Content Posted in 2020
A comparative study on Mental Health Knowledge Based on Socioeconomic Status in Kisumu Kenya 2019, Mashoud Kaba
Activity, Distribution, and Density of Brown Rats (Rattus norvegicus) on Misali Island, Pemba Island, Tanzania, Raegan Hasselbring
Alimentando a México: Los Movimientos Indígenas y Agrícolas Contra las Políticas Neoliberales, Sofia Buchler
A Look into the Varying Usage Patterns of Traditional and Western Medicine Within Senegal’s Urban Centers, Sarah Smith
An Analysis of the Rajasthan Public Health System’s Response to the 2019 Dengue Insurgence, Luke Bryan
An Evaluation of Soils on Sólheimajökull Glacier Foreland: Using Invertebrates and Decomposition as Bio-indicators of Soil Quality, Carolyn Weisman
An Experimental CLIL Course for Moroccan Students Preparing for the International Baccalaureate, Amine Bouhzam
An overview of supply-chain logistics in international humanitarian aid: finding challenges and solutions, Arjun Ganga
A Secret in the Words Tales of Literature and Dissent in Communist Czechoslovakia, Thea Toocheck
Assessing the Implications of a Tidal Barrage Power Plant in Hvalfjörður, Iceland, Olive M. Colangelo
A Study of Scars: Narratives of Unintentional Childhood Injuries in Cato Manor, Carolyn Fox
A survey of beetle diversity (order Coleoptera) on Lizard Island, John McCormack
Barriers and Opportunities to Electric Vehicle Development in Nepal, Allyson Krupa
Barriers Between Effective Transnational Changemaking: Relationships between INGOs and Moroccan NGOs, Julia Walters
Beach composition preferences for nesting populations of leatherback sea turtles (Dermochelys coriacea), Armila Beach, Guna Yala Comarca, Scott Campbell
#Bolivia: Trascendiendo las fronteras de la participación social y política a través de los hashtags, Azella Markgraf
¿Buscando estabilidad y encontrando crisis? jóvenes venezolanos en el estallido social chileno, Carmen Rio Vescia
Can I Make the Language Mine? Dynamics and Implications of Language Ownership within ESOL Classrooms, Megan Ellsworth
Catalonia: Independence in History, Rhetoric, and Symbolism, Natalie J. Cestone
Checking a Box or Creating Change? Examining the Overall State of Gender Mainstreaming in Humanitarian Action, Jenna Thoretz
Church of the Scattered: Navigating Cultural Identity in the Protestant Churches of Senegal, Joy Kirkland
Climate Change Effects on Volcanoes in the Tropics: A review of the deglaciation of Antisana and its effects on subsequent water streams and rivers over 20 years, Callie C. Rominger
Climate-Smart Agriculture: Building Resilience for Women Farmers in Kalchebeshi, Nepal, Annika Ruben
Coastal Stream Salinity and Its Impacts on Pemba Agriculture, Sara McCormack
Colonial Patronage: Evolutions in the Critique of Sartre’s “Orphée noir”, Gus Huiskamp
Como la mejora de la educación especial depende de la sociedad, Peyton Locke
Connections With(in): Exploring the Intangibles of Public Transit in Prague, Sarah Stapleton
Conservation efforts concerning native bee species of Michigan, Thomas Hellman
Constructions of Democratic Citizenship and Civic Education in Tunisia, Abigail Smith
COVID 19 in U.S. Migrant Detention Centers: The Call for Freedom in the Face of a Global Pandemic, Salma Rojas
COVID-19’s Impact on Climate Change Research and Institutional Resilience in Higher Education in Vermont and Tanzania, Stephanie Clement
Crisis in Crimea: A Case Study in Geopolitics, Jesse Clarke
Crude Intentions: Evaluating the Growing Risks of Arctic Alaskan Oil Production, Eliot Stein
Cuentos cortos sobre terrorismo de estado en Argentina: lecturas, análisis y usos / Short stories about Argentina’s state terrorism: readings, analysis and uses, Shannon Anderson
Designing an Accessible Wave Energy Conversion Device for Powering Ocean Sensors, Sophie Coppieters ‘t Wallant
Disability and Migration: How systems of violence intersect with the production and experience of disability for migrants in Morocco, Frances Condon
