The ISP, or Independent Study Project, is written by students from the undergraduate programs of SIT Study Abroad and relates to a program theme. Using primary sources students choose topics with a manageable focus that can be carried out in a variety of settings, such as schools, nongovernmental organizations or field research stations. During the independent study period students work closely with a project advisor and other key contacts in the field. The ISP is typically a 20- to 40-page paper presented to student colleagues, the academic director and, often, the advisor and other interested host-country individuals.

Copyright permissions have been obtained by all contributors to this collection.


Submissions from 2011


Mecanismos de la Participación Política El Movimiento Para Reformar el Sistema de la Licencia Postnatal en Chile, Lucas Hernández, Rollins College


Zenga Zenga, Tente Tente: Can Tunisian Humanitarian Efforts Save and Preserve the Ideals of the Revolution?, Ava Hess, Columbia University


Conciencia Social en Granada: Los Éxitos y las Dificultades - Raising Social Consciousness in Granada: Successes and Difficulties, Heidi Hong, Scripps College


We Are What We Eat: A Sherpa Cookbook, Renee Horen, University of Richmond


Bai and Bilingual: Improving Academic Achievement Through Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Priscilla Hsu, Claremont McKenna College


The Hands Behind the Handicraft: How “Fair” is Fair Trade?, Carly Hubbard, Point Loma Nazarene University


ODUVEK (Since the Beginning): Roma Narratives of Continuous Discrimination and Perspectives on Identity, Marginalization, and Assimilation in Niš, Serbia, Erin Humphries, Washington University in St. Louis


La Educación Intercultural Bilingüe en Cusco: Un Análisis Crítico del Discurso de Algunos Sectores Involucrados con su Implementación, Maggie Hutchison, Macalester College


The Different Perceptions of Breast Cancer in Post-Conflict Northern Uganda, Karen Im, Emory University


De la Fragmentación a la Unidad: Familias Transnacionales Cochabambinas y las Relaciones a Larga Distancia a Consecuencia de la Migración a los Estados Unidos, Maya Jacob, Brandeis University


Duality in Bouazizi: Appraising the Contradiction, Alec Jacobson, Amherst College


L@s Desaparecid@s No Desaparecen: Testimonios de Familias Desgarradas, Sara Jacobs, American University


Morality, Mathematics, & Music Class: A Case Study of a First Grade Vietnamese Classroom, Emma James, Bowdoin College


Departing From “Education”: Finding Autonomous Learning The Ability for Knowledge that Gives Itself, Matthew Jernigan, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Entre Fronteras Historias Personales de Migración en el Austro de Ecuador, Hannah Johnson


Examining Trends in Taste Preferences, Market Demand, and Annual Catch in an Indigenous Marine Turtle Fishery in Southwest Madagascar, Kristin Jones, Washington State University


Western Influence, Latent Racism, and Their Impact on Access to Health Care in Madagascar, Jessica Joy, Muhlenberg College


Yak, a Green Icon and a Good Investment, Caroline Kang, Smith College


Migration, Vulnerability and Xenophobia: Central African Refugee and Asylum Seekers’ Access to Health Services in Durban, South Africa, Cathy Kaplan, George Washington University


¿Cómo Ganó Piñera la Presidencia de Chile? El Caido de la Concertación y la Subida de la Coalición por el Cambio, Emma Kaplan, Macalester College


La Calidad y Accesibilidad del Agua Potable Rural Chile: Arica – Parinacota, Eileen Kapples, Georgetown University


¿Por qué Participan? Las Motivaciones de Participación de los Miembros de la Corriente Classista Combativa en la Matanza Why Participate? The Motivation to Participate for the Members of the Corriente Classista Combativa in La Matanza., Googie Karrass, Vassar College


Análisis de Heces del Tapir Andino, Tapirus Pinchaque (Roulin, 1829), en la Comunidad de Oyacachi, Parque Nacional Cayambe-Coca, Ecuador: Un Estudio Realizado en la Comunidad de Oyacachi, Ecuador Analizando el Contenido de las Heces del Tapir Andino y Registrando Proporciones de Fibras, Hojas, Tallos, o Semillas en su Dieta, Para Verificar su Función de Dispersor de Semillas en su Hábitat., Katlyn M. Keane, St. Michael's College


Sem Terrinhas No More: The Place of Second Generation MST Settlers in the Agrarian Reform Movement Sem Terrinhas Não Mais: A Posição da Segunda Geração dos Assentados do MST no Movimento de Reforma Agrária, Lorraine Keeler, University of Pittsburgh


La Pobreza Móvil de los Migrantes Shipibo-Conibo: Una Investigación de la Influencia de la Migración en la Cosmovisión Shipibo-Conibo de Canta Gallo-Rímac, Lima, Lauren Kennedy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Rise of the Veil: Islamic Modernity and the Hui Woman, Zainab Khalid, Mount Holyoke College


Las Negociaciones Entre las Comunidades Nativas Machiguengas y la Industria Extractiva Dentro del Proyecto Camisea: Asesorando los Roles de y las Interacciones Entre los Actores, Julia Kim, Brown University


