International Education | Capstone Collection by Degree Name | SIT Graduate Institute/SIT Study Abroad

The Capstone Paper is written by students in the SIT Graduate Institute Master of Arts degree programs. Capstones reassess theoretical knowledge in light of professional experience in the form of a final research paper, incorporating both classroom knowledge and practicum based experience.

The full-text of papers written prior to July 2011 in the Capstone Collection are limited to SIT and other World Learning faculty, staff, students, and alumni. If you are not affiliated with SIT or World Learning and want access to these papers contact your local library and ask about requesting the hard copy on interlibrary loan. Full-text papers written after July 2011 are openly accessible to the public.

Due to copyright restrictions some papers are not available full-text electronically. World Learning affiliated students and staff can check these papers out of the library or, if you are off-campus, request them via interlibrary loan


Submissions from 2009


“Siamo Ancora Quì?” or “Are We There Yet? “The Development of Intercultural Awareness on a Study Abroad Island Program in Italy, Carrie Wojenski

Submissions from 2008


Impact of Study Abroad at the Secondary Level on Tertiary Educational Decisions, Lindsey Blumenfeld

What Do The Teachers Think? The Benefits And Challenges Of Teaching In A Global Classroom, Kathryn E. Bridge

Establishing Connections between International Education and Multicultural Education: A Case Study of a Small Liberal Arts College in New England, Margaret Coan

Study Abroad Blogs as Reflective Learning Tools, Jesse DeLaughter

Making and Creating Knowledge: Bringing International Education to U.S. Public High Schools through Global Learning Networks and Collaborative Media Projects, Marcella DeProto

A Complete Experience: Orientation and Reentry Curriculum for Putney Student Travel Excel China Program, Megan E. Featherstone

Study Abroad Returnees’ Seminar: Presbyterian College, Amanda Fletcher

The impact of financial accountability on program quality, Adrienne F. Fusek

The Montana/Kumamoto Sister State Relationship: A Case Study in Sister State Related College and University Level Exchanges, John Haines

BorderLinks Volunteer Program: Creating a Mutually Beneficial Design, Theresa Heath

Breaking New Ground: A Case Study of Curriculum Integration at Plymouth State University through Partnership with a Third Party Study Abroad Provider, Sarah Heminger

Starting A Career In International Education: International Education Professionals’ Perception Of Internships And Their Experiences, Yoko Hisano

Hemispheric Course For Teachers: The Inter-American Democratic Charter As An Instrument For Teaching Democratic Values And Practices: IADEC Course, Carla Jiménez

The Reentry Experience of Semester at Sea Participants: From a Global Shipboard Education Perspective, Kristen Kammann

Community Partnerships for Protecting Children, Portland ME: Case Study and Recommendations, Nicholas D. Kjeldgaard

Responding To Current Educational Initiatives In Latin America: The Development Of A One-Year Operational Plan For Wide World At The Harvard Graduate School Of Education, Sandhya Klein

Assessment of Returner Programming at Pacific Lutheran University, Kristin Labs

Comparison of Refugee and International Student Experiences: Implications for Immersion, Lisa Maria Lindo

Contribution of National Program Agencies (NPAs) to public diplomacy goals of the U.S. Department of State, examining public-private partnership (PPP) through the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP): Case Study: Delphi International, a Program of World Learning from 2002-2006, Daniel Pirbudagov

Participant Perceptions of the Longterm Outcomes of Shortterm Study Abroad Programs for Middle School Students: A Case Study of Educational Safaris, Erin K. Riley

If You Can’t Afford To Do It Right The First Time… A Study on Procurement Procedures for Action Against Hunger’s Philippines Mission, Barney Smith

Evaluating Saint Michael’s College Short-Term Program To Ghana For Impact On Students’ Personal Development Based On The Principles Of Transformative Learning, Samantha Rae Stanley

Completing The Study Abroad Cycle: A Reentry Orientation For Loyola Marymount University, Sonja K. Thorsvik

An Integrated Model of Health Literacy: The Role of Non-formal Education Groups in HIV/AIDS Health-Seeking Behaviors in Rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Leanne N. Wolff

Submissions from 2007

University Of California, Irvine: A model to formally develop international exchanges, Tasha S. Alexander