El artista está en línea: E-performance en el tiempo de COVID-19, Ezequiel N. González
El cuerpo en la poesía de mujeres ecuatorianas, Chloe Hood
“El dialogo es unilateral... no cambian una coma”: La participación y protección de derechos en el proyecto del Hábitat del Barrio 31 en Buenos Aires, Jacqueline Negro
El esfuerzo para establecer la Reserva Wilapewen: las motivaciones y impedimentos de establecer una reserva ecológica en la comuna de Curarrehue, Alexandra K. Black
El rol del gobierno en las campañas sanitarias de VIH, COVID-19 e Influenza, Sydney Reyes
El valor de la creatividad: Acceso, sentido, y potencial de las artes visuales en el sistema educativo en Valparaíso, Chile., Bianca Allende Boyd
“En defensa por la salud”: Los actores sociales en la construcción del movimiento social en Chile, Karina Martinez
English Corner: a guide for teachers, Tom Fay
Ensuring Accountability to Affected Populations in Humanitarian Settings: "Holding humanitarian organizations accountable to people.", Jazmin Williamson
Ethnobotany and Dai Medicine: Herbal Roots, Jasper Tsai
E-Waste Shouldn’t Be Waste: A Study on the Practices, Perceptions, and Policies on E-Waste in Urban Arusha, Tanzania, Melanie McKenzie
Exigimos inclusión, no tolerancia: La interseccionalidad en los movimientos estudiantiles en Argentina, Angélica Ramos
Exploring Approaches to Effective Evaluation for Public Diplomacy Exchange Programs, Alison Opoku Donyina
Exploring how social networks contribute to African immigrants’ ability to procure a sustainable livelihood in New York City, Richmond Opoku Donyina
Facebook’s Façade: Understanding The Disillusionment of Tunisian Youth, Adam Cooper
Falta de dirección: Conflictos dentro del movimiento indígena de la provincia de Chimborazo, Yann Dardonville
Fictions of Sexuality, Emelyn Schaeffer
Foraging Behavior in Atta Leaf-Cutter Ants: A comparison of disturbed versus undisturbed nests, Ariana Baetz
Foraging ecology and behavior of batoids and their influence on coastal sandflats, Melanie Fyda
Foreign Direct Investment in Kigali’s Special Economic Zone and its Impact on Rwanda’s Economic Reconstruction, Sabrina Roberts
Forjando un feminismo (no) transgeneracional: Una examinación de la memoria y la construcción de identidades en el movimiento estudiantil feminista del 2018-19, Isabel Guarnieri
Gen Z Perspectives on Climate Change and the Future: Having the courage to imagine and fight for a better world, Isabelle Graj
Geopolitics and the Digital Domain: How Cyberspace is Impacting International Security, Georgia Wood
Global Citizenship Education in Homeschooling Practices and Experiences in Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, Bethany Shackelford
“GOOOOOAL!”: An Exploration of the Dutch-Moroccan Footballer Experience, Kate J. Freeman
Health and Education: Perspectives on the Role of Schools in Health Promotion, Miranda Powell
Health on the Move: Health-seeking behavior of Changpa nomads in Ladakh, India, Maya Lubeck-Schricker
Herbal Medicine and Pediatric Massage: Interning at a TCM Pediatric Clinic, Yvette Way
How Do They Do It?: Looking at the Strengths and Challenges in the Running of a Completely Voluntary Non-Profit Organization, Erin Guilliams
How is Disability Seen? An Auto-Ethnographic Exploration of Disability in Urban Townships in Ethekwini, South Africa, Connie Chao
How Palestinian Aid Organizations Adapt to the Possibility of Further Annexation and Rights Abuses in the Wake of "The Deal of the Century", Nadia L. Wiggins
Identity in Translation: International Students’ Perspectives on Language and Identity, Laura Klingenstein
If Watersheds Spoke: A condition analysis of the Rio Tomebamba watershed in southern Ecuador using GIS analysis, Lenka G. Doskocil
Impacts of Agricultural Practices on Soil Quality and the Resulting Soil Conservation Implication in Kizanda Village, Lushoto Region, Tanzania, Sarah MacCormick
Impacts of anthropogenic waste on Tasmanian Pacific Gull (Larus pacificus) diet, Anne Bartlett
