Ecuador: Comparative Ecology and Conservation | ISP Collection by Program | SIT Graduate Institute/SIT Study Abroad

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Submissions from 2024


Structural Responses to Land Use in Pollination Networks: Effects of Biodiversity and Alien Plants in the Ecuadorian Chocó, Eric Abrahams, Washington University in St. Louis


Impacts of Gas Flaring on Soil Quality in the Ecuadorian Amazon: Measuring gas flare effects on soils at comparative distances in Loma del Tigre, Orellana, Francesca LoPresti, Macalester College


White-Fronted Capuchins (Cebus albifrons aequatorialis) in La Hesperia Cloud Forest Reserve: A Study of Aggressive Behaviors in Response to Human Presence, Marin Lynch, Franklin & Marshall College


Uncovering Chimborazo’s Catchments: Insights into the fluvial network, stream characteristics, and hydrological patterns in Reserva de Producción de Fauna Chimborazo, Ecuador, Julia L. Schwartz, Pomona College

Submissions from 2023


Soil succession: Short and long-term impacts of grazing on soil properties in a Tropical Montane Cloud Forest, June Curtis, Oberlin College


Friends in High Places: Establishing pollination networks for the Páramos of Central Ecuador, Emma Diaz, Washington University in St. Louis


Understory Epiphyte Hydrology: Analyzing water storage capacity of epiphytes along an elevational gradient in western Ecuadorian cloud forest, Angelina Dodge, Macalester College


On the Rocks, Below the Rocks: A study of intertidal life in the low, middle and high zones of the Puerto Cabuyal – Punta San Clemente Marine Reserve during an El Niño event, Juliana M. Ferrer, Rollins College


Community complexity of a pollination network: Analysis of plant-pollinator interactions in the eastern Ecuadorian cloud forest, Anisa López-Ruiz, Pomona College


Hydropower to the people: Implications of a comparative macroinvertebrate study on either side of the Central Hidroeléctrica Topo in Tungurahua, Ecuador, Grace Mazur, Johns Hopkins University


A Comparative Plague Study of Cacao Fungal Disease in Cacao Pods Within Monocultures and Indigenous Agroforests in Ecuador’s Napo Province, Seamus McCarthy, Macalester College


Hydrological patterns of the Chimborazo Reserve: Streamflow, climate, and glacier recession data show a loss of glacial influence on the southwestern aspect of the Chimborazo volcano, Ecuador., William F. M. Patrick, Pomona College

Submissions from 2022


Water: The Gift and the Curse: A Climate Change Preparedness Study on an Increased rainfall Scenarios In the Yunguilla Cloud Forest, Ecuador, Emilia Dick Fiora del Fabro, Tufts University


Orb-weaver Diversity and Niche Partitioning in Ecuador’s Amazonian Foothills: What spiders can reveal about tree fall gaps, streams, and cultivated areas, Riley Endries, Washington University in St. Louis


From River to Ridge: The Influence of Elevation and Habitat on Herpetofauna Species Abundance and Diversity in the Llanganates-Sangay Ecological Corridor, Ecuador, Elle Hankin, Colby College


Arthropod Assemblages at the Intersection of Epiphyte and Soil Habitats: An assessment of understory level nonvascular epiphyte communities and their connectivity within a tropical montane rainforest, David “Max” Jones, Northwestern University


How elevation affects epiphyte distribution: An analysis in epiphyte distribution changes at different elevations and tree strata in Santa Lucia Cloud Forest Reserve, Ecuador, Nicole L. Melnick, Gettysburg College


The Nesting Behavior of Russet-backed Oropendola on Sumak Allpa, Ecuador: An analysis of nest construction and interactions with competing species, Claire Molina, Scripps College


Observational Study of Woolly Monkey Behavior and Vocalizations: Behavioral Time Allotment and Vocalization Habits of a Small Population of Poeppig’s Woolly Monkey (Lagothrix lagotricha poeppigii) in the Ecuadorian Amazon, Marina Smith-Hanke, Vassar College


