The Independent Professional Project (IPP) is a written thesis from the Master of Arts in TESOL Programs. Intended for second language teachers, it details a significant personal experience that is of interest and value to others in the profession. It may take the form of an academic research paper, a classroom-based action research project, a materials development project, an exchange group leadership project, or a language/culture study abroad project.
Submissions from 1981
English Through Drama: Rationale and Description of Materials Developed in an ESL Drama Project in Israel, Enid Carol Kumin
The Haitian Boat People: An Overview of the Present Situation Concerning Their Illegal Immigration to Florida, Peter Gordon LaLime
Facilitating the Learning of How to Learn: The Development of Active, Resourceful, and Responsible Learners in an Experiential, Cross-Cultural, Academic Program, Teryl Lee Lundquist
Responsibility - A Foreign Perspective on Four Issues in the Master of Arts in Teaching Program, Margaret Elizabeth McDonald
Teaching Spanish The Silent Way (A Summary of Student Teaching), David Miller-Siegel
An Orientation to the United States, Charles Wayman Mitchell and Marie Eileen Mitchell
Friday Night at the Mayaguez Mall: A Rationale With Examples on the Use of Drama in the Notional-Functional Classroom, Stephen Newman
Games and Activities Based on Grammatical Areas Which are Problems for the Intermediate ESL Student, Cheryl Olson and Susan Shalek
Units of Study on Eight American Patriotic Holidays, Nina Pearson
A Hodge-Podge of Written Realia, Suzanne Petrick
ESL/EFL Homework: Philosophical Considerations and their Application in ESL/EFL Homework Design, David Anderson Plumb
Using a Case Study Method to Teach Culture in the ESL Classroom, William Peter Polaski
Use of Rapid Question and Answer Exercises in the ESL Classroom, Alfred B. Porter Jr.
Language Conflict: A Case Study of National Language Selection in Iran, Kenneth Pransky
Language and Culture in Two Worlds: Teaching English to Hmong Refugees, Sherry Lieberman Preiss and Cammille Smith
Live...from the Language Lab., Ursula H. Raeth
Working with Mexican ESL Teachers: Description of a Teacher Training Experience, Hilary Russell
A Practical Handbook for Untrained English Teachers of Lao Refugees in Vermont, Robert Ruud-Prestebak and Michael McAlister Kennedy
Implementing My Philosophy of Education as a School Administrator, Joseph T. Sefcheck
Teaching ESL Through American Songs: A Sourcebook, Julia Ann Somers
Teaching and the Boarding School Environment at TASIS England, William Bradley Stevenson
English Language Program Proposal for the Instituto Mexicano De Commercio Exterior, Sharon L. Voss
Developing a Conversational English as a Second Language and Acculturation Program for a Social Service Agency Engaged in the Resettlement of Soviet Jewish Immigrants, Robert Charles Wachman
A Personal Guideline for the Use of Correction in the Classroom, Carol Ann Wilson
Submissions from 1980
Teaching Culture - A Texas Model: Materials Development for Teaching American Culture, Focusing on Regional Variations, Melanie Anne Dando
Planning a Vacation in the U.S.: a Multipurpose Theme in the ESL Classroom, Janet Lynne Entersz
A Classification of Teaching Techniques for the Development of Language Learning Skills, Cecilie L. French
Teaching Oral Communication Skills via Authentic Material: A Description and Analysis of a Learning Experience in Japan, Philip B. Graham
A Handbook for Foreign Graduate Students at Rutgers University: A Statistical Assessment of Their Problems and Needs, Habib Hosseiny
Hospital Care in Ten Departments, Abram Troy Lassiter
Joint TEFL Training of Peace Corps Volunteers and Host Country Nationals in Tongo: An Experience and Recommendations, Ruth A. Pierson
Materials for Teaching Indonesian by "Silent Way", Thomas Ray Ross
An ESL Program with Laotian Refugees, Patricia A. Ryan-Croes
An Approach for Teaching the Illiterate ESL Student How to Read and Write, Mary Sween
Community and the Second Language Learner: a study of the concept of community in theory and practice and its implications for English language programs, Joseph E. Terbieten
The Live Lab: Guidelines and Exercises for the Teacher-Produced Language Laboratory, Susan E. Treadgold
Oracle: A Game of Cultural Awareness, Allyn Willey-Billings
Community-Oriented Activities in the Teaching of ESL, Laura Katherine Yost
Submissions from 1979
Bengali Sound-Color Fidel and Spelling Charts and Their Analysis, Husne Jahan Alam
Teaching Overseas, Maria Angeles Albarracin Boggs
ESL Teacher Training: A Fifteen Hour Introductory Course in TESL Methodology, Helene Ellen Becker
Observations on the Language Acquisition of a Thai/English Bilingual Child, Michael A. Betcher
Teaching Pronunciation in an Undefined Curriculum, Joan Elaine Branson
A Cultural Observation Project for Outbound Students to France, Fiona Stewart Cook