Improving Thorium-230 Determination in Marine Sediment, Katherine Mateos
Indigenous Communities Versus Oil Companies: Identifying Trends in Tactics and Success of Indigenous-Led Anti-Petroleum Movements in the Ecuadorian Amazon, Ella V. H. Carlson
Indonesia’s “Fresh Meat”: LGBTQ Activism Amid Political Homophobia and Transphobia, Catherine Cho
Influencia del quechua en el castellano andino del Cusco, Perú, Meredith Church
“In Principle” versus “In Reality”: Assessing the potential of adaptive urban governance toward urban flooding in Ho Chi Minh City’s District 7, Cindy Pham Nguyen
Integrating Education Abroad: Fostering Critical Reflexivity in Students, Cara Masullo Ekwuabu
Integrative Pharmacotherapeutic Approaches to Treating Depression, Charlotte Tse
Interacting with the Other: Culturally Responsive Approaches Toward Intercultural Competence, Tamara Devine
Intercultural Awareness through English Language in Middle Schools: The Case of Kosovo, Leonora Gashi
Internship Paper: Completed at the Humanitarian Law Center Kosovo, Julia Herzfeld
Intersections Between Health and Disability: A Case Study at Disha Centre, Jaipur, Rajasthan, Finnian Brokaw
Islands in a Sea of Aaruul: Globalization and Mongolian Cheesemakers, Pearse Anderson
Is Technology the key to prevention of falls among the elderly in rapidly aging societies? A case study of Kunming, China, Phoebe Kiburi
Juntar todos los recursos: Los obstáculos y las oportunidades del financiamiento de las OSCs en Argentina, Yanting (Jane) Yang
Kanjirowa Blues: An Exploration of Environmental and Climate Consciousness in Lower Dolpa, Nepal, Casey Greenleaf
Kasbah 3, Kais Saied, and The Construction of a Post-Revolutionary Political Paradigm in Tunisia, AJ Braverman
Khookha McQueer: Advocacy for Non-Binary Queerness and LGBTQI+ Representation in Tunisia, Jake Gomez
La ciudad versus el campo: la calidad de vida de los adultos mayores aymara entre Arica y Putre, Clare Rogowski
La comida, la identidad y la migración: Un caso de estudio de inmigrantes femeninas y su relación con la comida, Susanna Morales
La Comunidad Nikkei en Perú: Su Historia, sus Influencias y sus Relaciones con la Comunidad Indígena en Madre de Dios, Olivia Snyder
La construcción de espacios para la memoria: El rol de los actores en tres ex centros clandestinos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Quentin Bernhard
La Discapacidad en Valparaíso: La existencia de un (¿nuevo?) movimiento social, Julia Conti
¿“La Familia Diversa”?: Una Investigación en Constructos de Familias en Ecuador en el Siglo XXI, Julia Cornick
Laguna de los Datos: Usos y Percepciones de RNU Laguna de Los Patos, Río Grande, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, Rosa Kirk-Davidoff
La inclusión de la mujer indígena y el conocimiento en la conservación biológica en el Perú, Ivyanna Colon-Greider
La Incorporación de la Dimensión Intercultural Para Pacientes Quechuas en el Centro Comunitario de Salud Mental de Calca, Caroline Parker
La integración de las necesidades especiales educativas en aulas convencionales chilenos: investigación y experiencias vividas, Julia Alfiere
La Integración y Percepción de los Inmigrantes Venezolanos en Tacna y Prácticas Transnacionalistas, Darla Chavez Chavez
La lucha por urbanización: El derecho de elegir donde y como vivir, E. Joella Hartzler
La Mujeres y su Derecho a la Cuidad: Una evaluación del Proyecto de Integración Urbana en Villa 31 con perspectiva de género, Stephanie Fernandez
La Pertinencia Cultural de los Proyectos Relacionados a la Planificación Familiar de las ONGs en el Distrito de Acomayo, Sadie Traylor
La Preservación y Evolución de la música tradicional andina y una modernización de la identidad indígena, Evan Tannenbaum
La Relación entre Cambio Climático y Migración en los Andes de Perú: Los Q’ero, Taquile y la Cordillera Blanca, Sam Hosmer-Quint
Las Buenas Vibras y el Buen Vivir el ‘Desarrollo’ Turístico por la Ruta Del Sol, Devon Hornberger