Tree to Tree: Phylogenetics of diverse Anura using portable lab equipment: Primer optimization, bioinformatic pipeline, and phylogenetic analyses reveal potential new species and ability to identify evolutionary relationships in a hyper diverse anura clade using Nanopore sequencing, Elinor Sterner, Smith College


Aquatic diversity in a changing tropical Andean glacierized catchment: Macroinvertebrates reveal possible important consequences to the Chimborazo region as glaciers recede and the climate continues to change, Tanner Thomas, Bowdoin College


Conservation and Variation in Agricultural Landscapes: A survey of insect populations across naranjilla cultivation methods in the eastern Andean cloud forest, Ian Zakelj, Macalester College

Submissions from 2021


A Ladder of Endemicity: A pioneering study of anuran communities along an elevational gradient in the Eastern Andean Cloud Forests, Ecuador, Ella Halbert, Oberlin College


A biological assessment of water quality in El Placer, Ecuador: The effect of agriculture on stream health and the quality of historical versus current drinking water sources, Danielle Kleinberg, Gettysburg College


Bird Diversity in the Ecuadorian Chocó: A Proposal for Avitourism in Villaflora and Manduriacu Reserve, Elizabeth Kroger, Middlebury College


A Phenological Analysis of Páramo Vegetation Along an Altitudinal Gradient: The Influence of Camelids on Andean Flora in the Páramo of Chimborazo, Ecuador, Tessa Seifried, Northwestern University

Submissions from 2020


Indigenous Communities Versus Oil Companies: Identifying Trends in Tactics and Success of Indigenous-Led Anti-Petroleum Movements in the Ecuadorian Amazon, Ella V. H. Carlson, Smith College


If Watersheds Spoke: A condition analysis of the Rio Tomebamba watershed in southern Ecuador using GIS analysis, Lenka G. Doskocil, Colorado State University


Surviving Under the Reign of El Niño Southern Oscillation: An analysis of the effects of extreme El Niño events on the oceanographic and biological environment of the Galápagos Islands, Ava McIlvaine, Scripps College


Climate Change Effects on Volcanoes in the Tropics: A review of the deglaciation of Antisana and its effects on subsequent water streams and rivers over 20 years, Callie C. Rominger, Whitman College


An Apex Predator in Peril in the Western Lowlands of Ecuador: Mapping the Population Distribution of Harpy Eagles (Harpia harpyja) in a Highly Deforested Region, Samuel Zhang, Amherst College

Submissions from 2019


Foraging Behavior in Atta Leaf-Cutter Ants: A comparison of disturbed versus undisturbed nests, Ariana Baetz, Mount Holyoke College


Mammals of the Northern Andes: An analysis of camera trap data and observation in Angochagua, Ecuador, Risa Berman, Saint Michael's College


Primitive Palms: A density study on the impacts of harvesting natural materials for construction purposes on Sumak Allpa of the Amazon rainforest, Zachary Bull, University of Colorado Boulder


Andean condor cliff and parental care behavior: A behavioral study of a chick and his free-living parents on the Peñón del Isco, Ecuador, Ellie Cohn, Tufts University


A Preliminary Study for the Future Translocation of a Saimiri sciureus Troop from Sumak Allpa to Yasuní National Park: Assessing the Habitat Use, Population, and Behavior of a Common Squirrel Monkey Troop in Indillama, Kenia French, Tufts University


The Giant Rodents of Sumak Allpa: A Preliminary Study of the Ecological Niche of Amazonian Capybaras in Ecuador, Brynn Furey, Georgetown University


Effectiveness of Different Agricultural Management Styles as Insect Biological Corridors: A comparison of insect populations in fragmented Chocó cloud forest, Ecuador, Tara M. Krantz, Northwestern University


Araneae Biodiversity in the Amazonian Foothills: An analysis of family and guild presence across habitat types, Rae Lewark, Hawaii Pacific University


A Delicate Balance: The Effects of Habitat Type on Frog Communities: A three-pronged study examining the effects of differing habitat characteristics on anuran diversity at el Centro de Investigación Sumak Kawsay in situ, Ecuador, Zane Libke, Davidson College