The Economy of Success: Learners’ Attitudes and Behaviors Toward Peer Success and Their Repercussions at Amatigulu High School, Jocelyn Kopfman, The College of Wooster


The Revolutionary Art: Street Art Before and After the Tunisian Revolution, Nicholas Korody, Vassar College


Living for Two: Experiencing Alzheimer’s Disease Through the Caregiver, Jacob Kramer, Johns Hopkins University


“La Percepción Social de VIH/SIDA en Chile y sus Efectos”, Philip Krause, Tulane University


A Case Study of Health Interventions and the Caste System: Addressing the Social Determinants of Health Through Development at Crhp Jamkhed, Laura Kroart, Tufts University


Endangered Heritage and Emergent Ogogo: A Case Study of the “Ulwazi Programme”, Emily Kwong, Columbia University


Reflexiones Sobre la Tristeza y la Preocupación en las Personas Aymara de Putre, Chile, Jordana Laks, Tufts University


Homelessness: A New Culture of Poverty in the Streets of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Lindsay Lanteri, University of Pittsburgh


Like Crazy: A Writer’s Search for Information and Inspiration, Sarah Lawrence, Muhlenberg College


Seawalls in Samoa: A Look at Their Environmental, Social and Economic Implications, Sawyer Lawson, Bates College


Food Is Life: The Impact of a Changing Food Industry on the Role of Women in the Home, Diana Lay, Whitman College


Mapping Agroforestry Design in Project Tipitamba: The Influence of Spacing on Tree Growth, Joseph Lee, University of California, Los Angeles


Experiencing Samoa Through Stories: Myths and Legends of a People and Place, Samantha Lichtenberg, Skidmore College


A Berber in Agadir: Exploring the Urban/Rural Shift in Amazigh Identity, Thiago Lima, Tufts University


Hacia la Educación Intercultural: Una Investigación Sobre Discursos de Diferencia Cultural en Escuelas de Santiago y las Implicancias Para una Comunidad y Sociedad Diversa, Clara Lippert, Earlham College


Presence of the Dingo (Canis lupus dingo) on Risk Sensitive Foraging of Small Mammals in Forest Ecosystems, Amanda Lu, Harvard University


No Me Conoces: Integración Social de Refugiados Colombianos en Quito, Anna Luberoff, Smith College


A New Face in the Crowd: An Examination on the Social Integration of Children With Disabilities, Christen Maguire, The College of Wooster


W[h]ater You Afraid Of? Fears, Myths and Barriers to Swahili Aquatic Culture, Charlotte Jacqueline Mailly, Smith College


Exploring Marine Conservation Efforts in Tasmania: An Internship With Ocean Planet, Lauren Markram, Skidmore University


When Mountain Bellies Grow Round: Localized Knowledge and Behaviors Facilitating Pregnancy and Childbirth in Phaphlu, Nepal, Cailin Marsden, Marlboro College


Derechos Humanos y la Manera de Defenderlos - Human Rights and the Manner of Defending Them, Savannah Martínez, Trinity University


Medical Pluralism in Morocco: The Cultural, Religious, Historical and Political-Economic Determinants of Health and Choice., Tyler Martinson, Macalester College


“Necesitamos Amar la Autonomía”: Los Retos Que Enfrenta el Desarrollo Autonómico de la Raas, Joshua L. Mayer, Amherst College


Social Support for Young Carers An Analysis of the Available Social Support for Children Caring for AIDS-Sick and Other-Sick Caregivers in Emoyeni, South Africa., Flannery McArdle, Carleton College


Redefinir “Desarrollo Sustentable”: El Caso de un Grande Proyecto Hidroeléctrico, Keely McCaskie, University of Pittsburgh


Public Perceptions of Corruption in Tanzania: How Does the Corruption Perceived by a Sample of People in Arusha, Tanzania Compare to Tanzania’s Transparency International CPI Rating of 3.2 and What Does It Mean for Tanzania?, Kelly L. McDonnell, Skidmore College


Biogas Technology on Uzi Island, Zanzibar: A Feasibility Study, Peter J. McInerney, Skidmore College


Made in Oman: Promoting Manufacturing and Export in the Sultanate of Oman, Tyler Philip Eldridge McWilliam, Loyola University Chicago


“Jamás Será Vencido:” Un Estudio de Caso de la Producción de Deporte y Capital Social del Club Deportivo Unión Jiménez en Valparaíso, Kevin Mechenbier, Harvard University


“ Gimme SAMOA That!”: The Changing Diet in Samoa, Dana Melby, University of Colorado at Boulder


Still Separate and Still Unequal: Community Relations’ Policy in Post-Conflict Northern Ireland, Wilma Metcalf, Duke University


The Benefits of Having an Integrated Health Care System in Madagascar, Elizabeth Miller, University of Iowa


La Reproducción de Desigualdad de Género en los Liceos, Rebecca R. Miller, Brandeis University


Veterinary Issues and Livestock Development in Zanzibar: Farmer Practices and Attitudes, Shuana Milne-Price, Washington University in St. Louis


Sherpa Inc. The Cultural Commoditization of the Sherpa Identity, Melissa Mittelman, Middlebury College