La situación actual del lenguaje inclusivo de género en Valparaíso, Chile, Madison Liistro
La Visa de Responsabilidad Democrática: un (imperfecto) faro de esperanza para migrantes venezolanos, Madison Rivers
L'Enracinement et L'Ouverture: A Relevant Global Citizenship Education in Senegal, Alanna Margaret Ross
Leopards Are Good to Think With: Spotting the Zanzibar Leopard in Jozani Forest, Andrew Weier
LGBTI+ Language and Understandings in Nepal: Creating Spaces and Forging Identities, Patrick Sonnenberg
Life Events which Motivate Youth to become Climate Activists in Sydney and Canberra, Phoebe Dolan
Linguistic Differences in Swiss cantons and its role on the national identity, Karen Lin
Lived Experiences of Temporary Permanence: The Syrian Perspective on Humanitarian Response and ‘Guest Status’ in Jordan, Leila A. Ismaio
Living with Bees: A Look into The Relationships Between People and Native Bees in Western Nepal, Alexandra Cobb
Local Democracy and Education Policy in Newly Federal Nepal, Jack Shangraw
Local Perceptions of Cannabis and Cannabis Laws in Morocco: Unpacking Past Laws, Moroccans' Perceptions, and Exploring Organizational Efforts, Shadae Tingman
Logistic and Structural Considerations for the Use of Psychological First Aid in Humanitarian Emergencies, Taylor Johnson
Los comedores populares argentinos en tiempos del COVID-19: El rol de los comedores durante la pandemia: el sistema alimentario y la acción del gobierno argentino, Katrina Frei-Herrmann
Los efectos de la minería en la salud: El movimiento social Aymara en torno al Cerro Márquez, Maya Hajny Fernandez
Los Efectos de la Socialización Política en las Percepciones sobre los Migrantes Centroamericanos, Katherine Fulcher
Los proyectos educativos alternativos para terminar con la desigualdad, Samuel Christensen
Los vacíos y las ausencias: Una mirada sobre la presencia de los afrodescendientes en las clases de historia nacional en Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sasha Mothershead
Luchadoras: Resistencias contra la violencia de género por las mujeres en la región de San Ramón, Olivia "Livey" Beha
Macroinvertebrate Community and Temperature Changes in a Michigan Stream, Nyika Campbell
Mammals of the Northern Andes: An analysis of camera trap data and observation in Angochagua, Ecuador, Risa Berman
Marrying Science and Experience: An Exploration of How Multilinguals Interact With and Between Languages and Cultures, Allie Heeg Polzin
Medical Trust in Pediatric Care in the United States, Talia Feldscher
Migración y salud en Chile: el impacto del coronavirus en la vida de los migrantes, Summer Reyes
Mining’s Impact on Environmental and Human Health: A Case Study of Ramba County’s Gold Mine, Vivika Fernes
Movement for a Gasfield Free Northern Rivers and its Applicability to Other Movements, Mariah Thomson
Natural Resources: The Confluence of ESL/ELL and Outdoor Education, Andrew Oates
North Korean Refugees Along the Route to Freedom: Challenges of Geopolitics, Deborah Da Sol Jeong
Not-So-Decriminalized: Consequences of Intersectional Identity for Migrant Sex Workers in Switzerland, Teagan Langseth-DePaolis
“Not Yet a Priority:” The Intersectional Exploration of Labor Market Access for People with Disabilities, Anona Neal
Optimizing water quality and temperature parameters to increase survival rates of Anotheca spinosa (Anura: Hylidae) eggs at the El Valle Amphibian Conservation Center, Morgan Oestereich
“Para nunca más vivirlo, nunca más negarlo”: El Legado de Violencia Sexual Durante la Dictadura, Isabel de la Torre
Parásitos gastrointestinales de Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, Sarah Martínez
Pasantía en RED OSS: Más que una Clínica, Saad Ehsan
Pearl Lagoon's White Lobster: The Societal, Economic, Political and Autonomous Effects, Rafely Palacios
Pensaba que Te Había Olvidado: El daño duradero de la Trauma que Viene de Tortura en la Dictadura Chilena, Antonia McDonnell Capossela
