Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection | SIT Study Abroad | SIT Graduate Institute/SIT Study Abroad

The ISP, or Independent Study Project, is written by students from the undergraduate programs of SIT Study Abroad and relates to a program theme. Using primary sources students choose topics with a manageable focus that can be carried out in a variety of settings, such as schools, nongovernmental organizations or field research stations. During the independent study period students work closely with a project advisor and other key contacts in the field. The ISP is typically a 20- to 40-page paper presented to student colleagues, the academic director and, often, the advisor and other interested host-country individuals.

Copyright permissions have been obtained by all contributors to this collection.


Submissions from 2022


Drivers and Barriers of the Transition To Regenerative Agriculture Within the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy Reform: Comparative Analysis with the US Farm Bill, Samantha Gish, Colorado University Boulder


Laguncularia racemosa top-layer sediment microorganism makeup in relation to differing levels of perceived anthropogenic impact in Bocas del Drago, Bocas del Toro, Panama, Gabrielle Glendening, The University of Maryland


The Correlation Between Vaccine Hesitancy and Privilege: Exploring the degree to which education and income foster resistance to vaccination efforts, Sophie Goldenberg, Vanderbilt University


Evaluating the validity of restrictions on blood donation eligibility for men who have sex with men (MSM) in the United States, France, and Switzerland, Swathi Gorantla, Vanderbilt University


A Photo Documentary: Exploring Queer Identities in KwaZulu-Natal, Nicholas Graves, Occidental College


Analyzing Alternative Spaces: Queer Social Networks and Notions of Belonging in Morocco, Adam Griffin, University of Notre Dame


“¿Te invité yo a vivir aquí?” … Vivir contra la pendiente: resistencia entre el mapa y el territorio, el caso del cerro Las Cañas, Darlene Guadalupe Valencia, Smith College


Murals & Mother Nature: Urban environmental art in Lisbon reveals great concern and appreciation for the environment, Ana Gunther, Bowdoin College


Vox and Spanish Nationalism: The Constitutional Processes for the Elimination of Regional Autonomy, Noah Halterman-Mitchell, Muhlenberg College


How Spirituality Intensifies Sustainability: A case study of Ananda Valley in Northern Portugal, Mia Handler, Wake Forest University


From River to Ridge: The Influence of Elevation and Habitat on Herpetofauna Species Abundance and Diversity in the Llanganates-Sangay Ecological Corridor, Ecuador, Elle Hankin, Colby College


Gen-Z, Gender, & Governmental Grievances: A post-transition political philosophy for the newest generation of women in a ‘failed’ state., Olivia Harvey, Denison University


Microplastics, The Environment, and Reproductive Health: How is The Accumulation of Microplastics in our Environment and Bodies Impacting Reproductive Health?, Katherine Hayward, University of Connecticut


Carpets, Education, and Documentation: A Case Study of the Jawalakhel Tibetan Handicrafts Settlement, Diana Hewitt, Williams College


Beacons of Peace and Tolerance: The Politics of Memory in Judeo-Moroccan Cultural and Historical Institutions, Audrey Ming An Hirsch, Wellesley College


Earth stories: a narrative understanding of farmlife in Pokhara, Nepal, Grace Holmes, Skidmore College


Regenerative Agriculture Framework for Island Ecosystems Using São Miguel as a Case Study, Mya Hunter, Colorado State University


How Survivors of Domestic Violence Seek Legal and Social Support Against their Abusers in Ahmednagar District of Maharashtra State in India: An Exploratory Study, Jonathan Israel, Tulane University


How Survivors of Domestic Violence Seek Legal and Social Support Against Their Abusers in Ahmednagar District of Maharashtra State in India: An Exploratory Study, Jonathan Israel, Tulane University


Riding On Giants: Elephant Tourism in Chitwan National Park, Joshua Jacoves, Trinity College


Small but Strong: Growth and Development of the Sikh Community in Kathmandu, Sarbjot Z. Jessop, Macalester College


Arthropod Assemblages at the Intersection of Epiphyte and Soil Habitats: An assessment of understory level nonvascular epiphyte communities and their connectivity within a tropical montane rainforest, David “Max” Jones, Northwestern University


