The Capstone Paper is written by students in the SIT Graduate Institute Master of Arts degree programs. Capstones reassess theoretical knowledge in light of professional experience in the form of a final research paper, incorporating both classroom knowledge and practicum based experience.

The full-text of papers written prior to July 2011 in the Capstone Collection are limited to SIT and other World Learning faculty, staff, students, and alumni. If you are not affiliated with SIT or World Learning and want access to these papers contact your local library and ask about requesting the hard copy on interlibrary loan. Full-text papers written after July 2011 are openly accessible to the public.

Due to copyright restrictions some papers are not available full-text electronically. World Learning affiliated students and staff can check these papers out of the library or, if you are off-campus, request them via interlibrary loan


Submissions from 2002

A Case Study of Organizational Communication in a Multicultural US Corporation and Its Effect on the Bottom Line, Lori Sloate

Guatemalan teacher empowerment : reaching further than the classroom, Matthew Solomon

The impact of culture on management practices : a comparative study of Brazil and Argentina, Joia Fontenele Souza

Gender sensitivity and PROSHIKA, Jashim Uddin

Impacts on participants of an island study abroad program in London, England, Paige M. Weting

Submissions from 2001

“Disadvantaged” Youth in AmeriCorps: Building the Ethic of Service, Kiarash Afcari

Study Abroad and Education Majors: A Vital Connection, Mary Lynn Allen

School for International Training Global Partnership: Assessment of the Performance of Legal Aid Clinics of BRAC: An In-Depth Look, Kamrul Aman

How to Keep Your Immigrant Employees? The Case of the Russian-Speaking Immigrants at C&S Wholesale Grocers, Vasyl Y. Ananyev

International Students and Internationalization: Interactions between International and U.S. Students at Duke University, Jessica Anduiza

NGO perceptions and attitudes toward donor assistance to the civil society sector in Bulgaria, Mila Arabajieva

Forgiveness : its role in the healing and reconciliation process between Eritrea and Ethiopia, Abeba Tesfagiorgis Baatai

Two Buttocks Cannot Avoid Friction: Supporting Cultural Projects from Outside: A Model for Interaction, Jocelyn Banyard

The case of Mercy Corps in Bosnia : lessons learned from a merger, Sibley A. Barnes

From campesinos to campuses : transforming education into action, Rebecca Bell

The process towards change : factors that influence personal development in study abroad participants, Douglas Bowman

The Deconstruction of Deafness as a Disability, Debby Buchan

Village-based service delivery in Quinhagak, Alaska : a case study, Anthony Caole

Where There Is No Banker: Importing Foreign-born Grassroots Financial Service Models to the United States, Valerie Carey

Employee retention : utilization of employee's international experience, Sterling Cassel

A Closer Look at the Well-being of International Field Staff, Paula V. Castillo

Managers’ Perceptions of the Globalization of Cendant Mobility and of the Development of the Global Mindset of its Employees, Natalie Chantigny

Garnett Ridge Family Support Center: a case study in sustainability of university-community partnerships, Rebecca S. Cheney

Determining training needs at the Peace Corps Training Center, Carlos A. Colombi

Corporate Constraints on Social Responsibility, Meghan L. Connolly

A Latina Group-Lending Model, Gretchen L. Dhooge

Agricultural biotechnology in Burundi : opportunities and risks for small farmers, Souleymane Diallo

Inner change translating into outer change within a meditation center, Daniel Dodd

Corporate “Guilt Money” and the Environment – Who Really Bears the Guilt?, Shawn Fitzgibbons

Beyond contact : young people and dialogue in Northern Ireland, Maria French

Examining the Maternal and Child Health Care Services in Rural Nepal, Kunchok Gyaltsen

Vipassana meditation : its role in acculturation, Hye-sun Hong

Disability and Handicap Issues: Effectiveness of Training Support to Rehabilitation Workers of Community Development Organizations, Sazzad Hossain

United Nations Volunteer Program in Kosovo: UN-Professional?, Gordon Kindlon

Organizational stages and conflict in the administration of Adult Basic Education in Windham County of Vermont, Paula Landers


Destination anywhere? : the relationship between racial identity attitudes and study abroad choices in students of African descent, Colleen P. Larson

The Intercultural Effectiveness of Bilingual Students, Bou Lim

Russian Entrepreneurs in the USA: Community Connections Program’s Effect on Social and Economic Values of the Participants, Igor Malanchuk

An exploration of why consumers purchase eco-labeled products : a survey of coffee consumers in the Pioneer Valley of Western Massachusetts, Niranjan Mal

Different approaches to group dialogue : an exploratory study of the inter-relatedness of analogous types of planned collective dialogue processes, Michael McKennett

Perceptions of Race in a Small Town: An Exploration of Ethnic-Relations in Brattleboro, Vermont, Robin Elizabeth Mitchell

An inquiry into Latino identity development, Carolyn J. Morales

Evaluation of orientation of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Internship Program, Elizabeth Cavert Morrison

An exploration into the skills and competencies of the Experiment in International Living Summer Abroad group leader, Spencer Moser

Virginia Wesleyan's Puebla Exchange Program : how does it measure up?, Patrick Murphrey

Attitudes toward leadership development among at-risk girls in the 7th-8th grades, Noel Normington

Listening for a Change: A Case Study of Non-violent Land Reform and Black Farmer Empowerment in South Africa, Christine Marie Piontek