Perceptions of Rural Birthing Practices: A Glimpse into Maternal and Child Health for Women in Kangra District, Himachal Pradesh, Mackenzie Burke
Perceptions of Whiteness, Eloise Doubleday
Perceptions on Women`s Participation in Central African Republic Peace Process and Decision Making, Emilienne Sanon
Political Object or Individual Subject?: Dominant Dutch Narratives Vs. Migrant Identities, Ashley Little
Prescribing Public-Private Partnerships to Global Health Initiatives, Elizabeth Rhoads
Primates of the Padangtegal Monkey Forest: Aggressive, Submissive and Affiliative: Interactions between the Balinese Long-Tailed Macaques and Tourists, Marleigh Jenkins-Morse
Privacidad digital en Ecuador: el papel de la vigilancia, la jurisprudencia y los derechos humanos, Giselle Valdez
Queer Otherwise: Embodying a Queer Identity in Cape Town, Teak Emanuel Hodge
Queer Spaces, Future Places: Conversations with 3 Black Capetonian Femmes on Embodying Liberation, Ivana Onubogu
Quiscalus mexicanus vocalization pitch and traffic noise in breeding populations along the Cinta Costera highway and in downtown Gamboa, Panamá, Benjamin P. Gregory
Refugee Perspectives on Transitioning from Higher Education in the United States to Life Post-Graduation, Jessica S. Clarkson
Regenerative Grazing and the Benefits of Livestock on Soils in Northern New South Wales, Raymond Mooney
Río Muchacho: La interacción entre agricultura orgánica, educación ambiental y ecoturismo, Tatum Contreras
Room to Grow: A Comparative Analysis of Cannabis Regulation Models in Europe, Amanda H. Cronin
Salud mental comunitaria: Implementación en Chile actual, Emma Baker
Sex and Senesce: A Exploration of Aging Women’s Sexual Selves, Cordray McCann
Sharing Stories, Building Bonds: The Reconciliating Power of a Narrative, Breanna Nicole Thompson
Sirva todos como un hermano: las filosofías de los médicos tradicionales mapuches hacia los pacientes Winka, Andrew Turner
Social Support and Discrimination: The Experiences of Recovering Heroin Addicts in Kunming, China, Phoebe Li
Socio-Cultural Norms and Perceptions of Menstruation: An Intergenerational Analysis of Rural Jamkhed, Maharashtra, Addison Scales
Socio-Political Criticism in Contemporary Indonesian Art, Isabel Betsill
Spanish Language and Culture in Buenos Aires and Córdoba, Argentina, Sarah Eidt
Spun Truths: Outcomes of Mongolia’s Cashmere Program in Domestic Processing Facilities and Supply Chain, Daniel Strodel
Strategic Implications for the United States of the Belt and Road Initiative in Africa, Alec Monnie
Study Away for the Differently Abled: A Study Away Program for Young Adults with Intellectual Disabilities, Emily Huydic
Subversión del Binario de Género: Descubriendo Las Violencias Ejercidas Sobre las Personas Trans en Valparaíso, Marie Mendoza
Supporting Latinx College Students Study Abroad, Nicole Melendez
Surviving Monolingualism: Embracing Translingual Perspectives and Trans-semiotizing, Kyle O'Brien
SWAGriculture: A Qualitative Examination of Women’s Participation in Samoa’s Agriculture Industry as Farmers and Growers, Charlotte Crandall
Syrian Refugee Mothers in Jordan: Perceived Social Support and Postpartum Depression, Marya Rana
Terra Nullius: The Effects of Australia’s Colonial History on Sense of Place, Anna Beyette
The Commodification and Exoticization of Morocco: Tourism’s Impact on the Weaving and Argan Oil Industries, Isabella Mancini
The Cultural and Systemic Influence on Substance Use Disorder, Christina Seery
The Effect of Stray Dogs on Urban Arusha Residents and Existing Preventative Measures, Brooke MagliaBatista
The Effect of Tribalism on Political Parties, Cyrus Lloyd
The Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Humanitarian Aid Operations in Jordan, Hana Driss
The Female Worker: An Analysis of Women Residing along the Moroccan-European and U.S.- American Borderlands, Marlen G. Renderos
The Giant Rodents of Sumak Allpa: A Preliminary Study of the Ecological Niche of Amazonian Capybaras in Ecuador, Brynn Furey
The Guthi System of Nepal, Tucker Scott