Trends in Nectar Production and Concentration of Hummingbird-Pollinated Flowers: An investigation of three flowers of the Ecuadorian Cloud Forest: Palicourea demissa, Mezobromelia capituligera, and Kohleria affinis, Grace Palmer, Barnard College

Submissions from 2018


Large Mammals of the High Andes A Survey of Community Composition and Habitat Usage in the Highlands of Angochagua, Sage Fox, Oregon State University


Herpetofauna of Sumak Allpa: A Baseline Assessment of an Unstudied Island Herpetofaunal Community, Sara Freimuth, Claremont McKenna College


Andean condor nesting and behavior: A study of a free-living pair and chick as well as population behavior near Antisana Ecological Reserve, Ecuador, Ian Handler


Patrones de depredación de orugas con colores crípticos y aposemáticos / Caterpillar depredation patterns with cryptic colors and aposematics, Jacqueline Maldonado, Brown University


Blooming Mountains of Biodiversity: An Investigation of Angiosperms on Cerro Mayordomo, Tungurahua, Ecuador, Ella Matsuda, Rice University


La Calidad del Agua y el Impacto en la Salud Pública: Un examen a las fuentes del agua en la Amazonia cerca de Puyo, Ecuador y la salud de las comunidades indígenas / Water Quality and the Impact on Public Health: An examination of water sources in the Amazon near Puyo, Ecuador and the health of indigenous communities, Mary Kathryn McGregor, Wofford College


Water Capacity of Paramo Soils, Rafael Robert, DePauw University

Submissions from 2017


Investigation de regeneración natural de plantas vasculares en la Reserva Madrigal del Podocarpus / Investigation of natural regeneration of vascular plants in the Madrigal Reserve of the Podocarpus, Sy Baker, University of Colorado


Monitoring Anuran Populations in Bosque Protector Candelaria: A multi-year comparison of frog populations in an Ecuadorian cloud forest, Mindee Goodrum, St. Michael's College


The Taxonomy, Reproduction, and Distribution of Rare Plants: A Study of Magnolia sp. in the Río Zuñac Reserve, Ecuador, Alyssa Kullberg, Colby College


Carbon Sequestration in the Cloud Forest: A Comparative Evaluation of Aboveground Biomass Carbon Stock Potential in the Río Guajalito Reserve, Elli Mapstone, Colby College


Hummingbird Foraging Preference: The Hierarchical Impacts of Color, Position, and Concentration on Visitation Frequency, Erin O'Connor, Colgate University


Hydrology and macroinvertebrates as biological indicators- an integrated study of the Río Zamora Watershed, Loja, Ecuador, Isabel Ryde, Macalester College


Development of a Wild Infant Woolly Monkey Social interactions, time allocation and behavior of a wild Lagothrix lagotricha poeppigii infant and her mother, Saba Zewdie, Whitman College

Submissions from 2016


Epigeal fauna of Bosque Protector Cerro Candelaria, Justine Albers, Swarthmore College


Nutrient Cycling in the Amazon: A Comparison of Soil Characteristics, Insects, Root Types and Decomposition Rates between Varzea and Terra Firme habitats in the Ecuadorian Amazon, Mira Ensley-Field, Macalester College


The development of a reproductive population of chorongos: Intergroup interactions, dispersal, and sexual behavior of Lagothrix lagotricha poeppigii in natural rehabilitation on the island of Sumak Allpa, Ecuador, Rachel Gallegos, Duke University


Resource Quality and Defense: Feeding Behaviors and Female Territoriality in Two Species of Tropical Hummingbird, Briana Grether


The Importance of Rivers in Protected Areas: Macroinvertebrate Sampling Reveals the Impact of Humans and Highways on Water Quality, Marie-Claire Harrison, Pomona College


Evaluating a Squirrel Monkey Troop in Natural Rehabilitation: An Assessment of Population and Behavior of Saimiri sciureus in Preparation for Relocation from Sumak Allpa to Yasuní National Park, Bria Riggs, Bates College


