International Education | Capstone Collection by Degree Name | SIT Graduate Institute/SIT Study Abroad

The Capstone Paper is written by students in the SIT Graduate Institute Master of Arts degree programs. Capstones reassess theoretical knowledge in light of professional experience in the form of a final research paper, incorporating both classroom knowledge and practicum based experience.

The full-text of papers written prior to July 2011 in the Capstone Collection are limited to SIT and other World Learning faculty, staff, students, and alumni. If you are not affiliated with SIT or World Learning and want access to these papers contact your local library and ask about requesting the hard copy on interlibrary loan. Full-text papers written after July 2011 are openly accessible to the public.

Due to copyright restrictions some papers are not available full-text electronically. World Learning affiliated students and staff can check these papers out of the library or, if you are off-campus, request them via interlibrary loan


Submissions from 2015


Enhancing the Faculty-Led Study Abroad Proposal Process to Facilitate the Creation of Academically Enriched Programs, Tanya Kramer


Foreign Language Education Through an International Education Lens, Bridget Landry


Strategic Study Abroad: A Program Proposal for Continued Faith Development of Chi Alpha Students Studying Abroad, Erin Leonard

JEST, Mary Ann Lockard


Ensuring Social Success: Assessing the Factors that Affect the Social Experiences of International Students at a Large, Urban Community College in Texas, Sharon A. Miller


Intercultural Competence Abroad: Creating an ICC Track at the Umbra Institute, Maria Papapietro

CIEE Local Coordinator Training: Supporting U.S. Department of State High School Exchange Students, Kathryn (Katie) Pfohl

"No Write Way": Plagiarism Policy, Implementation, and Intercultural Competence at NYU Shanghai, Rebecca Rozek


The Gender Imbalance in U.S. Outbound Study Abroad: A Case Study of Semester at Sea, Jessica L. Ryan

Cultural and Environmental Preservation in a Multifaceted Nation: A Short-Term Study Abroad Program Design in South Africa for The Experiment in International Living, Katelin Ryan


Faculty Knowledge of the Purposes and Processes of Short-Term Faculty Led Study Abroad, Sandra L. Short


Experiential Language Learning: A Short-Term Study Abroad Program to Quetzaltenango, Guatemala for Canton High School, Michelle Traub


Transitions: The First Year Experience of International Undergraduates at Yale College, Danielle Valles

Communicating Across Cultures: An Intercultural Training For the University of Connecticut School of Law Staff and Faculty, Christine Xiong


The Global Village: Improving Intercultural Experiences at Keene State College Through Living/Learning Communities, Laura Zuelch

Submissions from 2014

Living-Learning Communities: Impacts on Exchange Students' Social Integration, Sara Alhakam

Risk Management for Secondary School Study Abroad Programs, Marley Aloe


Work and Study Abroad – Students’ Perceptions of the Effects of International Internships on their Personal and Professional Development, Aleksandra Asparuhova

Global IMPACT: A Service-Learning Course for Semester at Sea, Karen Bajda


For Better or For Worse: Gender and the Congo Basin Forests, Jennifer M. Bangoura


Designing Pre-Departure Orientation as a For-Credit Academic Seminar: Curriculum and Content, Joshua P. Barber


Internationalizing the Study Abroad Classroom: An Intensive English Program at the American Graduate School in Paris, Jordan A. Caley

Leaving a Legacy. Jacksonville University: Freshman Experience Abroad, England, Carolyn Crist


Setting Expectations: An Onsite Orientation for Intern Abroad Programs in London, Ilse B. Damkoehler


Collaboration in Campus-Wide Internationalization Initiatives: A Case Study of the BEYOND Initiative at Ferris State University, Kate Davidson


International Students in the Classroom: A Faculty Learning Community, Carolina De la Rosa


Closing the gap: How the Global Ambassador Program aims to provide social acclimation support for the international student community and increase retention rates at Roger Williams University, Rebecca A. Downey


Reframing SEA Semester®: A Model Living and Learning Program in Education Abroad, Katharine W. Enos


Active Development of Tacit Knowledge: ADTK In a World Without Farmers, Roger E. Garrett Jr.