Designing and Implementing a University Level English as a Second Language Program, Janice Gallagher
Of Time and Tense: An Analysis of the English Verb Tense System for the ESL Teacher, William David Helz
Nursery Rhymes and Songs for Teaching English as a Second Language to Children, Nancy R. Hendricks
Techniques for Remediating Errors Made by Spanish Speakers of ESL, Edmundo J. Mora
A Generative Language Approach to ESL for Children: Considerations and Activities, Monique H.W.C. Noyons Gehman
A File of Student-Invested Activities for the Foreign Language Classroom, Sue Rogers and Marion Macdonald
A Reading Program Designed for Nursery School Children, Marlene Rubin
Submissions from 1978
Charts that Show Basic Transformations in English, Lawrence Fuller Allen
A Resource and Idea Book ( for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages ), Eleanor C. Boone, Rick Gildea, and Pat Moran
A Handbook for Teaching Technical English, Kathleen Bogue Caissie
Composing and Using Poetry as an ESL Teaching Tool, Roland Caissie
A Handful of English: An Inventory of Typical American Gestures, Margaret L. Clement
Visual Developmental Dyslexia in Children (Specific Language Disability), Sue Golden
Pictopairs: A Minimal Pair Portfolio, Marks Greenberg
Interference of Brazilian Portuguese on Learning English, Tizuko Hirose and Tsizuco Iwase
Space, Time and Movement: The Context for Spoken Language, Nancy Leach
Self-Concept, Self-Image Improvement Activities for the Classroom, Daniel Mack
A Language Arts Project Involving the Construction of a Solar Greenhouse by Navajo Children, Daniel J. McLaughlin
Communication Practice Exercises: Values Clarification Techniques at Work in the ESL Classroom, Frederick H. O'Connor and Edwin E. Lombard
Claire's School: An account of the Development of a One-Room School, as Recorded in Taped Interviews with Claire Oglesby, Barbara B. Pfeil
Spoken Bakhtiari, Gholam Hossein Rahmanian
Advising an Institution: A Report to the Administration of Deerfield Academy Regarding Thier Foreign Students, Stuart P. Salomon
Methods and Materials for ESL Literacy, Ann Ebersole Strauch
The Cultural Problems Encountered in Teaching Basic English to Russian Jew Refugees as an Initial Step to Entering an English Speaking Society, James Edwin Traver
Pointing the Way, Jennifer Upton-Doty
Submissions from 1977
CLL: An Approach to Teaching Advanced Conversation (Student Teaching Report), Betsy Bedell
The Application of Proverbs to the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Cesar Romero Borrome
Approaching American Culture Through Art and Poetry (An Exploration of Ten Themes), Emily M. Bufferd
An Annotated Bibliography of M.A.T. Projects, Reports and Papers in the S.I.T. Library, David Michael Bumbar
The Importance of Including in an ESL Program: A Study of Intonation Patterns Used in Everyday Spoken English and Some Suggestions for Working with Intonation in the Classroom, A. Rebecca Cardozo
Using Music to Teach English as a Second Language: A Guide to the Use of Song Lyrics, Peter M. Carney
The a as in at book, Robert P. Carvutto
Tres Cuentos, Beatriz Cespedes de Fantini
Teaching English in Zanjan, Iran; A Western Woman's Experience, Kathleen B. Doyle
The Importance of Cross-Cultural Training for the TESOL Teacher, Susan Ginsberg Emanuel
A Series of Dialogues for Foreign Students Who Have Just Arrived in the United States, Stephen B. Gelman
Suggested Activities for Using the Newspaper in the ESL Classroom, Carol Gordenstein
English Language in the Akamba Classroom: Competition and Culture, Nancy E. Horn
English Language Instruction in Iran, Zarrin Khatami
Proposal for the Creation of an English Language Program at Emporia Kansas State College, Kathryn J. Lattimer
Tooning into English ( A Rationale for the Use of Cartoons in the English Language Classroom Plus Cartoons and Lesson Plans ), Timothy James Maciel
Pronunciation and the Silent Way Fidel, Bonnie Mennell Moyer
Proposal for "An Introduction to Adult Literacy" as an Elective Course in the MAT Program, Ruth Ellen Passo
Teaching Dari to English Speakers, Sajia Sultany
Teacher-Training in the Use of Individualized Instruction at the University of San Carlos Guatemala City, Guatemala, Carol Fedyk Williams and Terrence Lee Williams
A Handbook of Operations for Use in the ESL, Thomas Andrew Winters and Gayle Laverne Nelson
Theater Games and Group Problem-Solving Exercises for the Foreign Language Classroom, Larraine Ruth Wright
The Use of the American Heritage New Illustrated History of the United States in an Advanced ESL Class, Karen L. Yablonski-Toll
Submissions from 1976
Readings with Exercises for Advanced ESL Students, Vincent D. Antonelli
Strategies with the Rods, Joseph Barrett
"The Typical American" Source Materials, Laurence D. Ebner
Some Thoughts on the Effects ESL Teachers Can Have in a World Community, Ann Frentzen and Ann Brooks
The Use of the Language Laboratory for Language Learning in Japan (English), Hideko Fukuhara