Seeking Independence a Second Time: FDI in Uganda’s Development, Halle Jones, Vassar College


Can Joy be Racialized? Analyzing how Ghanaians Conceptualize Joy, Zakiyyah (Zaza) Jones, Swarthmore College


‘Too shy to talk about this topic’: The impacts of gender conceptions on the embodied sexual experiences and perceptions of urban Vietnamese students in Ho Chi Minh City, Lily Kafka, Skidmore College


(Witch) Crafting Identity: An Autoethnographic Analysis of the Dutch National Identity Through Women in Haunted History, Hallie Kamosky, Brandeis University


Loving You in the Desert: Short Stories, Sam Kass, Vassar College


Los impactos del cambio climático en las comunidades Aymaras en Putre, el valle de Azapa y Arica, Lindsey Kaufman, Washington University in St. Louis


“La Ultra Periferia de un País Periférico”: La Política Estratégica Litífera en Jujuy: Los Objetivos, Los Instrumentos, y los Desafíos / The Ultra Periphery of a Periphery Country: The Strategic Policy Towards Lithium in Jujuy: The Objectives, the Instruments, and the Challenges, Max Kaye, Georgetown University


The Power of the Middle Class in the United States and China, Sarah Kent, University of Michigan


“Hadithi ya Matunda”: The Informal Fruit Economy on Unguja Island: A study of the livelihoods of smallholder producers, intermediaries, and sellers, Daisy Kettle, Bates College


Irregular Migration in Morocco: A Case for Constructionism, Mourad Khalil, Davidson College


Desert Power: Exploring How Jordan Can Democratize Through Tribalism, Shahab A. Khan, The University of Iowa


Aman Iman: Resilient Customs, Community Water Management, and Dry Futures in Anounizme, Morocco, Haley Kirtland, Pomona College


“Antes éramos de tierra firme”: community perspectives on the past, present, and future of Isla Narganá and Isla Corazón de Jesús, Comarca Guna Yala in the face of a changing climate, Izabella R. Klosterman, Skidmore College


From City State to Medina: The Timeless Wisdom of Aristotle’s Polis, Spencer Koehl, University of Notre Dame


The Contradictions of Sought Safe Havens: The Difficulty of Immigration and Integration for Muslim Maghrébins in France, Serena Korkmaz, Georgetown University


Strength of Climate Goals and Results in Regions: A Comparative Study of the Basque Country and Scotland and their Respective Nations, Oviya Kumaran, Swarthmore College


Ley N° 26.160: su implementación y efectos en la lucha por la recuperación territorial mapuche en las Provincias de Neuquén y Río Negro (2006 - presente), Noura Lamb, Vassar College


Domesticated: Migrant Domestic Workers in Jordan and Their Place in Jordan’s Law and Homes, Jeromel Dela Rosa Lara, Harvard University


Surveying the Stigma: How the PLHIV Stigma Index acts as a validated framework to measure healthcare discrimination and how it can be adapted to quantify mental health stigma, Keeley LaRiviere, Claremont McKenna College


La crisis carcelaria en el Ecuador: las causas, manifestaciones y algunas recomendaciones, Ava Lausch, Oberlin College


Caviar of the Pacific: Palolo Fishing Today and its Association with Coral Reef Health, Emma Letti Lee


Defensa y Oposición al Aborto Legal: una exploración de las estrategias y las agendas dentro de los movimientos a favor y en contra de los derechos reproductivos en Buenos Aires, Argentina / Defense and Opposition of Legal Abortion: an exploration of the strategies and agendas within pro- and anti- reproductive rights movements in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Hannah Levenstein, University of Redlands


The Influence of a Company's Inherent Values on its Sustainability: Case Study of Portuguese Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Charlie Lynch, Colorado College


“Yo también Puedo” - Una investigación de pensamientos y opiniones sobre redes de apoyo y historia de violencia intrafamiliar contra mujeres mapuches rurales, Shira A. Lyss-Loren, Washington University in St. Louis


Market Feminism in Morocco, Claire Madsen, Colgate University


The Current Status of Women in Morocco and How it Can be Improved, Amanda Maia, Smith College


A comparative analysis of migrant health policies and practices in the US and Switzerland, Rebecca Mak, Rice University