Trends in Nectar Concentration and Hummingbird Visitation: Investigating different variables in three flowers of the Ecuadorian Cloud Forest: Guzmania jaramilloi, Gasteranthus quitensis, and Besleria solanoides, Sophie Wolbert, Scripps College

Submissions from 2015


Abejas silvestres (Himenóptera: Apoidea) en la neblina: Análisis de la diversidad, interacciones, y potencial para miel en un remanente de bosque nublado, Jen Hayes, University of Vermont


Ficus sp. y la frugivoría: Una investigación sobre un recurso importante para las aves en el bosque nublado occidental del Ecuador, Hilary Niles, Middlebury College


Human impacts on water systems: Biological assessment of water quality in the Bosque Protector Río Guajalito (BPRG) using aquatic macroinvertebrates, Harrison Smith, University of Arkansas


Taking Root: An Analysis of the Best Method for Active Forest Regeneration in the Cloud Forest, Charlotte Startin, Scripps College


Water Quality in the Río Pastaza Watershed A comparative study of Ríos Topo, Zuñag, and Pastaza and the impact of the Topo Hydroelectric Project using Macroinvertebrates as Bioindicators, Jesse Vega-Perkins, Northwestern University

Submissions from 2014


New Study of Altitude and Butterfly Diversity Evaluation of butterfly diversity in La Hesperia and influence of altitude on diversity, Savannah Artusi, University of Virginia


La eficiencia en los manejos orgánicos de plagas en la Parroquia San Pedro de Vilcabamba., Lauren Miranda, St. Michael's College


La diversidad y la densidad de las epífitas vasculares en la Reserva Cerro Candelaria: La diferencia entre las alturas y dos tipos de bosque nublado en Ecuador, Reilly Rosbotham, University of Puget Sound


River Health in Puyo, Ecuador The Use of Macroinvertebrates as Bioindicators of Water Quality and Alternatives to Chlorine for Whitening Clothes in the Puyo River Watershed, Allison Rowe, Williams College


Rehabilitation Assessment of a Juvenile Woolly Monkey (Lagothrix lagotricha poeppigii) Troop on Sumak Allpa Island, Ecuador, Christine Walder, Bowdoin College


New Observations of the Andean Ibis (Theristicus branickii, Threskiornithidae): Distribution, Movements, and Behavior Near Volcán Antisana, Benjamin West, Bowdoin College

Submissions from 2013


Deforestación en El Corredor de Sangay- Llanaganates, Ecuador: Un Análisis con GPS y Satélite, Joel Mandella, Macalester College


A Woolly Monkey Travel Guide: An Assessment of the Foraging Patterns Among Lagothrix Poeppigii on Sumak Allpa Island, Ecuador, Adrienne Mathis, Davidson College


Perspectivas ciudadanas del petróleo en Ecuador: Variaciones de opiniones del desarrollo del Yasuní-ITT por barreras socioeconómicas y geográficas / Citizen Perspectives on Petroleum in Ecuador: Variances in Opinion on Yasuní-ITT Development across Socioeconomic and Geographic Barriers, Megan Tokunaga, Pomona College


Perdido en la Cadena: Un Análisis del Impacto Económico y Ambiental de cajas de Embalaje en Baños, Ecuador, Zhang Yuan, Middlebury College

Submissions from 2012


Tsunamis: Desprevenidos por la Realidad de la Geología Un estudio de la Posibilidad y Precauciones por un Tsunami en Puerto López, Manabí, Ecuador, Abigail Eurich, Yale University


Las carreteras ya no cantan: una investigación sobre la riqueza y diversidad de especies de anfibios en sitios sensibles a lado del Eje Vial N°4 en la Reserva Biológica Tapichalaca, Harrison Goldspiel, Brandeis University


Evaluating a Primate Sanctuary: Population assessment of the Common Squirrel Monkey (Saimiri sciureus) on Sumak Allpa, Ecuador, Claire Leichter, Carleton College


El dengue en Puerto López La Incidencia y el Nivel de Conocimiento de la Gente Sobre las Enfermedades Transmitidas por los Mosquitos, McKenzie Momany, Whitman College