Exploring Service Learning in Study Abroad: An Evaluation of The Umbra Institute’s Urban Spaces Course, Lisa M. George


Long-Lasting Impact of Faculty-Led Study Abroad: An Alumni Perspective, Nancy Georgiev


Global Education in New York City High Schools: What we can learn, Emily Gifford


North Dakota State University Study Abroad Strategic Plan: Enhancing Student Mobility for the 21st Century, Krysta Gorder


Amended Incoming International Student Orientation for the College of the Atlantic, Bar Harbor, Maine, Monica Hamm

The Freshers' Study Abroad Program: A Fall Matriculation Program for Admitted Students at the University of Tokyo, Daniel Hegedus

Recruitment of ESL Students for the Milwaukee School of Engineering, Allison Heine de Romero


Designing and Delivering Staff Training for New Student Advisors: A Residential ESL Pathway School in Massachusetts, Brodie Henry


Environmental Sustainability, Cultural Awareness, and Personal Growth: A Short-Term Study Abroad Program Design for the University of Colorado, Boulder, Jana K. Howlett


Yes Means はい, Oui, Sí: Cross Culturally Competent Sexual Assault Prevention for International Education Programs, Tara Jorgensen


Wildcats International Neighbors: Bridging International Students with Local Community at Northern Michigan University, Manato Kaisho


The Use of Agents in International Student Recruitment: International Education Professional’s Opinions, Emily M. Kirsch


Uniting Reentry & Professional Integration: Recommendations for Aiesec and A Million Global Minds, Scott Lehmann


The Gender Gap in Study Abroad, Alexander Lindsay


Mi cultura, Su cultura: A Cultural Exchange Program for Central College, Whitney J. Longnecker


Comprehensive Approaches to Health and Safety: A Program Design Context, Dan Loughrey

The Rachel Corrie Leadership Studies Fellowship, Justin Mauger


Long-Term Impacts and Outcomes: SIT Study Abroad, Marianne McGarrity

Cross Cultural Leadership: A Trimester-Long Course Proposal for Kimball Union Academy, Erin Mellow


An Expanded Field Guide on Cross-Cultural Learning for Faculty Leaders of University of Missouri Study Abroad Programs, William Palmieri

CISabroad: Training and Development of Site Directors, Jessica Parks


The Culture Conundrum: Training Faculty and Staff for Effectively Working with International Students, McKenna S. Pencak


Learning from Sensory Experience in Costa Rica, Rebecca Ragland


Enhancing Student Learning Outcomes Through Increased Predeparture Preparation for Study Abroad, Catherine J. Raleigh

UF in Madagascar: Creating a Short-Term Faculty-Led Program for the University of Florida, Jill Ranaivoson

Romani Studies: Exploring Gypsy Culture and Society Program Proposal for Barcelona SAE, Priya Randhawa

"Women Only" - Team Tobati and High School Aged Women's Empowerment, Gillian H. Ritter

Franklin in Quebec, A. Riva A

Friendship Family Program: Community Integration at the Center for Marine Resource Studies, Molly Roe


A Holistic Approach to Homestay: A Homestay Program Proposal for CATS Academy Boston, Nora Salmon


Pushing Forward: The Climate for LGBTQ Student Advising in Study Abroad of South Carolina, Alexandra Seay

From Citizen Diplomacy to National Security: Reraming the International Visitor Leadership Program, Meghan Simpson


INVESTigating India: A Strategic Recruitment Plan for Indian Students, Alana Stuart


Incoming Erasmus Student Orientation: An In-country Orientation Program for Incoming Erasmus Students Studying at Istanbul Bilgi University, Ayla H. Ugur

The Floating Classroom: Best Practices Teaching on Semester at Sea, Rachel Vaughn