The Maps of Us: Generational Trauma, Community Building, and Creative Resistance in Amman, Jordan, Neha Malik, Georgetown University


Investigating White Hegemonic Masculinity Among SADF Veterans in Durban, James Marculitis, Occidental College


Afforestation and Biodiversity: Bryophyte Richness Changes Between Icelandic Forest Types, Kian McDonough, University of Michigan


Improving the Longevity of Dairy Cattle: An Important Initiative for the Swiss Dairy Industry, Frances McMillan, Denison University


How elevation affects epiphyte distribution: An analysis in epiphyte distribution changes at different elevations and tree strata in Santa Lucia Cloud Forest Reserve, Ecuador, Nicole L. Melnick, Gettysburg College


Doing Well by Doing Good: Analyzing the Dynamics and Effectiveness of Corporate Engagement, Gillian Meyers, Georgetown University


The Nesting Behavior of Russet-backed Oropendola on Sumak Allpa, Ecuador: An analysis of nest construction and interactions with competing species, Claire Molina, Scripps College


Healing in the Himalayas: Mustangi Medical Practitioners’ Perspectives on Integrative Approaches to Chronic Illness, Lucia Morey, Mount Holyoke College


¿Cuál es el futuro del Sistema Alimentario en Argentina? El rol de los talleres de alimentación sana, segura y soberana del Área de Alimentación de la UTT en la lucha por la agroecología y la soberanía alimentaria, Gabriela Nahm, Davidson College


Sacred Scavengers: Vulture Conservation in Nepal, Hans Nedde, St. Lawrence University


Step by step: Understanding perceptions of time and space in Nepal, Lillian Norton-Brainerd, Hamilton College


Unofficial Torturers and Helpless Victims: Applying the Convention Against Torture to Organized Criminal Groups, Emmanuel Orozco Castellanos, University of Michigan


El Parque de la Papa y el Centro Internacional de la Papa: un caso de estudio de una colaboración única para la conservación de diversidad biocultural, Molly Orr, Kenyon College


Jabaaru Immigré ak Goor Jaarin: Migration, Marriage, and Emigrants’ Wives in Senegal, Sophia Patterson, Trinity University


How Ultra Firms in Former Soviet and Yugoslav States Became Political Actors, Alex Pelletier, Davidson College


If These Walls Could Talk: Restoring 15th Century Paintings in Upper Mustang, Ellie Penner, Washington and Lee University


Abandonados por los Estados Unidos: Migrantes Venezolanos Llenan los Vacíos en la Comunicación de la Política Migratoria, Ingrid Piña, University of Texas at Austin


La Cultura Familiar: Una exploración de herencia y memoria a través de comida, Alexandria Pizzino, Bowdoin College


La Capital Marica de Chile: Un mapa queer/kuir/marica de Valparaíso y una investigación sobre la construcción publica de una comunidad visible en Valparaíso, Steven Powell, Duke University


Counternarratives of Color: Race in Queer Archiving, Sanjula Rajat, Rollins College


Los desafíos y sueños históricos y actuales de la Unidad Educativa Amauta Ñanpi: Comunidad como base y meta de la educación intercultural bilingüe, Catherine Rhame, Williams College


Fighting Heroin Abuse with Heroin: How Legalizing Prescription Heroin Has Changed the Way New Generations Use Drugs, Claire Ridley, Georgetown University


The Geopolitical Impact of Conflict on Food Security in Nigeria, Charis Riebe, Washington University in St. Louis


Born A Foreigner: Tibetan Statelessness in India, Sonam Rikha, Pomona College


Discusión política en los liceos de Santiago, Chile: Explorando las escuelas cómo espacio de ciudadanía formación y reflexión critica, Nicole Rodríguez, Hamilton College


Investigating primary succession following the retreat of the Breiðamerkurjökull glacier, Iceland, Ella Roelofs, Middlebury College


Economic Perceptions and Potential Within La Marsa, Dean Roiland, Cedarville University


Gender Roles And The Social Agent: Framing The Women’s Movement(s) In Postcolonial Morocco, Lily Ross, Pomona College


A quantitative study of orchids and their proximate environments over an elevational gradient on the Northern slope of Montagne d’Ambre, Hazel Schrader, Hamilton College


