week curricular unit on class issues and the evolution of students' perspectives on class, David J. Stucker

The decline of handicraft production since 1970 in Nigeria, Rebecca J. Talaga

Commercializing coffee : small scale cooperatives in Chiapas, Mexico and their struggle for survival, Christopher J. Treter

Indigenous Conflict Resolution Practices Among the Kpelle People of Bong County, Liberia, West Africa, S. Tornorlah S. Varpilah

NGO capacity-building in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lillian C. Wahl

The education and liberation of the poor in community organizing : the personal growth and transformation of leaders in the Anti-Displacement Project (A-DP), Lindsey Walker-Estrada

Re-establishing family structures affected by HIV/AIDS : is there hope? Zimbabwe case study, Catharine M. Wilkins

Key competencies of youth empowerment through issue-oriented theater (IOT), Shinobu Yagi

How does family assist in cross-cultural adaptations?, Sara Young-Singh

Submissions from 2002

Colour, culture and identity : a case study of Somali youth in their adaptation and integration process in the greater Toronto area, Zuber Ali

Giving patterns of Filipino evangelicals and their implications for developing fund raising strategies of evangelical-based non-governmental organizations, Lucy V. Arboleda

Brief historical overview of the Palestinian issue and the context of Palestinian medical professionals in Lebanon, Maha M. Ayoub

The practice of community building at SIT : how they support the educational goals of students, Edeluisa M. Baguio-Larena

Investing in social capital to achieve effective partnerships : a study in Malawi, Steven J. Baines

Building a Sustainable Community Economy via Energy Efficiency, Awareness, and the Use of Alternative Technology and Ideas, Thomas Gerard Barwick

Incorporating Disability into the International Development Curriculum: Exploring Students’ Exposure to Disability in International Development Studies, Katherine Beck

Proper management of an AIDS service organization in Zimbabwe : making caring for carers a priority, Chiara Bistarelli

Extranjera artists as catalysts for social change : Chiapas, Mexico, Amy Dickinson Broberg

Internationalizing curriculum in rural Wisconsin : challenges and strengths, Denise Buckbee

International service-learning and community involvement for U.S. institutions of higher education, Denise Cope

The relationship between the unresolved grief of five adolescents at the Academy at Swift River and their internationally mobile lifestyles, Kim Davidson

Botswana and the HIV/AIDS Epidemic, Chele DeGruccio

Root Causes of Negative Attitudes Formed by Expatriate English Instructors toward their Japanese Managers and How Relationships between the Two Might Be Improved, Joseph Robert Donaldson


A just workplace and living wage for the lowest paid staff of Catholic Relief Services/Cameroon, Samantha Ellis

A just workplace and living wage for the lowest paid staff of Catholic Relief Services/Cameroon, Samantha Ellis

Professional development abroad at Red Rocks Community College, Elizabeth S. Fanton

Can Arable Land Be Increased and Sustained in the Highlands of South Arabia through the Rehabilitation of Abandoned Agricultural Terraces?: A Yemen Case Study, Kyle Foster

Attitude toward German Prisoner of War Camps in America, Leston M.J. Freeman

Institute for International Sport : an empowerment approach, Katie Gilbertson

Polly-Shomaj : problems in mobilizing public local resources and overcoming steps, an in-depth look, Md. Hamiduzzaman

An Evaluation of NGO-Government Relationships in Bangladesh, M. Mossaber Hossain

Simulations : more than just a game?, Catherine A, Huber

Let’s! Tokyo A Look at Western Expatriate Success and Post-Arrival Trainings in Tokyo, Meriah Hudson

The cultural adjustment process of Bosnian refugees, Sharon Alice Kennedy

The Creation of Hybrid Delivery Courses at the School for International Training: A Case Study of the Organizational Management Intensive Residence and Online Courses, Laura C. Klimpel

The impact of culture on the Art & Soul experience : expressive arts in a multicultural environment, Susan Kohm

Temporary Land Retirement as an Agri-Environmental Policy Tool, Cara Laubach

Host culture perception of a study abroad program and its impact on the community, Julie Levy

The role of non-governmental organizations in the election-monitoring process, Soraja Lofstrom

How to gain entry into the DC Latino community : a gap analysis of the cultural styles of the National Chapter of the American Red Cross and the DC Latino community, Laura Louise Luce

Race, gender and the African American women's study abroad experience in Spain, Khadijah Luqman

The new Spanish-speaking workforce : employers' experiences in Memphis, Shelby Howell Mallory

Violent images in a fragile place, Peter S. May

African-American leadership in the Episcopal diocese of western North Carolina, Sarah Toy McArdle

Exploring the impact of international faculty development seminars on teaching, Tjede Merlini McVey

A situation analysis of orphanages & residential institutions for the developmentally disabled community in Armenia, Nicholas McVoy

The Al-Aqsa Intifada : the implications for the Oslo peace process and grassroots peace-building intervention, Danielle Helene Meshorer

Study abroad and development : the effect of U.S. study abroad programs on participants' development perspectives, Kimberly M. Miller

How to Fulbright scholars measure mutual understanding?, Tracy Morrison

Climate change policymaking in Romania : where to begin?, Krista Muddle

Values and beliefs of Romanian NGO staff as compared to values and beliefs they attribute to Americans, Pamela Jean Niesl

The dynamics and transformation of cultural difference between U.S. American and Japanese workers in the bicultural environment : how cultural orientation impacts on identity, Yasue Nishinaka

Factors influencing University of North Dakota students not to study abroad, Daniel T. O'Brien

Micro-finance in Kenya : is micro-finance in Kenya a tool for social change?, Joyce Omondi

Using the experiential learning cyle in the context of international adoption, Rachel Payne

Working with the Enemy: When Members of a Staff Were Once on Opposite Sides of a War, what Tools can the Manager Employ to Diminish Animosity and Create an Effective Work Environment?, Patricia Persad

Working children unite : measuring the effects of Bhima Sangha through the eyes of its child members, Eli Pollard

The Future of Karen Education after Repatriation: (A Burmese Ethnic Minority’s Hope for Education after Repatriation), Kelle Marin Rivers

The significance of storytelling in primary schools in Cambodia : setting goals for the next five-year plan, Kamakura Sachiko

Gender In Development – How Peace Corps Incorporates Gender into its Planning Process for Project Identification in West Africa., Idrissa Sall

YouthBuild participants and international service-learning : PILLARS, the Program for International Leadership, Learning, Action, Reflection and Service, Eric Scott

A Truth and Reconciliation Committee for Rwanda, Joseph K. Sebarenzi

Southeast Asian women, migration, and HIV vulnerability, Angelika Siaw

Adjustment challenges in Thai students' lives while doing graduate study in the United States of America, Sojirat Singholka