Corporate Social Responsibility Enrichment Exchange Program, Deborah Waggoner


Volunteering and Social Development Across Cultures: A Credit Bearing Course for the Alliance for Global Education's Global and Public Health Program at Manipal University (India), Katie Jo Walter


Learning Intervention in a Language Immersion Program: An Orientation Redesign, Giulia Witcombe


Intercultural Communication in Brazil: An Approach to Engage Multicultural North Dakota State University Students in Study Abroad, Allison Wright

Submissions from 2013


Recruitment and Diversity: Exploring the Links Between Third-Party Provider Recruitment Strategies And the Level of Diversity Among Secondary Level International Education Travel Participants, Gina Asalon


Global Ambassadors Returnee Program: Can We Change Campus Culture?, Lynn Butler

Aloha Kakou: A Socially-Responsible Student Travel Program Based in Hawaii, Jacob G. Dunlap


Community Internationalization: Developing the Host Family Program at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, Alicia Haley


Gaging the Education Abroad Perception: A Survey of Personnel at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville, Jennifer R. Krahn


A New Model: Improving Adult Experiences in The Holy Land With Effective Pre-Departure Information, Resources and Procedures, Sarah A. Loan


Developing a Pre-Departure and Re-Entry Orientation for Study Abroad Students at The Univerisidad Católica De La Santísima Concepción, Jennifer Ramos


Study Abroad and Identity: The African American Experience, Alicia Ranney


Access Abroad: A Design in Equitable Access to Education Abroad, Matthew Zielsdorf

Submissions from 2012


An Introduction to Life at a U.S. University: A Pre-departure orientation for Thai students going to the U.S. to Study, Alexandra B. Ashley


Journey to the "New" West: A Course Proposal for Cultural Integration in Chinese ESL Education, Erica Balazs


Exploring Locally to Grow Globally: A Community Excursion-based Elective for Intensive English Programs, Andrea L. Bernasconi


Social Entrepreneurship in Egypt: Turning Revolutionary Ambition into Tangible Results, Chris C. Blackwood


The Journey Home from Ecuador: A Reentry Guide for Tandana Foundation Volunteers, Heidi Bohn


Weaving Culture into Context: Redesigning the Internship Program for Barcelona Study Abroad Experience, Sara Bradshaw


Spain & Morocco: Issues in Hospitality & Tourism, Shanathan Crayton


Community Perspectives- How Study Abroad with Service Learning Impacts the Locals, Sarah J. Delcambre


Moroccan Encounter: A Cross-Cultural, Peacebuilding, and Interfaith Program for U.S. and Moroccan Youth, Kristin A. Eberman


Stable, Practical, and High-paying: How Second Generation Indian/Pakistani Adults are Affected by Parental Pressure in Their Career Choices, Sabrina Eveland


A Diversity Initiative in Global Education for First-Generation Students, Jessica Greenbaum


Project GAYA: A Study Abroad Program Design for Fundación Operación GAYA Internacional, Lauren E. Johanson


“Around the World Project” at the Maryland Institute College of Art: Making International Education Week a Year-long Program, Rebecca L. La Creta


Internationalization of K-12 Schools Through the Eyes of Public School Principals, Megan M. Landwehr


Consulting Cultural Informants: A Look at the Extent to which Students Use Informants and Other Strategies to Learn from Their International Experiences, William Scott Leroy


Freedom in Creation: Global Village Education Program, Daniel C. Maxwell


VISIONS Service Adventures: China; A Comprehensive Program Design, Whitney Morgan


Exploring Sydney: An Onsite Orientation Program for Students Studying in Australia, Meaghan Murphy


Learning Spanish Through Community Interaction, Leigh E. Newman-Bell


Challenges in the land of hope: Phoenix area refugees and the recession, Valerie E. Nightingale


ExplOre, Educate, Expand: The ExplOratorium’s Education Abroad Youth Program, Nina Rubin


Enhancing Road Scholar Cuba Programs through Group Leader Training, Desiree N. Shrode


Assessing the Unassessed: Incorporating Evaluation into the North Carolina State University Curriculum Integration Program, Jamie B. Snow