Humor in the workplace, Laura Frances Potter

A re-entry shock orientation design for Japanese students at the Boston Institute of Intercultural Communication, Randal Potter

Behind the numbers : a case study of an Iraian Baha´'i family and the Refugee Assistance Program of Seattle, Jessica Ravetz

Creating Dangerously: A Conversation with Artist-Educators about Teaching in Diverse Settings, Julia Reid

Head Start in the twenty-first century : diversified models to meet the cultural needs of the population served, Kathryn Reynolds

Organizational Change in a Community College: Enhancing and Inhibiting Factors, Lisa Robertson

Using the Appreciative Inquiry Approach for Capacity-Building of Community Partners, Maria Luz C. Roncesvalles

Women's empowerment through income generation activities : search for solutions based on Bangladesh and Nepal experience, Iizuka Ryoko

Promoting self-reliant community organizations at village level : perception of the members and the field level facilitators, Shayamal Kumar Saha

Socio-economic status and faith-based community organizing : the relationship between class and member participation in People Acting for Community Together (PACT), Andrew C. Schoeneman

Increasing volunteer satisfaction in a volunteer organization : a study of the National Capital Chapter, American Red Cross Washington D.C., Kerry Elizabeth Secrest

Nonprofit assessments : the organizational assessment process in small nonprofit organizations in the United States, Teva Sienicki

Japanese education and learning disabilities, Jeff Singhal

Differing goals for study abroad at two-year and four-year institutions : the case of public colleges and universities in Minnesota, Sarah E. Smith

The small training department : how is an employee-driven department formed in a time of urgent need?, Tamara Stenn de Choque

Psychological Health and Japanese Students, Kumi Tanabe

The Role of Heritage-Seeking in Study Abroad, Giancarlo Taylor

Grant writing experience impacts nonprofit sector of La Plata County, Colorado, USA, Rachel Taylor-Saghie

The Fort Worth, Texas-Nagaoka, Japan sister city relationship : a look at how effective citizen-to-citizen exchanges have been in peace building between the U.S. and Japan in the post World War II era, Clifford R. Thompson

Making sense of organizational learning : an analysis of World Learning's organizational learning system, Roberto Vale

Internships as parts of study abroad programs : potentials and pitfalls, Ruth Verweijen

Defamation law and the study abroad professional, Jennifer J. Viale

Assessment of vocational training needs for animal husbandry in Qinghai Province of China, Haiyuan Wu

Strategic planning and strategy formation : a case study of Asociacio´n Femenina Q'eqchi, Jessica Yarrow

Women members in the local government (Union Parishad) : constraints and prospects, Elina Zubaidy

Submissions from 2000

Is it possible for the developing countries to have real influence in the international system's decision-making process?, Mamzelle V.S. Adolphine

Accion Contra el Hambre and conflict transformation : a case study in the Abkhaz-Georgian conflict, Carlos Afonso

Inclusion of male volunteers in "for-girl" youth organizations : a comparative study of the Girl Scout Organization and the YMCA's Indian Princess Program, Caryn Suzette Charpier

Toward ally behavior : issues in training foreign student advisors to respond to international student experiences of racism, Daphne Durham

Tourism or unique learning opportunity? : issues in short-term study abroad programs, Corrine M. Henke

North Korea : drawing the line with humanitarian aid, Deborah Ann Hopper

An integrated health care program with traditional and modern medicine : the case of Bapagram, India, Shihoko Ito

Whose cultural value counts? : cultural adaptation for staff training of Cambodian NGO workers, Shunsuke Kurihara

English language imperialism : a conversation with 5 Japanese English speakers, Katura Kyrod

Exploring the possible relationship between body image and self-esteem in refugee women, Nicholle Lavallee

Are Duke University students familiar with the multiculturalism movement?, Thomas Lavenir

Peace and conflict resolution curriculum : testimonies from teachers, Kari Lenhart

Food vs. aid : undertaking sustainable development in Africa, Nicole Lescarbeau


A new facet of Thailand's education system, Lynn Losert

The consortium model in study abroad : an evolutionary perspective, Marla McLeod

What is really being done? : maximizing the success of women on overseas assignments, Saskia M. Meckman

Hunger relief in times of crisis : the challenges of emergency food programs responding to disaster, food for work in Hondurus and the Dominican Republic, Corey P. Michaud

The role of education in the construction of a post-apartheid South Africa, Kinuko Mitani

A comprehensive study of costs associated with establishing satellite production of the clean home delivery kit in Nepal, Jonathan Murray

In search of a possible alternative approach to rural development : the case of the Sarvodaya Shamadana Movement in Sri Lanka, Mizuho Nakanishi

Working with children for health : identifying the constraints of the Child-to-Child Program in rural Nepal, Asuka Naya

Education abroad : you can get there from here, Erin L. Nicolls

Japanese women, graduate level studies, and professional goals, Nancy O'Brien

Working toward sustainability : a people-centered approach, Mary A. Ostergren Hollensteiner

Building nonviolent intercultural peace teams, Jan Passion

Why do charities need or choose to change their visual identities?, Sarah Picarle

Silent Cooperation? :an examination of the LTTE's use of child soldiers in Sri Lanka and the international community's response, Julie Polk

Culture shock, why people experience problems in cultural adjustment : can the theory of cognitive dissonance be used as an explanation?, Elana Danielle Rabinowitz