Journal of Critical Global Issues
Author Guidelines
All submissions should be prepared following American Psychological Association (APA), 7th Edition guidelines, including title page (without author names), abstract, 4-7 keywords, in-text citations, pagination, headings, tables, figures, and reference list. All submissions should include a cover letter to the Editor-in-Chief that clearly articulates how the submission addresses the aims and scope of the journal. For consideration, all manuscripts must be submitted through the BePress system
Submission Checklist
- Submission must represent original work that has not been published elsewhere;
- Submission must not be under consideration for publication at another journal;
- Submission must comply with an 8,000 word limit requirement, inclusive of article text, references, tables, and figures;
- All work that involves human subjects must indicate that Institutional Review Board (IRB) human subjects approval was secured, or explain why such approval was not necessary;
- Submission must include a separate title page that includes name, affiliation, and a brief (3-4 sentences) bio of all contributors;
- Submission must be in .doc or .docx format;
- All identifying information must be removed from documents and file names;
- Submission must include abstract (250 words maximum) in both English and Spanish.