Up North, Down South: Natural Resource Management in Australia and New Zealand, Nicole Anderson

Mutuality: Opportunities and Challenges in International Service-Learning Programs in Oaxaca, Mexico, Melanie Arsenault

Intercultural Communicative Competence In TESOL Programs Across The Northeast, Kathereine Bryant

Combating the Sophomore Slump and Declining Retention Rates: An Experiential Academic Program for Second Year International Students, Christy Burke

JustLearning: Creating Socially Responsible Citizens Through Community-Based Learning and Critical Experience on the U.S./Mexico Border, Amy Burrows

There’s No Place Like Home: Heritage-Seeking In The Experiences Of U.S. Students Of African Descent On SIT Study Abroad Programs, Akilah Clarke

An Assessment Design for the Peking University – Yale University, Susan Coleman

Reconcilable Differences? A Case Study Of An Undergraduate Double-Degree Program Between A French Grande École For Business And A Liberal Arts Institution In The United States, Joellen Crider

Multicultural Education In North Carolina: How Is The State Preparing Its Teachers To Change Education? The Case of East Carolina University, Rebecca Denton

Multicultural Education in North Carolina: How is the State Preparing its Teachers to Change Education? The Case of East Carolina University, Rebecca Denton

Urgent Need for International Programs, Heidi Dietz

International University Students in Thailand: Their Experiences and Understandings of the Host Culture, Dacia L. Gauer

How Two Universities Respond to Third Culture Kids during the College Choice Process, Steven Gist

You Can’t Always Get What You Want: NGO Needs versus Preparation for Overseas Volunteer Abroad Work in India, Jennifer Hickman

Internationalizing Seattle: What is the perceived impact on Seattle-based community members meeting with international visitors traveling under the auspices of the U.S. Department of State sponsored International Visitor Leadership Program?, Chrissy Hyde

Developing Interculturally Competent and Global Citizens: An Intercultural Communications Course for High School Students, Katherine Irwin


The Impact of the Undergraduate Study Abroad Experience on Ethnic Identity Development Among African American Women, Allegra Johnson

The Experienced Volunteer: Creating a Volunteer Abroad Program for Retired Adults, Katherine A. Kammann


Assessing the Impact of Study Abroad on Career Development for Economics Majors, Kelly Keniston

The Impact of a Long-Term Dropout Prevention Program on Four Hispanic Students Currently Enrolled in Post-Secondary Education, Arpita Kishen

Cross-Cultural Connections: Program Innovations For Host Integration On ‘Island’-Style Study Abroad, Jessica Sze Phing Loh

Thai Scholars Orientation: Best Practices In International Student Orientation, Rebecca A. Miller

Education Abroad Reciprocity Students at the University of California at Berkeley: An Innovative International Student Orientation Program Design, Shannon M. Plath

Examining the Challenges and Unique Issues of San Francisco Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Undergraduate Students in Study Abroad Programs, Naoko Sakata

Effects Of Types Of Housing On Freshmen International Students’ Social Patterns And Involvement, Rosemarie Schuette

Would Someone Please Think Of The Children: Parents’ Perceptions Of The Impact Of International Students On Their Children, Julia Shuster

Land of a Thousand Hills: Socioeconomic Development in Post-Conflict Rwanda, Anne Stern

Scottsdale Community College: A Short-Term Education Abroad Program Designed for the Non-Traditional Student, Jennifer Sydow

Segregation Or Integration: Why Are International Students In American Colleges Sitting Together In The Cafeteria?, Hisako Umemura

The Globalization Of An Independent Day School, Elizabeth N. Yavenditti

Submissions from 2006

The beyond generations : reflections from Italian-American students within a study abroad experience in Italy, Catherine Ciarrocchi

A study of the strengths and weakenesses of the Brazilian Bosa Escola educational program, Brian Dockery

Beloit College Study Abroad students' outcomes : a closer look at reenty programming and students' perceptions of their learning, Kimberly Evon

Domestic Internationalization: Developing Competencies for Economically Underprivileged American Undergraduate Students at Home Campus, Eka Gabelia

Experiential Blackness: Connecting Double Consciousness with Intercultural Competence, Reagan Elizabeth James Jackson

Group Dynamics and Study Abroad: A Case Study of Group Development in a Field-Based “Island” Study Abroad Program, Laura Jane Manley