Control Biologico de la Broca del Cafe (Hypothenemus Hampei) en la Valle de Vilcabamba, Loja, Ecuador. Una Comparacion de Huertas Usando el Hongo Beauveria Bassiana, María Mugnani, Mount Holyoke College

Submissions from 2011


El Perro de Monte de Sechura: Su Relación con el Bosque Seco Tropical y la Gente de la Región Central de Manabí, Julian O. Buffam, Connecticut College


Análisis de Heces del Tapir Andino, Tapirus Pinchaque (Roulin, 1829), en la Comunidad de Oyacachi, Parque Nacional Cayambe-Coca, Ecuador: Un Estudio Realizado en la Comunidad de Oyacachi, Ecuador Analizando el Contenido de las Heces del Tapir Andino y Registrando Proporciones de Fibras, Hojas, Tallos, o Semillas en su Dieta, Para Verificar su Función de Dispersor de Semillas en su Hábitat., Katlyn M. Keane, St. Michael's College


Preferencias Sexuales de Aves a las Carreteras Los Efectos de la Carretera Cuenca - Molleturo – Naranjal en las Proporciones de los Sexos en los Individuos de la Especies de Phrygilus Unicolor en el Parque Nacional de Cajas, Sarah Takushi, Illinois Wesleyan University

Submissions from 2010


Un Estudio Ecológico de las Lagartijas del Valle Seco de Buenavista y de los Valles Húmedos de La Josefina y Salango, Ross Brennan, Pomona College


La Historia de la Energía y Desarrollo en Una Comunidad Rural: El Uso e Historia de la Energía en Santa Rosa de Pacto y las Implicaciones Para el Futuro de los Países en Vías de Desarrollo, Julie Lapidus, Scripps College


Salud Reproductiva de Mujeres en Edad Fertil de la Zona de Intag: Deteccion Oportuna del Cancer Cervico Uterino (DOC) Papanicolaou, Astia Roper-Batker, Smith College

Submissions from 2009


Una Manera de Vida Diferente: Embarazos en Adolescentes y Planificación Familiar en la Zona de Intag, Ecuador, Jennifer Dabrow, Brandeis University


El Desarrollo Sostenible: Las Aplicaciones de un Sendero Ecológico y una Farmacia Verde al Progreso Ambiental de Pucará, Ecuador, Matthew Woods, Kenyon College

Submissions from 2008


Atravesando la Amazonía: Carreteras, Desarrollo, & el Camino del Desastre, Olivia De Lancie, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Las Canastas Solidarias: Construyendo una Comercialización Directa con los Productores, Un Análisis de los Métodos Usados Para Realizar Este Objetivo, Caitlin Howe, Pomona College


El Plan Agua Bosque: Impactos Sociales y Ambiéntales de las Hidroeléctricas Comunitarias Propuestas en Intag, Jonathan Kadish, Pomona College


Flowers and Feeders: A Comparison of Hummingbird Feeding Activity, Caitlin A. McHugh, Wesleyan University


Estatus Actual de los Búhos Terrestres (Athene cunicularia) en la Zona de Puerto López, Ecuador: Efectos de las Creencias y Sentimientos hacía los Animales Silvestres, Allison Qubain, University of Puget Sound


La Sucesión Primaria de la Vegetación Sobre los Flujos Piroclásticos del 2006 en el Volcán Tungurahua, Lauren Schaefer, DePauw University

Submissions from 2006


La Ley de Maternidad Gratuita en Intag: Su Aplicación, Educación y Uso, Stephanie Lewis, Gustavus Adolphus College


Un Estudio de la Palma de Ramos, Ceroxylum alpinum, en la Zona Intag, Ecuador, Lupe Moscoe, Williams College


Food Item Coloration of the Common Squirrel Monkey (Saimiri sciureus): An Analysis of Color Vision Polymorphism at the Tiputini Biodiversity Station, Stefan Cooper Rosin, Macalester College

Submissions from 2005


Assessment of Ecuadorian Viewpoints Concerning the Gutiérrez Administration and Current Political Issues, Alissa Barrett, University of the Pacific