The ISP, or Independent Study Project, is written by students from the undergraduate programs of SIT Study Abroad and relates to a program theme. Using primary sources students choose topics with a manageable focus that can be carried out in a variety of settings, such as schools, nongovernmental organizations or field research stations. During the independent study period students work closely with a project advisor and other key contacts in the field. The ISP is typically a 20- to 40-page paper presented to student colleagues, the academic director and, often, the advisor and other interested host-country individuals.

Copyright permissions have been obtained by all contributors to this collection.


Submissions from 2017


An Abbreviated Leap: The Geopolitical and Geoeconomic Significance of the China – Pakistan Economic Corridor to the New Silk Road, Emma Nichols, Vanderbilt University


Public Transportation in the Middle East: A Study on the Sustainability and Efficacy of Taxis in Amman and the Future of Public Transportation, Henry Nieberg, Macalester College


Vrai: The Culture of Knockoff Goods in Morocco Their Social Value, Utility, and Context in Contemporary Rabat, Peter Nyberg, Pomona College


Quem Ama Não Mata: Brazilian Feminicide and Odara’s Black Feminist Luta, Jair Oballe, Duke University


Hummingbird Foraging Preference: The Hierarchical Impacts of Color, Position, and Concentration on Visitation Frequency, Erin O'Connor, Colgate University


El Suma Qamaña: La convivencia en relación a la salud según la gente Aymara de Arica, Codpa, y Putre / El Suma Qamaña: Coexistence in relation to health according to the Aymara people of Arica, Codpa, and Putre, Alison Ogawa, Amherst College


Maternity Care: A Case Study at Centro de Parto Normal, Kemi Oladipo, Swarthmore College


Perspectives on Language from Street Produce Vendors in Cape Town: An examination of education, trading, and development in the informal sector, Hannah Oldham, University of Arkansas at Fayetteville


La continuidad de los juicios con el nuevo gobierno: El 2 x 1 / The continuity of the judgments with the new government: The 2 x 1, Julie Olesky, Connecticut College


Vulnerability and Resilience: The Farmers of Sagara Village, Nick Olkovsky, Vassar College


Tierra en Revuelta: La Presencia de la Cosmovisión Indígena en las Luchas de Resistencia en la Región de Qoyllurit’i \ Earth in Revolt: The Presence of the Indigenous Worldview in the Struggles of Resistance in The Region of Qoyllurit'i, Maya Pace, Tufts University


El futuro indefinido del Barrio Puerto de Valparaíso: Explorando el nexo complicado entre la preservación del patrimonio y la gentrificación en el Barrio Puerto de Valparaíso / The indefinite future of the Puerto de Valparaíso neighborhood: Exploring the complicated nexus between heritage preservation and gentrification in the Puerto de Valparaíso neighborhood, Anne Paglia, Georgetown University


Herpetoplogical survey across three distinct habitats in Ankarana National Park: Long-term effects of past land use on species composition in and around the park, Julia Park, Colby College


Aiding Neocolonialism? Moroccan NGOs, International Actors, and Questions of Autonomy in Human Rights Advocacy, Neha Patel, Pomona College


Coral species distribution and percent cover of sessile organisms on protected and non-protected coral reefs in Digir, Buga, Dubbir, and Kanir Kinnidup, Guna Yala, Panama, Sarah Paulson, Wesleyan University


“Todas las comunidades tenemos solo un espíritu:” Un análisis del reciente surgimiento en activismo político y social de las mujeres indígenas de la Argentina y el discurso sobre si existe un “feminismo indígena.” / “All of the communities we have one spirit:” An analysis of the recent rise of political and social activism of indigenous women in Argentina and the discussion of whether an “indigenous feminism” exists., Larissa Peltola, Claremont McKenna College


Queer and Shear Moroccan Societal Norms Impact on Queer Women, Catherine Pendry, Elon University


Survey of Invasive Lantana camara at Makirovana-Tsihomanaomby Forest Complex, Eliza Pessereau, Macalester College


La lucha por Kimsakocha: resistencia contra la minería en Azuay, Ecuador \ The struggle for Kimsakocha: resistance against mining in Azuay, Ecuador, Lydia Petroske, Whitman College