Public versus private : a case study of primary school education quality Gamba, Gabon, Rachel A. Maris-Wolf

Organizational culture of educational non-government organizations in Post-Soviet Azerbaijan, Eddie McGee

Contributions Made and Challenges Faced by Foreign Born International Educators (FBIE) at Duke University: In Relating to Campus Internationalization, Mayumi Nakamura

First to college! First abroad? : factors influencing a first-generation college student's decision whether to study abroad, Susan W. Parsons

International Spouses In A University Setting: A Marginalized Population In Need Of Support, Marlene Marie Perrine

Immigrant women in Italy : Italian women and immigrant women in Umbria : a comparison of perceptions, Monica Pulci

The challenges of international admissions and recruiting since 9/11 : a comparative study of recruitment strategies at several midwestern universities and colleges, Michelle Quizon Harken

Sports, immersion and study abroad at the Syracuse University London program, Joseph Sweet

The Properu Stove Project: Expanding The Field Of International Education By Recruiting Tourists As Participants, Michael A. Waugh

Reentry adjustment : international student offices preparing international students to return to their home countries after graduation, Shannon E. Williams

Pre-Departure Orientation: How It Affects Students’ Expectations Abroad, Megan Wood

Submissions from 2005

To life in exile : the stories of six Tibetan women, Michelle Bos-Lun

To Pay or Not To Pay: Motivations of International Volunteers in Three Work camps in Three Countries, Brenden Butler

Coming full circle : is reentry support helping students move through the experiential learning cycle and/or why isn't anyone coming to our pizza party?, Lisa Diane Chappell

Not lost in translation : a comparative study of effective on-site student services and guidance at three U.S. undergraduate study abroad programs in Japan, Karen Lee Craig

The Home Stay: A Gendered Perspective: Viewpoints of the Host Family Experience from International Studies Abroad (ISA) Program Participants, Heather Gutel

To 'inter'act or not 'inter'act : student experiences with the Beloit College Inter Program, Josielyn Inaldo

The Azerbaijan Connections and Exchange Program : did Spring 2005 participation affect students' worldviews?, Mark Lydon

Integrating Undergraduate Research and Study Abroad: Students’ Perceptions on the Effects of Undergraduate Research Abroad on Student Development, Friederike S. Muehls

The impact of study abroad participants' personal and professional development, Galina A. Ostanina

Perceptions of service in international service learning, Katherine N. Punteney

The impact of an online orientation program on the cross-cultural learning of study abroad students, Oscar Emile Romero

21st-Century Human Resource Development: The Cross-Cultural Compatibility of 360-Degree Feedback, Alia Santini

Finding meaning : outcomes of short-term experiential education abroad programs revealed, Kirsten Sheppard

Bringing the Big World to a Small Campus: A Study of the Internationalization Process at Edgewood College, Deborah Stengle

Action-based trust : a pathway to voter participation among community-based national service volunteers in Kerala, India, Cecil Thomas

Submissions from 2004

The life cycle of student-generated education abroad program evaluation information in higher education : an exploratory study, Doug Beck

The Impact of Interracial Interactions on US Students Studying Abroad: an Exploratory Case Study, Kimberly Cressy

Stakeholder perceptions of the use of outcomes assessment in study abroad, Eowyn Louise Greeno

An Assessment of Internationalization as Perceived by Faculty Members at Virginia Wesleyan College, Hiroyoshi Hiratsuka

Transformative learning : a framework for outcomes assessment of university study abroad experiences, Anelise Zadona Hofmann

Learning how to learn without an academic institution : a case study of the potentials and pitfalls for an independent experiential off-campus program, Chris Kjonaas

Educator's experience with the New Curriculum in South Africa, Jill Schurr

The program of mutual interests : a search for new concepts of international education in the context of globalization, Olga Trofymenko

Submissions from 2003

Saudi Student Needs in Rural Montana, Elizabeth A. Ballinger

Post September 11 : college international student offices, management plans, and student support in a time of crisis, Karen M. Bauer

Does experience speak? : a study of the perceptions and actions of select expatriate English teachers with three months to seven years experience in Japan within the classroom culture of Japanese students studying English, Matthew Eng

Meeting the Needs of International Students on the Internet, Erika Therese Nelson