Portraits of the Land: Environmentalism and Contemporary Art in Mongolia, Sarah Morgan


Highlife in the Ghanaian Music Scene: A Historical and Socio-Political Perspective, Micah Motenko, The College of Wooster


El Agua o el Oro: La Lucha por Quimsacocha, Laura Moulton, Macalester College


Let's Talk About It: Political Relationships in Nepal, Benjamin Wolf Lehr Mueser, Goucher College


Women’s Organizations in Tunisia: Transforming Feminist Discourse in a Transitioning State, Caitlin Mulrine, Denison University


Relative Democracy: Rwandan Perspectives on Representative Government, Gabriel C.J.M. Nahmias, Emory University


Employing Empowerment: Developing the Discourse for Women’s Empowerment in Uttarakhand, India, Harriet Napier, Middlebury College


White Water Rafting and Its Role in Entrepreneurship at Bujagali Falls, Alex Nelson, University of Denver


The Cultural Legacy of the Williamite History in the Context of Northern Ireland, John William Nelson, Villanova University


Community Empowerment Through Youth Employment: A Comparative Study of Social Programs for Youth Job Creation, Stacey Nelson, University of Florida


A Field Study of Consociationalism in the Northern Ireland Assembly: A Moderating Influence or Threat to Democracy?, Ellen Louise Noble, Macalester College


Jordan’s Mental Healthcare System, Katherine Nolan, Wellesley College


The Continuously Changing Self: The Story of Surinamese Creole Migration to the Netherlands, Jenise Ogle, Harvard University


The Solid Waste Management System of Jaipur: An Overview and Analysis, Laura Olivier, Washington University in St. Louis


Pragmatism and Inescapable Truth: Young Mongolians’ Perceptions of Chinese, Caroline Olsen, Colorado College


Animal Enrichment Strategies for Promoting Natural Behaviors in Captive Populations of Tasmanian Devils (Sarcophilus harrisii), Tierney O’Neal, Franklin & Marshall College


“El Tema no Existe”: La Salud Sexual Lésbica en Valparaíso, Chile, Isabel Osgood-Roach, Occidental College


Dipo and Other Rites of Passage in Odumase Krobo, Cam Ostrow, Colby College


The Tourists and the Toured: Identity in Greenmarket Square, Sophia Perlman, Middlebury College


The Successes and Shortcomings of Participatory Slum-Upgrading in Villa 31, Jacob Perten, Washington University in St. Louis


A Foreigner’s Gaze on the Micro-Culture of the Car-Rapide—Senegalese Values vs. Monetary Lust, Merrill Pierce, University of Denver


Street Food Policy in a Growing Economy: A Case Study of Street Food Vendors in Hanoi’s Old Quarter, Alexandra J. Pill, Emory University


"Après Dieu, c’est l’Artisan": A Study of Bamikéké Woodcarving in Dschang, Cameroon, Rebecca Potts, Pomona College


Pulling the Cash From Cashmere: Reviving Nepal's Pashmina, Corinne Prevot, Middlebury College


From Pasture to Plate: A Study of the Rituals, Ecology and Economics of Sheep in the Context of Aid Al Adha in Morocco, Carrisa Sue Pritchard, University of Denver


Media in Sāmoa: Journalists‟ Realities, Regional Initiatives, and Visions for the Future, Leslie Pyne, Wesleyan College


Wood Usage in Rural Tanzania: An Investigation Into the Sources and Accessibility of Fuelwood and Polewood for the Residents of Kizanda Village, West Usambara Mountains, James Ray, University of Puget Sound


Puerto Disperso: La Existencia o No de la Comunidad y el Espacio No-Heteronormativa en Valparaíso, Chile, Rebecca Raymond-Kolker, Smith College


Reproductive Realities: Fulani Women & Contraception, Corrina Regnier, Vassar College


Autism in Kenya: A Social, Educational and Political Perspective, Ariana Riccio, Tufts University


A National Symbol or a National Frustration: Academic, Artistic, and Political Perspectives of the African Renaissance Monument, Justin Wayne Ritter, University of Denver


Effectively Filling Gaps in Care: A Comparative Study of Models of Government Partnerships with Community Health Organizations in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Madeline Ross, Tulane University


The Crisis of Unity in the 21st Century: The Unrealized Dream of Pan-Africanism in Cameroon, Araba Sapara-Grant, Syracuse University


La Educación en España: Del Franquismo al Partido Popular Education in Spain - From Francisco Franco to the 2011 Popular Party: Una Historia Breve de las Leyes y los Caminos del Cambio Educativo en España - A Brief History of the Laws and Paths of Educational Change in Spain, Kaitlyn Saruwatari, University of California Riverside


Love for Sale: How Working Conditions Influence the Dramaturgical Presentation of Self for Sex Workers in Amsterdam, Elizabeth Scheib, Fordham University


El Caso de Mapuches Urbanas y su Relación al Estado Chileno, Rachel Schmidtke, University of Virginia


Reproductive Health Education in the Kibera Slum: Developing a Slum-Specific Curriculum, Susanna Schneider Banks, Wesleyan University