Strategies for Environmental Education for Youths and Adults, Chumbe Island Coral Park, Zanzibar, Samantha Pfeffer, Gettysburg College


Shift in Icelandic Plant Populations Due to Climate Change: Through the Lens of Natural Dyes, Molly Pluenneke, College of Charleston


A Critical Examination of the Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation Literature in Nunavut, Canada, Sarah Prentice, University of Colorado Boulder


Los emprendedores tecnológicos en Buenos Aires: Un análisis de la coyuntura actual y oportunidades para el futuro / Technological Entrepreneurs in Buenos Aires: An Analysis of the Present Situation and Opportunities for the Future, Amanda Price, Columbia University


The Perceived Mental Health Effects of China’s One-Child Policy, Avery Rasmussen, University of Vermont


Daycare, Decision-making, and the Determinants of Health: A Mother-centric Approach to Understanding Childcare and Child Health in Rural Dharamshala, Arielle Rawlings, Williams College


No a la Tala: Percepciones sobre Reforestación en Cochabamba, Bolivia / No to La Tala: Perforations on Reforestation in Cochabamba, Bolivia, Kate Raybon, Macalester College


"Why Can’t We All Get Along:" An analysis of Baka education, and the application of picture books in Baka, Kylie Richmond, Loyola University Chicago


La educación multicultural: enfoques y brechas en cuatro escuelas municipales en Santiago, Chile / Multicultural education: approaches and gaps in four municipal schools in Santiago, Chile, Fiona Riebeling, Yale University


Bridging the Gap from Policy to Practice: Diabetes in Rural Morocco, Zoe H. Robbin, Emory University


Weaving Identity: Stories and Manifestations of Amazigh Carpet Weavers in the Moroccan Village of Tarmilat, Alessandra Roggero, Whittier College


Here There Be Herders: Comparative Archaeological Survey of Bronze Age Monumental Landscapes, Charles Ronkos, Rice University


Evaluating Frameworks for Multilateral Investor-State Dispute Settlement, Danielle Rosenthal, The George Washington University


Hydrology and macroinvertebrates as biological indicators- an integrated study of the Río Zamora Watershed, Loja, Ecuador, Isabel Ryde, Macalester College


The Business of Brandy: The Changing Roles of Women in Apple Brandy Production in Lower Mustang, Nepal, Madeline Sachs, Yale University


DEFINIENDO LA CONCEPCIÓN DE LA SALUD MENTAL Y ESPIRITUAL: La Influencia de la Biomedicina y la Religión Occidental en la Comunidad Mapuche de La Araucanía, Maya Salvio, Smith College


Physical Activity and Movement In the Classroom Setting, Coral Santos, St. Michael's College


Factors that determine civil action in opposition to hydroelectric development along the Chiriquí Viejo River in the Chiriquí province of Panamá, Nora Sawyer, University of Oregon


Solid Waste Management in the Developing World: The Role of Local Government in Kisumu, Kenya, Rachel Schlueter, Boston University


The Role of Young Environmental Activists in Iceland and Furthering Youth Engagement with Environmental Issues, Story Schwantes, Colorado College


The Power Dynamics of Language: An Analysis of the Positionality of Amazigh Language in Morocco, Jessica Schwed, Vassar College


Las condiciones de vida de los usuarios adultos mayores del Hospital Makewe / The living conditions of elderly users of Makewe Hospital, Taylor Selembo, Tulane University


Where Ethnography Breaks Down: The Ethics, Miscommunications, and Failures of My Independent Study Project, Natasha Shannon, University of Richmond


Being Transgender and Seeking Healthcare in the World’s Most Liberal City, Nicole Sharpe, University of Colorado


Chagas, enfermedad olvidada: Una perspectiva histórica de la prevención y control del Chagas en la provincia de Salta, Argentina (1909 – 2017) \ Chagas, A Forgotten Disease: A Historical Perspective on the Prevention and Control of Chagas in Salta Province, Argentina (1909 – 2017), Tara Shea, Yale University


Avian species and family composition along elevational and disturbance gradients in Santa Fe National Park, Veraguas Province, Panamá, Benjamin Shipley, University of Colorado