The Hapless State of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in India: A comprehensive look at life and medical services for ALS patients in rural Himachal Pradesh, Carson J. Bergström
The Impacts of Tourism on Subak, Sawah, and the Environment, Reiley Adelson
The Inclusion of Displaced Women in the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda, Ava Strasser
The Influence of Gender on Female Business Owners in Ho Chi Minh City, Abby Busis
The Island Earth Field Studio: A High School Summer Program on Polynesian Voyaging in Hawaii, Andrea M. Bachmann
The Key Factors Driving CCP Opposition to Taiwanese Independence, Connor Warshauer
The Last Yak Song: A Recount of the Decline of Pastoral Herding in Lower Mustang, Rachel Hellman
The Middle Ground: A Comparative Study on Mexico and Morocco as Transit and Forthcoming Host Nations, Christina Sarai Roca
The Motif of Children in War in Memorialization Practices in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ana Gvozdić
The Next Page of Yoga Anatomy: An Anatomical Lens on Selected Yoga Asanas, Viana Chau
The Other Side: How Mexican-American University Students Living in Mexico Negotiate Their Transborder Identities, Francisco Javier Cernada
The Politics of Seeds and Their Effects on Small-Scale Paraguayan Farmers, Maeve Mallozzi-Kelly
The Practice of Dhikr Among Senegalese Taalibe Baay Women: Individual Devotion, Communal Well-Being, Natalie Marsh
The psychological impacts of being environmentally active, Allie White
The Relationship Between Forest Management and Stream Discharge in Mazumbai and Baga II Forest Reserves, Tanga Region, Tanzania, Shannon Duffy
There She Blows: Public Perceptions of Mt. Merapi and Mt. Agung, Trey Atticus Spadone
The Right to Housing in Spain: Community Action and Alternative Housing Models, Georgia Sparks
The Role of Local Communities in Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE) in Jordan, Anna Fraher Klingensmith
The tourist and the toured: How hostel owners navigate the age of global gentrification, Brianna Bilter
The Truth in Fiction: A Discussion of Educational Agency and Hierarchical Truth in Children’s Literature, Grace Griffin
The Understandings and Human Cost of ‘Prevention Through Deterrence,’ as seen amongst advocates in the United States and Mexico, Margaret Edwards
“Todos somos trigueños”: La presencia de los pueblos indígenas en el arte urbano de Perú, Aubrey Parke
Tracing Race Through the Narrative of a Oaxacan Ex-Bracero, Carlina Green
Una evaluación de la evolución y el futuro de la vigilancia de la pesca ilegal en Antártida bajo la CCRVMA, Courtney Jacobs
Un análisis histórico de la respuesta de organizaciones sindicales a la pandemia de COVID-19, Rachel Hodes
Unity in Diversity: Textile Expressions of the Human Condition in Times of Economic and Cultural Anxiety, Eli J. Baez
Un musical sobre las campesinas de Valle de Tambo y su resistencia socioambiental en el conflicto de Tia Maria, Gretta Lucia Marston-Lari
Using what you have: Understanding and utilizing the intergenerational make up of a porous, fluid classroom to better serve non-profit students, Timothy Bowman
Voices Unheard: Women and Their Children in Nepal’s Incarceration System, Aune Nuyttens and Mikayla Rose
Vulnerability and Adaptability of Mangrove Forests on Misali Island, Zanzibar, Tanzania, Samantha A. Smith
Water and War: The Potential for Perpetuation of Conflict Due To Climate Change, Kaufman Butler
What About the Environment?: Exploring the Neglected Third Dimension of Antimicrobial Resistance, Paige E. Montfort
What Does a "Just" Local Food System Look Like? Views from Worcester in a Changing Climate, Marguerite Cawley
When Crayons Meet Tibetan Living Room Walls: Early Childhood in Exile, Emma Hart
Winter Travel for Cold Weather Novices; Methods for Making Challenging Outdoor Experiences More Inclusive, Anders Fristedt
Working for the Worker? A Study of the Union Générale Tunisienne du Travail (UGTT), Ava Erfani