Shinetagantsi: Un caso de la alimentación materna e infantil y medicina intercultural durante lactancia en la comunidad nativa de Palotoa Teparo, Layne Scopano, University of South Carolina


El impacto de la pandemia en la formación de los hábitos de alimentación en niñes pequeñes en la Villa 21-24 en Barracas, Buenos Aires / The impact of the pandemic in the creation of nutritional habits in young children in Villa 21-24 in Barracas, Buenos Aires, Hannah Seewald, Temple University


Contemporary Legacies of Morocco’s Gnawa Music Communities, Luke Sheppard, Haverford College


Millonarios y Bosteros: La rivalidad entre River y Boca desde una perspectiva de desigualdad social en la ciudad de Buenos Aires contemporánea, Noah Siderhurst, Vassar College


La Ciencia Deshumanizada: La relación humano-ambiental entre el CADIC-CONICET y la Antártida, Ariel Silverman, Harvard University


Observational Study of Woolly Monkey Behavior and Vocalizations: Behavioral Time Allotment and Vocalization Habits of a Small Population of Poeppig’s Woolly Monkey (Lagothrix lagotricha poeppigii) in the Ecuadorian Amazon, Marina Smith-Hanke, Vassar College


The Viability of Traditional Portuguese Olive Groves in the Alentejo Region under a Sustainable Development Framework, Sydney Soloway, Hamilton College


Tree to Tree: Phylogenetics of diverse Anura using portable lab equipment: Primer optimization, bioinformatic pipeline, and phylogenetic analyses reveal potential new species and ability to identify evolutionary relationships in a hyper diverse anura clade using Nanopore sequencing, Elinor Sterner, Smith College


La política cultural del aborto: Las percepciones y el manejo del aborto en Arica, Chile, Eva Strelitz-Block, The University of Texas at Austin


Assessing the Threat of Coral Decline on Fish Diversity in Response to Temperature, Ryland Talmadge, College of Charleston


The Effects of Gender-Based Violence on Maternal and Neonatal Health Among Women of Reproductive Age Seeking Services at the Gender-Based Violence Recovery Center at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital, Mana Tezuka, Syracuse University


Aquatic diversity in a changing tropical Andean glacierized catchment: Macroinvertebrates reveal possible important consequences to the Chimborazo region as glaciers recede and the climate continues to change, Tanner Thomas, Bowdoin College


Treatments of Cyanobacteria on Mariculture Sponges in Jambiani, Tanzania, Sally Thornton-White, University of Denver


Perceptions of the Efficacy and Trustworthiness of Faith-Based Organizations and Secular NGOs in Mgwashi, Bumbuli District, Tanzania, Naomi Tomlin, Vassar College


A Displaced People: Documenting the History and Displacement of the Batwa Tribe in Bundibugyo District, Uganda., Marcos S. Turk, The George Washington University


“For a Better Future”: The Impact of Labor Migration on Families in Samoa, Rebekah Underwood, Saint Michael's College


Factors Driving Changing Community Acceptance of Gays and Lesbians in Cato Manor, KwaZulu-Natal, Isabella van der Weide, Muhlenberg College


Using Remote Sensing Technologies in Relocating Lubrak Village and Visualizing Flood Damages, Ronan Wallace, Macalester College


Políticas Visuales y Acción Colectiva: Un investigación sobre las articulaciones estético-políticas en manifestaciones de arte público en Ushuaia y El Bolsón / Visual Politics and Collective Action: An investigation of aesthetic-political articulations in manifestations of public art in Ushuaia and El Bolsón, Laura Woodhouse, University of Puget Sound


Comparing the Scottish National Party (SNP) and the Basque Nationalist Party (EAJ-PNV)’s social policies towards refugees and asylum seekers, Emily Woodruff, Washington University in St. Louis


Medical Ethics: How Resource Distribution Affects the Decision Making of Doctors in Rural India: An Explorative and Comparative Study in Jamkhed, Maharashtra, Jared Yee, Washington University in St. Louis


Medical Ethics: How Resource Distribution Affects the Decision Making of Doctors in Rural India: An Explorative and Comparative Study in Jamkhed, Maharashtra, Jared Yee, Washington University in St. Louis