Discursos de Esclavitud: Un análisis de las implicaciones estratégicas de la retórica acerca de los talleres textiles informales de Buenos Aires y los migrantes bolivianos que trabajan en ellos / Discourses of Slavery: An analysis of the strategic implications of the rhetoric surrounding the sweatshops of Buenos Aires and the bolivian migrants who work in them, Tessa Silverman, Columbia University


Land Insecurity in Gulu, Uganda: A Clash Between Culture and Capitalism, Zachary Slotkin, The George Washington University


The Effect of Warming on Wind Speed and Potential Wind Power in Iceland, Alexei Smith, Hamilton College


Agricultural Responses to Climate Change: A Study of Adaptive Farming Methods in Kizanda Village, Bailey Smith-Helman, Northwestern University


Man and Land: Competing Ontologies, Colonial Legacies, and the Quest for Food Sovereignty, Savannah Smith, Vassar College


Shifting Mental Health from the Back Burner: An Investigation of the Mental Health Treatment Gap, Eva Hanorah Stanton, Columbia University


From the Margins to the Frame: Social Identities and a “pan-Pacific” Moana, Keara Sternberg, Skidmore College


Una exploración del proceso de recuperación frente a desastres y las fuentes de resiliencia en Alimapu, "La Tierra Quemada” / An exploration of the disaster recovery process and sources of resilience in Alimapu, "La Tierra Quemada", Alison Stewart, Washington University


When the Books Hit Back: Perceived Stress in University Students, Henry Stoddard, Tulane University


After the Flood: Fish Farming and Climate Change Adaptation in Chitwan, Nepal, Signe Stroming, Georgetown University


Remembering Negdels: Nostalgia, Memory & Soviet-Era Herding Collectives, Maya Sutton-Smith, Connecticut College


Gender Socialization in Chinese Schools: Teachers, Children and Gender Roles, Connor Swan, Williams College


O Negro e O Poder: The significance of social support and positive Black identity formation through an Afro-Brazilian politico-cultural organization in Salvador, Bahia, Ninar Taha, University of Virginia


El estudio del viejismo en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires desde la perspectiva de los adultos mayores con diferentes coberturas de salud \ The Study of Ageism in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires from the Perspective of Older Adults with Different Health Coverage, Tara Tardino, Cornell University


Community Management and Governance of COMATSA-Sud New Protected Area (Ambalamanasy II Commune), Allison Tennant, Amherst College


Un Rescate Incompleto: Los Éxitos y Limitaciones del Programa de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe Como un Proyecto Anticolonialista / An Incomplete Rescue: The Successes and Limitations of the Bilingual Intercultural Education Program As an Anticolonialist Project, Aviva Thal, Vassar College


“Uno es Palestino por el orgullo” Palestinian Assimilation and Identity in Nicaragua., Eric Thornton, Kenyon College


Agrarian Reform in Sumber Klampok, Emma Trainor, University of Vermont


Investigating geothermally-sourced H2S pollution in the Reykjavík area: a case study of early March 2017., Shawnee Traylor, Columbia University


An Ethnobotanical Examination of Traditional Medicine in Ngezi Forest Reserve, Tyler Tsang, Siena College


Motivations and Obstacles on the Long Walk to Integration: Determinants of Six Cape Town Chinese Immigrants’ Political Participation, Yawen Tsao, Smith College


Impacts of Migration on Mosuo Cultural Identity: A case study of the Mosuo People in Lijiang, Isabel Ullmann, University of California, Berkeley


Creating Safe Spaces in a Homonormative Society: A Study of The Hang-Out 010, Taryn Urban, Bucknell University


ABC or AEI: A Comparison of Approaches to Early Childhood Education in Samoa, Sofia Valbuena, Villanova University


The Economic Legacies of Lingering Colonialism: A Case Study in Identity and Multiculturalism in Northern Morocco and the Spanish Enclaves, Jeremy Vale, Colby College


Kali Gandaki: The Road from Lower Mustang to a Global Food Market, Austin Van Wart, University of Wisconsin- Madison


Digital Diplomacy and Its Effect on International Relations, Bridget Verrekia, Gettysburg College


Neoliberalismo & Pensamiento Crítico: Relaciones entre la Educación Popular y sistemas actuales chilenos / Neoliberalism & Critical Thinking: Relations between Popular Education and current Chilean systems, Sarah Wagner, Amherst College


The Tribulations of Moroccan Child Laborers: A Forced Existence and Loss of Innocence, David Wien-Kandil, University of Mary Washington


Geopolitical Relations: Uganda’s Role in the Development of the River Nile, Jordan Williams, The George Washington University


Russia's Northern Rook: Nord Stream 2 on the European Energy Chessboard, David E. Wilson, The College of Wooster


Optimized Organic Waste Treatment System An assessment of composting and biogas potential at Santos Organics, Abbie Winter, Bucknell University


Essential Newborn Care during Humanitarian Crises: Integration of Low-Cost Interventions, Athena Wong, Cornell University


Las ofrendas a la tierra en un mundo global \ Offerings to land in a global world, Alison Wuensch, University of San Francisco


Shaped by Changing Space: Exploring Gender and the Discourse of Empowerment in Sikles, Nepal, Rachel Yanover, Wesleyan University


The Latex Journey: A Narrative Approach to Exploring Condom Use, Stigma, and Education from the Perspective of Women in Masxha, Kylie Yocum, Tulane University


Development of a Wild Infant Woolly Monkey Social interactions, time allocation and behavior of a wild Lagothrix lagotricha poeppigii infant and her mother, Saba Zewdie, Whitman College

Submissions from 2016


Both a Borrower and a Lender Be: A Look at the Local Economy and Credit Culture in the Tarap Valley in Dolpa, Nepal, Alexa Adams, Bates College


The Impact of Religion and Culture on Coparenting in Morocco, Corrine Ahrabi-Nejad, George Washington University


Epigeal fauna of Bosque Protector Cerro Candelaria, Justine Albers, Swarthmore College


Los factores influyentes en las perspectivas de aborto de los estudiantes universitarios en Santiago, Chile: desde lo conservador a lo contrario, Victoria Albert, Washington University in St. Louis


Protecting the Right to Life of the Internally Displaced: An Examination of Encampment and Its Effects on the Communities in Unyama and Koro Sub-Counties in Gulu District, Northern Uganda, Ashley Alessandra, George Washington University


Democratization in the Arab World: A Moroccan case study of Culture, Religion, and Governance, Marwah Al-Jilani, Oregon State University


Goals of Aid Organizations and Perspectives of Employees: Urban Integration of Syrian Refugees in Jordan, Alysha Alloway, Macalester College


Framing Feminine Identity: Exploring Ways of Being a Woman, through the Practice of Faith, and Ideas of Equality and Justice through Narratives of South African Muslim Women Activists, Rachel Anderson, University of Oregon


For a public-private partnership to achieve migrant health equality in Morocco: A Cross-Analysis of Integration Policies and Migrant Peer Educator Programs, Victoria Anders, Pomona College


One Year Later: The Politics and Stories of Post-Earthquake Nepal, Boyer Andrew, Macalaster College


University Expectations and Preparations at the Upper-Secondary School Level: A Case Study at the Experimental High School of Hanoi and Hanoi University, Charlotte Andrews, Hamilton College


Comparison of Growth Rates in two Captive Bred Species of Atelopus (Anura; BUFONIDAE), at El Valle Amphibian Conservation Center, Cecile Avery


The Future of Agriculture in Cameroon in the Age of Agricultural Biotechnology, Audrey Ball, Washington University in St. Louis


Human Rights Education: A Tool for the Cultivation of National Human Rights Culture in Morocco, Page Benoit, Bard College


Pathways to Positive Change: A People's Perspective of Healthcare in Humla, Wensday Meyers Berman, Macalester College


Globalization of the Food Industry: Transnational Food Corporations, the Spread of Processed Food, and Their Implications for Food Security and Nutrition, Elizabeth Black, Loyola University Chicago


Women in the Religious Wave of Terrorism and Beyond: The West Versus the Rest An analysis of women’s motives and agency in Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State, Regina Blaskie, Illinois Wesleyan University


Conservation as Mutualism: A Case Study of Thulo Syafru, Jennifer S. Brady, Bucknell University